
  1. Slammin’ Aquascaping

    Fungal infection (almost certain)

    This might been a more or less “she may survive but maybe not” thread, but one of my cobra female guppies started showing symptoms of an infection a week ago.I do not have much experience with fungus and infections but I have been treating the tank for a good 4 days with API Melafix (and ick...
  2. F

    Help please!! - My goldfish has eaten another fish 😭

    Hi, all: My fantail goldfish has eaten an algae eater yesterday evening (we know she is a greedy fish but this is taking it to another level). As you can see, the fish is stuck in its mouth with the tail hanging out. My goldfish is lethargic and idle, staying at the bottom of the tank. I have...
  3. Killerbro511

    Betta has big hole in head

    Hi so my betta had always had what seemed like a tiny dot missing scales on topcof his head but when i woke up its now become a massive hole. Does anyone know the cause so i can prevent it and how can i heal it? His tank mates are ember tetras and kuhli loaches
  4. N

    Betta WHITE POOP?? Help needed

    Hi I have my 2 bettas in a temporary 5gallon tank. I’m going to move them to a ten gallon soon. But my betta seems to have white poop. The water quality is fine as in ammonia=0 Nirite=0 and Nitrate=20. He is a little lethargic. Is it internal parasites? If so, what medication would u guys...
  5. M

    Female betta behind filter

    Hey guys, My female betta has started hiding behind the filter at the top of the water. I’ve checked my parameters and all are good! I’ve had her since January and never had any issues or sickness. I can’t see any damage on her so I’m a bit confused as to why she seems to be lethargic. I’ve...
  6. P

    Betta fish needs urgent help!

    Guys i would appreciate a quick response, and i would be very thankful for all responses, im a new betta fish owner and i have no idea whats happening to her. my betta fish was being inactive for a last 3-4 days, I had it since 1 year now its my first fish and im very attached to it, few days...
  7. G

    COLOSSAL Amount of Stringy Poop

    First off wow, pretty sure my fish is going to die. Based on the rate of excretion it looks like this happened over the course of a few hours. He is acting normally otherwise. I confirmed it is poop and not a parasite. I'd like to know if this is constipation and if so what treatment is...
  8. F

    HELP Betta not doing well

    PLEASE see attached. I know it’s only a betta but my young daughters first fish and part of family. Usually swims up to us and on bottom of tank. There is a white “tail” off its side when hes swimming. Can’t tell if infection or cut itself SEE ATTACHED Water Quality is fine There are “suds” on...
  9. A

    New and needing advice.

    Hey, I just registered here, and I've just recently picked up a few fish to care for. I had 2 corydoras and 4 neon tetras. now I'm down two 1 and 2. I'm very unsure how they died, all I can remember is treating the emerald cory for a bloated bladder w peas, him recovering, and then me finding...
  10. primsloaches16

    HELP PLEASE!!!!! Angelfish declining, ick or columnaris???

    Hey yall. I've had two angelfish for about 4 months now, and recently one of them has been declining in health and acting strangely. She is the smaller of the two (they are a mated pair). She used to be super active and stay close to the male, but lately she has been very lethargic and wont eat...
  11. Sushiiii

    Need help with betta!!!

    Hi! I have a betta fish named Finley, I’ve had him for two years and honestly, I had no idea what I was doing at first, but now I have educated myself more on bettas proper care. I had my Betta in a 10 gallon and he was doing well for months and I noticed his right pectoral fin was almost gone...
  12. J

    Guppy with lump and red spot, getting worse

    Hi, If anyone could reply that’s great, Me and my partner have had our 6 female guppies since the start of april, they were pregnant at the time and i think this one still is. We added three albino corydoras and some shrimp yesterday and later that evening we noticed one guppy which we think...
  13. B

    Is swim bladder medication safe for corys?

    Hi, One of my cory catfish has swim bladder disease, so I just went out and bought a medication However, it says that it can't be used for scaleless fish. I know corys have "plates" instead of scales, so would it still be safe to use? Thanks very much, any help would be appreciated
  14. T

    HELP! Algea, Fungus, and Snail Eggs???

    Hi, I have a 55 gallon aquarium that's been cycled for a month or so at least. No fish in it at the moment but a while ago a fish died and I couldn't find it so I couldn't take it out of the tank. Now I have - brown algea looking stuff on my rocks and plants - Some dark green or black algea...
  15. A

    Brand new cory catfish with possible swim bladder. Help!

    I just got 2 new luxozonas cory cats. One of them is doing great and the other was rough from the start. He swam through some bubbles and looked a little wobbly. Then he was just laying on the bottom. After a while I noticed him having a hard time keeping himself straight. Eventually he was...
  16. RenC

    White Stringy Poop

    Help! 2 of my 4 guppies have white stringy poop. They have good appetite and only one is slightly lethargic but always has been since he tends to be picked on. I recently introduced them to a new tank with 5 neon tetras and two ottos. The guppies seem to be the only 2 with issues. I’m not sure...
  17. R

    What is wrong with my Mollie.

    My mollie is acting weird for the past few days. Sometimes I find it just standing up straight and doesn’t swim at all. I have a 30 gallon tank with 6 mollies 4 corydorays and a lot of guppy babies.
  18. LexiLex888

    Growth On Fish?

