New To Goldfish Care. What Should I Expect?


Mostly New Member
Oct 18, 2015
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Hey guys, so I have 3 lovely comet goldfish in a 75l tank ( I know they'll out grow it. I won't worry until then), what should their typical behaviour be? I am constantly keeping an eye of them too make sure they're not getting sick, but i only have basic knowledge.
Well, for starters, a good rule of thumb is that goldfish should have about 75l each. Since goldfish are very messy, it's good to do this for starters, even if they are considered small at the moment. As for signs to watch out for, I've read that goldfish are prone to constipation, but I'm not sure about anything else (I'll leave that to the goldfish experts here!). So for now, I'd just be on the lookout for abnormal behavior (compared to what they are like now) such as different swimming patterns, feces (or lack thereof), and eating habits. It's a good idea to at least change the water once a week in their current tank.
I don't know how long you have had them, but when I got mine back in the day (I was completely uneducated and underprepared, so just by being on here you are well ahead of where I was =)) they outgrew their initial tank in a matter of weeks. I believe they are fairly underfed at the pet stores, depending on where you get them, and they grow very rapidly when kept properly! Good luck with them!
Definitely start saving for a larger tank. As for how to tell if they're sick; like many fish, goldfish that are feeling a bit under the weather will hang out at the bottom of the tank, maybe in a corner; they may have their dorsal fin down, too. They may swim in a disinterested manner at feeding-times. Any signs of lethargy are a worry, because they should be bright, alert and busy foraging. Lying to one side, headstands and swimming upside down are certainly issues. Some goldfish might be sensitive to higher nitrate levels, even if they are within the supposed "safe" range. Mad dashing around the tank, scratching on rocks and stones may be signs of parasites. White stringy poo may indicate constipation; include some veg in their diet.
Apart from that, they are pretty hardy souls!
Goldfish are super pretty but everyone else was right when they told me they were poop machines.  You need a powerful filter and a bubbler wouldn't be bad either.  I keep mine in a freshwater set up at 74 ish degrees, so I use a heater.  For the first day, mine sucked on pebbles, moving them occasionally.  They need plants and decorations because they get bored believe it or not.  But anyways, they are pretty docile fish, I can't help you out with illness because I am new to that as well :) 
When I had goldfish, they drove me insane by uprooting everything I put into the tank, especially live plants. then they chewed the plants into bits and made an awful mess of my filter.
Very pretty, but very frustrating.

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