
February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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  1. Tool13x

    Newbie looking for plant suggestions

    Hello, I have a 55g tank setup with Rosy Barbs, a Bristle nose pleco, a Bolivian Ram and Cory cats on a sand substrate. I have been wanting to do some live plants and I really dont know where to begin. All I have for lighting is the the (2) 18" T8 Aqueon full spectrum bulbs that came with the...
  2. R

    What size tank should I keep an African dwarf frog?

    Hey guys I have a 3.5 gallon tank right now and I saw some African dwarf frogs at the store the other day and I thought they looked so cool! I haven't bought one, but I would like to. I've kept freshwater invertebrates before, so I have a little experience, just not with african dwarf frogs...
  3. dirty_bishop

    55 Gallon Dirt Substrate Community Tank

    Just wanted to share a few pics of my first aquarium.. 3 ft tank 9 Harlequins 8 Corys 4 Bristlenose 15 Neons 3 Dwarf Gouramis 3 guppies (newest addition, why not).. and about 6 or so plant species.. What do we think ? :) I'm super happy for my first tank. It's about 8 months old now.
  4. G

    Led Lights/Dwarf baby tears

    I am very interested in adding dwarf baby tears in my standard 5 gallon aquarium. I currently have the cheap LED light that came with kit and am looking to upgrade. I saw this light on Amazon and wanted to know if you think it would work for growing dwarf baby tears. I would also like to know if...
  5. G

    Led Lights/ Dwarf baby tears

    I am very interested in adding dwarf baby tears in my standard 5 gallon aquarium. I currently have the cheap LED light that came with kit and am looking to upgrade. I saw this light on Amazon and wanted to know if you think it would work for growing dwarf baby tears. I would also like to know if...
  6. BettaPonic

    My Bog Filters

    I have three tanks and use semi aquatic plants in all of them for bonus filteration.
  7. BettaPonic

    Bog Filter

    Just wanted to show off my bog filter. The tree looking plants are red mangroves. I also have dumbcane, Pothos, Chinese evergreen, and peace lilies.
  8. Tyler_Fishman


    I've received these incandescent bulbs from Somone today, I'd like to clarify if incandescent is a good option, I heard it gets a bad rap and get really hot Here's a picture
  9. dopey696

    Name That Plant

    I bought this plant from my lfs the other day, it was unlabeled and no one there knew what it was. Can anyone tell me what type of plant this might be?
  10. thrujenseyes

    am I suppose to trim these roots?! It's a jungle

    This Anubis is attached to a lava rock (how I purchased it over a year ago). The root system has grown out of control but I've let it as I think it looks really neat and my tiny inhabitants seem to dig it. My question is am I harming it by letting it get this way? Am I suppose to be trimming...
  11. FroFro

    Just Planted!

    I got some dwarf grass from the LFS in those weird gel packs. After cleaning it I broke it into much smaller clumps, stuck some of those weird flourish stones deep into the gravel, and popped the clumps within six inches of each grass clump. My cories seem VERY interest in these plants...
  12. cooledwhip

    20 Gallon Long Aquascape.. I Kinda Messed Up And It Looks Ugly

    Hey everyone. So I recently got a 20 gallon long and want to turn it into a planted tank/aquascape. I love aquascapes, they look so beautiful but I tried to set up my tank and it just looks ugly REALLY ugly. The two pieces of drift wood I got are ugly and I just don't like them at all. I also...
  13. cooledwhip

    My Bacopa Caroliniana Won't Grow.

    I have had my planted 20 gal for about a week with a small bubble filter and a 20 gallon quiet filter as well. I have seachem flourite as substrate with some java fern, anubius, and some Bacopa Caroliniana. But almost all of the bacopa isn't growing, like it turns into just stalks now, there are...
  14. notg2009

    I Thought Lighting Would Fix The Problem!

    Hey everyone, I have a 29G Marineland planted tank. I used to use the stock LED unit but decided to upgrade to better lighting in order to get better plant quality. I dose with Seachem Flourish and Flourish Excel per bottle instructions.The tank is cycled and I dose with Seachem Stability when...
  15. C

    What's Going On With This Plant (Pics)?

    I've got four of these sword plants, they were doing fine when I first put them in the tank. But now new leaves grow in distorted (ravelled edges, small, orange/red tint on the edges). The existing leaves seems to be thriving but new growth looks weak?   I'm not sure if this had anything to do...
  16. AquaPit

    My Growing 'bud'dies!

    Just Sharing... :) Feeling excited! Can't wait for them to grow!
  17. AquaPit

    Dosing Co2 Tablets

    I just bought a bottle of CO2 tablets My tank is a 30cm cube tank with low-tech plants with my Betta I am using liquid fertilisers once a week I was told to use CO2 tablets as well How to dose those tablets? Is it necessary? Is it safe? Anyone with experience using such tablets?
  18. blw0489

    What Is This Little Thing Sliding Around My Tank?