    I just got this fish not to long ago, maybe 3-4 weeks. He’s been doing great with my other fish but today I noticed he has some kind of a growth on his side? I don’t know if this is an emergency or not and I don’t know what to do. What is this?
  19. LexiLex888

    Bubbles on Fish, 4 dead

    Help! About 2 months ago I decided to purchase a 55 gallon tank and start a tropical fish tank. I set it up, let it cycle for two weeks and then slowly started to add fish. I have about 25 (all tropical) fish in there now, and 4 snails. There was a slight bacterial bloom a while ago, and my...
  20. C

    Very Sick Betta Fish

    or starters my name is Courtney and I'm new to this. I have a friend who's betta fish is sick with what we believe is columnaris. Here's a little about her tank: She's had it for about a year, it's a 5g tank with heater and filter. I know she does change the filter cartridge every month and she...
  21. Fishkeeperwales

    Dying Sterbai Corydora - sickness/unknown

    Can someone please give me advice for my sterbai corydora please! I woke up this morning and went to check on my tanks and seen in my tank with corydoras that one was laying on his side still breathing, but breathing slow. When I first researched it I found a lot of forums suggesting nitrate (or...
  22. X

    Do my guppies look unhealthy?

    Hey guys, I’m pretty new to this whole hobby and am still trying to learn the ropes. I have a 10 gallon tank with 6 guppies (now 5) , 1 panda platy and 2 stripped catfish. (I plan on upgrading to a bigger tank in a month). And I recently had one guppie die due To what I think was fin rot, the...
  23. M

    SOS please help guppy dying?

    I have 3 guppies, 2 baby platies, (being moved soon), and 2 African Dwarf frogs. I just tested the water and 6.8 PH, 0 Ammonia, .25 nitrite, and 5-10 ppm Nitrate. I do weekly water changes but I made the mistake of not letting my tank fully cycle so the last week or so I have been doing smaller...
  24. A

    HELP! African dwarf frogs

    Around 2 weeks ago I bought 3 new African dwarf frogs to live with my current frog (I’ve had him for 4 years) who seemingly all looked healthy and happy! All was well until 2 days ago, one of the new frogs suddenly died. I thought it was just because of stress or age, I found him dead floating...
  25. P


    Hi there, I’m new to the forum to ask advice on what the outcome of my HUGE mistake might be. I’ve had my ten gallon tank for a year now and have 4 platys and 3 snails in it. I’ve been told by the people at my local fish store that this isn’t an overloaded tank as long as I keep on top of tank...
  26. F

    Help! BETTA FISH

    My beloved fish has been sick for about a month now. Ive tried desperately to figure out what is wrong with him and despite all my research I cant figure out whats wrong. He is visable fine scale and fin wise. He isnt constipated. However, he is extremely lethargic. When he does eat, he throws...
  27. K

    Problem with Kuhli loach quarantine

    I bought 4 tiny kuhli loaches today to add to the 6 I already had. When i say tiny i mean TINY—maybe 3/4 inch long and a millimeter or 2 thick and i have a marineland 5 gallon that i use as a quarantine. It has a back panel to hide the filter with some holes in it that i covered with mesh, BUT...
  28. M

    Does this look like dropsy?

    Hi my Betta hasn't been doing well for 14 days now. This is my first one. He's not eating, staying at bottom of tank and not swimming very much. Last night I noticed his fins were fraying so he has fin rot. This morning I put him in a shallow water to help him get to surface easier and...
  29. kitta98


    I think I may have brought a disease into my tank. Ever since I last added my 5 female guppies I have had 5 guppies for two male and three female, and a molly in one tank and recently I think I somehow contaminated my betta tank causing one of my before very healthy bright looking betta to die...
  30. Y

    Need help with my betta.

    Tank size: 55l pH: 7.5 ammonia: dont have a test nitrite: <0.3 nitrate: dont have a test kH: 3° gH: 3° tank temp: 25° (I'll explain why it's low) So the 18th of October I got my first fish a dumbo betta. First day he glass surfed near his air pump which made me turn it off and he stopped...
  31. L

    Please help! Cannot find any info on this

    Can someone please help me? One of my Dalmatian molly fish is going to die if I can't figure this out. I have a 60gallon tank, with 35+ other mollies (they keep having babies and I don't know what to do with them... but that is a problem for a different day). The tank has been established...
  32. Tyler_Fishman

    Please help!

    my rummy nose appears to have tumors inside it, I have no idea what it could be. You can see a patch of discoloration on it. Please help
  33. K

    What is this?

    My 1 year old male guppy has a weird lump in his tail. It is pretty big. He doesn't act like it's affecting him at all. He has had the same tank set up for 2 years it's a 20 gallon. They eat a variety of froazen brine shrimp, brine shrimp dry, algae flakes, and fish flakes. Any ideas to what...
  34. J

    Infection caught to late?

    Hello everyone, I am new here and also new to fish keeping. I have two tanks at the moment (mine,my partners). My partner has a 25 ltr tank with 3 platys in. We noticed recently that they spent a lot of time in the bottom of the tank and looked ill(pale/red gills). I did a water check and the...
  35. N

    HELP! Is my platy pregnant??

    I am new to this hobby and I need to know if my platy is pregnant as I will need to get the proper equipment! Thanks so much
  36. V

    My fish is swimming weird!!

    My German blue ram is swimming up side down and side ways!!!!!! Is 1 gallon big enough for a quarantine tank???? What is wrong with him?? How do I stop it?
  37. D


    hi i have a jackdempsy that ive had for about 3months then he started to get weird lines coming off of his top fin all my nitrates and stuff are normal he is in a 75 gallon aquarium and i would like to know if its something i need to worry about.
  38. H

    Oxygen Problems?! 911

    I have a 36 gallon tank that I just upgraded to. I used the decor and rocks as well as most of the water from the 10 gallon I had before. I went ahead and added my old fish in as the water parameters were testing just fine the day of and the day after. I went and added new fish. Now They're all...