Planted Nano - Substrate Requirements? - Australian Sources?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 3, 2013
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Here we go, I'm thinking of setting up a planted nano tank approx 30L
- One betta will reside in this tank with maybe a couple of bristlenose plecos or shrimp if I can manage to source some decent species.
- I'm curious as to what kind of substrate I should use and where is it located.
- Plant wise I'm also unsure as I live in Western Australia this makes sourcing quite hard especially for those more unique plants. However I have found this site which can ship to me so any ideas off this site would be greatly appreciated
- Any other advice on planted aquariums, fertilizing and substrates would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks heaps, Smelliot
P.S. I'm also going to add some driftwood.
As for the bristle nose, in a 30L, I wouldn't recommend it. They can grow up to 12cm I believe and even one in that tank wouldn't be all that happy, sorry. Maybe have a look at some of the Corydoras Species, or as you said shrimp :)
If you were to go with any cory's, they thrive on a sand substrate. 
I'm also Australian and having a hard time finding plants, so I have to thank you for that site, and good luck! 
I know that, I have many tanks I just chuck the fry in random tanks to help cleaning them... I already have a cory tank as well so thanks anyways I wouldn't want to put them in a 30L tank.

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