What water conditions do I need to have for Asian Stone Catfish?


Fish Herder
Pet of the Month 🎖️
May 28, 2021
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I have a 5 gallon tank with 10 life forms, but I recently learned that 2 types favour opposite water hardness and ph, so I'm wondering what kind of parameters Stone Catfish prefer so that I can return the appropriate one to my LFS.
I have a 5 gallon tank with 10 life forms, but I recently learned that 2 types favour opposite water hardness and ph, so I'm wondering what kind of parameters Stone Catfish prefer so that I can return the appropriate one to my LFS.
SeriouslyFish.com have very detailed care guides. They have your catfish and all of the water parameters, tank requirements etc. I don’t have any personal knowledge or experience.
What is the livestock of the tank?

10 fish in a 5 gallon tank already sounds like a disaster.
What is the livestock of the tank?

10 fish in a 5 gallon tank already sounds like a disaster.
Yeah I think I might have overdone it. I'm hoping I will be able to exchange fish at my LFS. So like, I can return either guppies or tetras, and hopefully get a discount or trade for a stone catfish. My current tank has a pair of guppies, 2 ruby tetras, 1 cardinal tetra who's partner died during transportation, 4 cherry shrimp and 1 ramshorn.
Yes I know that tetras should be in a bigger group or in a bigger tank, and are incompatible with guppies because of water hardness and whatnot, but at the time I didn't do my research, and I thought *OOH! MORE FISH*. So now, I'm taking trying to keep them alive and bring them to the proper places.
The 'ruby tetras' are actually Boraras maculatus going by the photos in another thread

It is better to keep fish which come from water with similar hardness your tap water so the first thing to do is find out how hard your tap water is. Are you on mains water or a well? If it's main water, the water provider's website should say how hard your water is.

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