
  1. Tacocat

    Seemingly random colour changes in Royal Farlowella

    I'm currently keeping 2 royal farlowella which are 2.5 and 3 inches respectively. A curious thing I notice is that the 3 inch one tends to have strange colour switches in which it gets really pale and loses all colour in the pattern, and then sometimes it regains the pattern and looks completely...
  2. rebe

    Hoplo Catfish?

    Does anybody have experience with these fish? I'm researching them as a possibility for a 280L planted community tank 😁 (It has play sand for the substrate, river rocks and mangle wood. Plants to be decided.)
  3. Stefan3289

    ground cleaner stocking ideas

    Hello all, So I currently have a 29 gallon with gravel substrate. I also have a group of 7 mollies with half being juvenile (inch or less) and half being about 1.5-2 inches. I currently have the tank salinity around 1.003/.005 as I’ve been told mollies need a little bit of salt especially when...
  4. J

    Freshwater Catfish ID

    I recently bought a small catfish from Petsmart that was mistakenly put in with the otocinclus. I have no idea what it is even after searching through google. It mostly hides until the food comes out. It’s a voracious eater and has already grown a good amount. Any help would be greatly...
  5. B

    New tiger shovel nose catfish, need some advice on behaviour.

    So im new to large freshwater fish, but have had malawis in the past. I was under the impression tiger shovel nose catfish were active fish, but i got one today and he has just hid under a log all day. It looks amazing but it would be better if i could see it swimming around in its full glory...
  6. V

    What kind of fish have you kept before?

    I just want a general consensus as to what's popular in this hobby.
  7. KnowingKira

    Ryuk fan club

  8. C

    cory cat swimming at top of tank

    in my tank i have 8 cory cats and a betta. one of my cory cats suddenly started like only swimming at the top. i mean like it has not left the top of the water since 6pm last night (it's 9am rn). whenever it tried to swim down, it just floats up again. i'm gonna attach some pics becuase you cant...
  9. AmyKieran

    When to feed my Malawi tank?

    I have a malawi tank with some bottom feeders. I rarely see the bottom feeders as they are nocturnal and only come out at night, should I feed my tank on the morning for the Malawi and hope the catfish get the food at the bottom, or feed at the night?
  10. KnowingKira

    So I am back with yet another picture of my fish since I have nobody to show him to

    I'm a simple guy, once in a blue moon when I see him not hiding, I need to have a photoshoot
  11. Frank228

    What’s wrong with my catfish?

    Hello this is Draco I’ve had him for about a year now and his stomach is getting pretty big. I’m not sure if he may be a she and is pregnant but I don’t have another catfish in there so I don’t know if it’s just going to lay infertile eggs. Draco is very active and zooms around but the stomach...
  12. T

    Corydoras skin disease

    Hey, I just recently got an aquarium from a reseller. The reseller had the aquarium for 1/2 months. Now I have it for 2 weeks. The aquarium is 60 liters, I have 6 corydoras and 5 guppies. Now I have just checked up on the aquarium, and ai have seen one of my corydorases skin looking like this...
  13. P

    Marbled Talking Catfish Sick After Pictus Dying Fast

    A few days ago, I found 2 of my 6 Pictus Catfish alive but belly up, breathing fast, and not being able to move. I removed them to a quarantine tank immediately and noticed a slight film on the rest of the pictus catfish. I removed 3 that I could find to the quarantine tank and did a water...
  14. M

    Free cardinal, rummy nose tetras + plants due to country move

    Hi all, I live in central/north London and have a planted 180L tank with various freshwater fish, all bought around 6-12 month ago. Due to moving country, I will not be able to take the fish or plants with me unfortunately, so I'm looking for a new home for them. Ideally, you would be...
  15. KnowingKira

    Here's a picture of my pleco for absolutely no reason.

    I've had Larry over here for 5 years, boy is living his best life.
  16. Tacocat

    What water conditions do I need to have for Asian Stone Catfish?

    I have a 5 gallon tank with 10 life forms, but I recently learned that 2 types favour opposite water hardness and ph, so I'm wondering what kind of parameters Stone Catfish prefer so that I can return the appropriate one to my LFS.
  17. C

    Amano Shrimps?

    Hello all, I'm wondering how much extent will amano shrimps reduce algae growth and clean up remaining food on the substrate? Currently, I have eight danios, two amano shrimps, two bristlenose catfish, and one albino cory catfish in a 10-gallon tank. There are occasional leftover danios...
  18. KnowingKira

    Update on my spotted raphael catfish.

    Ryuk has apparently been doing fine and dandy after I posted that other thing. If you check what I've posted before you might see I thought he wasn't okay. He quite literally knocked over two shells on his nightly workout recently and honestly good on him. Here's a picture
  19. M

    Should I replace my lost corycat?

    I lost one of my three peppered corycats today. Since my once tiny school is now a pair, should I replace the lost cory? If so, will a new peppered cory school well with the other two (who I’ve had for about a year)? I also have 3 oto cats, 5 harlequin rasboras, and a honey Gourami in the tank...
  20. KnowingKira

    Spotted raphael catfish seems to be dying

    Hello. I've been seeing an issue with my spotted raphael catfish recently. I cleaned the tank recently and he has been getting comfy face first/face up or horizontally between the tank walls / a rock and moves not as much as he used to and it's a bit worrying. I got him roughly 8/9 years ago...
  21. Mizz_MayDK

    L181 pleco and Corydoras Venezuela Black

    I have bought 5 L181 pleco - naturally they are quarantined in a separate tank, but when they are ready to be moved out of quarantine I want to place them together with my Corydoras Venezuela Black. Is this a good combo? I don’t want to risk my corys lives or their fins being bitten of
  22. LuluH