    Hello, I started a new 20g aquarium, I am 30 days into my "fishless" cycle (nitrites are still very high). I ordered 4 banana plants from, and I picked up a small fern from my LFS (not from their tanks, it was separately packaged). With my tank cycling I figured the only things...
  19. starlitsunrise

    5 Gallon Shrimp And Snail Tank

    Hey everyone,    On Wednesday I bought the Tetra Complete LED Aquarium 5. It came with a 5 gallon tank, hood, small led light, tetra whisper micro filter and some free samples of various tetra products. Plant wise, it currently has a small amount of java moss and two baby java ferns from my 10...
  20. Vspeck23

    Tiger Barb Tank - Old Tank Revived

    Today I got my tank underway ! I had my tank sitting in the garden for a few years and decided to get it up and running. being very rushed to get it up and running resulted in having 3 quarters pre mixed water from one of my fathers larger tanks down stairs.   I bought an oxygenating weed i...
  21. NeonTetra97

    Led Lighting For Plant Growth

    Hi everyone,   Just a quick question, I was wondering how suitable LED strip lights would be at supporting plant growth? I have two T8 tubes and want to boost the lighting so I can grow some more demanding plants, I also plan on adding CO2. Another benefit of these lights is they are dimmable...
  22. AquaPit

    What's This?

    Hi I would like some help in identifying why my plants look ike this? Is it because they are getting too much light? ...too little light? ...degrading because they are too old? They are Anubias btw.. New shoots seems to be shooting out too.. I want to rectify this before any more of...
  23. D

    Plant Id

    Hi all, Could anyone tell me what plant this is? Had it for a while now and was just wondering.   The black spots where the roots are growing: can these be picked off and planted to grow into another plant? Any tips for doing this successfully? Thanks!  ...
  24. D

    Rotting Roots?

    Hi, I've got a two week old plant in the tank which won't stay at the bottom, I weighted it down and waited 2 weeks, but the plant still bobs up to the top. I took the plant out (because it was floating around on the surface) and the roots seem a bit brown to me, i'm not sure whether this is...
  25. monahan95

    Why Has My Plant Gone Like This?

    I recently purchased this plant from my local fish store, when I got the plant it was in beautiful condition with nice green leaves, however, over the course of 4 days it now looks like this (the picture attached) can anyone tell me why this might be? I have noticed my pleco taking a keen...
  26. three-fingers

    Hemianthus Umbrosum - Easy Carpet Plant £5 Posted Or Swap Offers

    This is a lovely fast growing plant that can be used as a carpet or pruned into a bush.  I currently have it growing well in both my high-light tank with DIY CO2 as well as my low-light coldwater tank, seems to be very versatile!   Plants: Hemianthus umbrosum Quantity: A large portion, 3x+ what...
  27. three-fingers

    Round Pellia, Huge Portion, Sale Or Swap

    Plants: Round Pellia, Lomariopsis lineata Quantity:  A very large portion, more than you would need for a nano tank!  Will add pic. Delivery or collection: Either. Sales price: £10 posted, but will happily accept plant swap offers instead as I currently cant accept paypal. Postage and packaging...
  28. LicianDragon

    Cardinal Plant And Banana Plant Not Doing Well?

    I have a 20gal planted community tank. I use two 18watt flouri-glo lightbulbs and eco-complete substrate. All plants are doing fine except my cardinal and banana plant. The cardinal plant has spots of discoloration, like the leaves have been damaged. The banana plant's leaves constantly wilt and...
  29. Sophie

    Yay - It Sprouted!

    My Red Tiger Lotus has finally started showing some impressive growth!   Just thought I'd share with everyone   
  30. Nordk

    Plasticy Thing On My New Plant?

    So, I've bought an Amazon Sword plant at my LFS for my Gourami tank, but it's roots are held inside a plastic welike-bucket thing. What do I do, do I remove it or leave it?
  31. Robbo89

    Java Moss, Decorative Or Uncontrollable?

    So, what's the general opinion guys?   Keen to add some to the driftwood in this tank, along with an Aunbias nana, but heard it can be literally impossible to remove from an aquarium once added... advice please!     Also, could anyone ID that plant I have in the background? Cheers, Alex.
  32. DanButterworth

    90 Liter Fluval Roma, Dont Know What To Do Next :s Ideas

    Hi i have a new 90 liter fluval roma aquarium, i have added 5 liters of colombo flora base and don't know what to do next. i would ideally like to create a planted aquascape but never done anything like it so need some advice, tips and ideas. it has an aquamanta efx 300 which has a maximum 1100...
  33. B

    10L Planted Tank _-'-_-'-_ Algae Issue, Any Ideas? _-'-_-&

    Hey guys.   Ive got a litle 10 litre tank setup for 3 months - added plants (glosso and dwarf hair grass) about 2 weeks ago   Using subs. fertilizer and a litle bit (half the doze) of liquid ferts   DIY co2   Chaeto algae bulb (marine 3X3w Led running same spectrum as topical aqua plant req.) on...
  34. T

    What Is My Plant? Why Is It Furry? Will It Survive A Fishless Cycle?

    Hi guys, I'm new to the site, and general tropical fish scene. I've got a 23L Fluval Edge tank, and did relevant homework on fishless cycling. I bought a water testing kit, and am waiting on my pure ammonia. In the mean time I filled my tank with gravel and the first layer of plants. First...