    Help needed to identify a changing catfish

    Hello ! I bought this little fella or lady 6 months ago and it was 2 inches long , I have a 220litre tank so room to grow. It hid for many months,.. it was black and white/nude coloured brain lobe patterning that attracted me .. however... I love it but its changed to a dark and mid brown ( see...
  23. B

    OMG!! Please help me and my Banjo!

    so basically i moved him to my corydora breeder i think it all started by getting nipped by my semi aggressive yo yo loaches, giving the catfish its stress. There after a week went by i gave half doses of melafix. Then i started to notice huge white sore on him, they are so big i almost...
  24. P

    Corydora staying in the corner of the tank

    Hey guys a few months ago i got 3 corydoras and they were doing well and swimming around, but recently one out of the 3 has been staying in the back corner of the tank all alone and won’t move. he definitely is alive because i kinda nudged him out of the corner with a net because i was worried...
  25. C

    Bristlenose Pleco

    Hi there, Just got a bristlenose pleco about 4 days ago and noticed it growing (more?) bristles on one side of his face? Kindve white? Any ideas?? Healthy :)
  26. M

    Is Flourite Black okay for pigmy cories?

    Hey. I have a tank with a top layer of fluval stratum and a bottom layer of flourite black clay gravel. I put it all in there a while ago because I was trying out the flourite black and then it turned out I needed more substrate. but now I realize that I want to do a better scape and add lava...
  27. K

    synodontis catfish sudden death :'(

    Hi everyone. We have had a synodontis catfish for most of our fish keeping life. I came downstairs this morning to see he had passed away. I am utterly devastated, he was the friendliest fish we have had in our tank and he was absolutely gorgeous, even neon looking around his edges. He was my 3...
  28. primsloaches16

    Help!! Synodontis Nigrita or Ocellifer?

    Hey y'all! I was under the impression that my two fish, Shade and Midnight, were Upside Down Catfish (Synodontis Nigriventis) as they were SOLD AS SUCH, WITH MY NIGRIVENTIS. Looking further into it, they do not match the coloration or shape, so I went sleuthing. As far as I can see, I believe...
  29. N

    Poorly baby brittlenose

    I purchased 2 brittlenoses on Saturday from Pets at Home. One is very active the other (pictured) is very shy and hides away. Today I noticed golden barbs pecking at him while he was motionless on the gravel. I took him out of the tank and have now put him a newer tank with just minnows and...
  30. Pugsnstuf

    A species that needs to be taken in.

    Has anyone ever heard of Aspidoras? I think these would be a great substitute for those who want Corydoras, but want a different body shape. They are interesting catfish, and I really wish to hear from one who has Aspidoras!
  31. O

    Will bumblebee catfish be more active if in groups?

    In the future im thinking of having a maybe species only tank or such of bumblebee catfish. I heard from a few forums that bumblebee catfish will be more active in a group a 5 or so like kuhli loaches. Is this true if so has anyone had personal experience of this?
  32. O

    Can I put bumblebee catfish with halfbeaks?

    Hi in the future I want a tank with bumblebee catfish with some halfbeaks. Do you guys think it will be a safe setup? I know that bumblebee catfish will eat what ever will fit in their mouths and some halfbeaks might be susceptible to that. But halfbeaks are top swimmers while bumblebee catfish...
  33. A

    Featherfin Catfish food help?

    Hello! I have a 75 gallon with only a featherfin catfish, 5 mollies, and 5 zebra danios, so far. The featherfin has lived in a 20 gallon hex tank for a year, since he was a baby (yikes, I know!!), so he’s not a great scavenger in the big tank yet. I feed Hikari sinking wafers for my...
  34. B

    Mysterious worms infestation

    Hi I have an infestation of worms in my tanks which I can see squirming all over the tank walls, if anyone knows what they are and if they are harmful to the fish that would be good to know and also if anyone knows any methods to get rid of them? I've cleaned and re set up those tanks numerous...
  35. X

    Are my catfish fighting or playing??

    Hey guys, im pretty new to the hobby and I have a question about two of my catfish, one is a spotted Raphael catfish and one is a stripped. They live in a 10 gallon with 6 other guppies, i had them for about a month and plan on upgrading tanks in less than 2 weeks. I noticed when i turn off the...
  36. Tttay89

    How to feed upside down catfish that hides

    I bought an upside down catfish over a week ago for my 110 litre, he was very active in store and very active when I introduced him to the tank and is the largest fish in the tank at around 3.5-4 inches , next day it was gone. I do keep seeing his tail poking out of a cave or from behind drift...
  37. T

    Corydora with whit spot on fin

    Hello, so I have had 3 corydoras in my tank for around 5 months now and they have been completely fine so far however 2 days ago I noticed a small white lump on his back fin and decided to monitor it. It has not gone away so am wondering if anyone knows what it is and how I can treat it. I have...
  38. C

    Baby betta with other fish?

    Okay so I have a little female baby betta right now, she’s really cool you know she’s in a 1.5 gallon with some fake plants, a heater, no filter since it was all a bit too strong for her. But we do frequent water changes. Anyway I usually have a bunch of corys in my adult male betta tank. I have...
  39. P

    Venomous fish sold to me as Kuhli loach? ID help

    Hi! I got an account to ask for help identifying one of the fish I have which I strongly suspect is not a Kuhli loach and to me most closely resembles a wild caught, venomous Madtom Catfish. I got her about a year ago, before I knew much about Kuhli loaches. She was the only bottom feeder in...
  40. L

    Sick Synodontis?

    I’ve had a synodontis eupterus for almost 4 years now. About a month ago, I transferred him from my 55 gallon to a newly cycled 75 gallon. I gathered my own driftwood from the banks of the Mississippi and treated them thoroughly before putting them in the tank. I have added 5 Congo tetras, 3...