
  1. J

    Help with potential Camallanus Worms in Guppies

    Hi there. More than a month ago, I made a post asking if a guppy I had recently bought is pregnant. She has not had babies yet and I am concerned she is infested with Camallanus worms. I bought another guppy with this one and both looked a bit fat in the shop, but since then it's gotten much...
  2. PackardG00SE

    Should I do a water change?

    I just set up my first fish tank about 2 weeks ago. I added fish to it 10 days ago. I tested the water. It is low in ammonia, nitrates and nitrites, but relatively high in minerals like copper and iron. I had planned to do my first water change tomorrow, but now I’m not sure if that’s such a...
  3. G

    White spot on platy?!

    Hello, I got up this morning and noticed this white spot by my platys eye. I’ve not seen anything like it before but look sort of red aswell? Any help or ideas of what it could be would be greatly appreciated!
  4. B

    Does this look like a healthy tank?

    Hi! This is my first fish tank, it’s a heavily planted 7 gallon, and for stocking I have some snails, 2 ghost shrimp, and 10 phoenix and strawberry Rasbora. I feed them everyday a little pinch of fish flakes, and about 1-2 times a week I give them brine shrimp. I have had this tank setup for...
  5. B

    Deciding on the right puffer

    Hi I’m researching the best puffer to put in my 10 gallon tank. Because I don’t really want to upgrade the tank(I have no space at home😢) it’s either a couple pea puffers or a figure 8 puffer. But I haven’t seen anyone have one in a 10 gal so I don’t know if it would be ok. It has plants and has...
  6. J

    Sick Goldfish - Seeking Assistance with Diagnosis

    I need urgent advice for a sick goldfish. It's a bit of a messy situation and there are no local fish vets available. I moved a sick goldfish from my parent's pond to a 60L hospital tank. She has a swollen abdomen, red patches on her face and near the base of some fins, and her one eye has less...
  7. R

    Is this ich?

    My betta fish has just grown out of stress stripes and is growing new fins; now I see these dots. Do these look like ich? I couldn't get good photos of the sides, but the most noticeable is his head. 10 gallon tank, filtered, heated to 82 F (to see if it helps) normally is at 80 F 3 guppies +...
  8. Stefan3289

    Territorial convict parrot hybrid help

    Hello all, The other day I noticed one of my PB convict parrot cichlids was being very territorial over a area on the right side of my tank. Currently I took him out the tank while I clean. What are some things I could try? I have 6 of them to reduce the aggression and so one doesn’t get picked...
  9. W

    Should I get get panda garra’s?

    Hello fellow aquarists, I have a question. In my i tank I have the U4 fluval filter and a heater (plus thermometer)(photos attached) with plants, wood and rock in it and 1 zebra nerite snail, 3 amano shrimp, 2 bamboo shrimp, 4 bronze corydoras, 8 harlequin rasboras, 1 metallic Amazon blue...
  10. ella777

    Syphon recommendations?

    Everyone is saying I need to give my tank a water change, but I have no idea what syphon to use. The main thing is putting fresh water back in, my tank is 128cm off the floor, and far away from any tap. Using a jug for 200l is definitely a full body work out, and is very time consuming. I...
  11. thenaturalhales

    Advice on eye!

    I changed the substrate yesterday to sand to help keep my Cory’s safe and when I returned them back from the holding tank that had their tank water in it, one of my baby Cory’s eye looks really bad. I put some melafix in the tank but I think he’s be happier in the big tank than moving him to a...
  12. J

    Cardinal Dennerli Shrimps Dying?!

    Hello everyone im not new in the shrimps hobby and breeding shrimps i got 3 tanks with neocaridina and 3 tanks with caridina and tigers galaxies tibee amanos almost everything and all is doing fine except caridinals now my problem is that i got a new tank from 2 weeks with cardinal shrimps like...
  13. ChrisInDC

    75 Gallon Advice needed

    Hey everyone, I posted initially to the welcome section and didn't want to post another thread there. So, per the advice i received in that thread, i have gotten the canister filter up and running and the plants in. You'll see in the photos where the pH sits so my stocking advice can be a little...
  14. Koish

    Needing Zebra Danios Breeding Advice

    I'm planning on breeding some zebra danios, and I have found that most resources recommend putting a large clump of java moss (or really any free floating plant) in the breeding tank. Do I have to put the java moss in, or will they still breed without it? Are there any alternatives? Any help...
  15. ChrisInDC

    Introduction and Stocking Questions!

    Greetings everyone, this is the first fish forum that popped up when searching fishkeeping forum so i'm glad to be here, was hoping to find a friendly place and after some investigation it seems as though i did just that. I started with a betta a year ago having no idea what i was doing. I went...
  16. L

    Why do my fish keep dying

    Hi, I seem to be having an issue with my tank and so far every fish I’ve got has died after a few weeks. I have cycled the tank, checked all levels are ‘good’ and the only issue I can think of is that our water is hard with a PH of 8. I have had two bettas (not at the same time) but after...
  17. Guyb93

    Should you help others ?

    Obviously were all here because we needed help or helped someone else I’m definitely somebody who has been help along the way but when pure ignorance is a continuous factor in people’s mistakes should we just leave them to it or carry on helping , honestly you can’t fix stupid and you can’t...
  18. D

    20G High Questions/Ideas/Suggestions

    Hello All! I have tried to find some good forums for getting back into the hobby but none seem to be very active or as engaging as this one. I've run quite a few successful tanks in the past but havent done so in a while. I set-up a 20 gallon high, planted tank. Theres about 8 different plants...
  19. Uberhoust

    Pet Store Employee Berated for Giving Good Advice

    Just an observation: I think it is important to realize that being the point of contact for customers at fish store is not always a pleasant task. A couple of days ago I was browsing the fish one of the big pet stores, I always do, when a customer asked the young man at the fish section about...
  20. April_ht

    70 Litre (18 Gallon) Tank Restart

    Yesterday, I came to the decision to swap my tank from cold water to tropical. I sold my WCMM and Corydoras, and now have an 18 Gallon tank empty and ready for a fresh start. I done a 95% water change and did not wash the substrate so as not to have to cycle again, though I suspect I may go...
  21. B

    molly disease, help pls !

    I have a black balloon molly. as i was doing a water change today i noticed he has a grey film on him and his fins are clamped, he is actively swimming and acting normal though. i am thinking it is velvet but i am not sure. what do i do? there are 2 other fish in the tank and some snails. i do...
  22. Z

    Thought java fern was dying but I guess it's reproducing?

    I had a java fern in my tank for approximately five days when it started developing little offshoots. Worried about what they were as I got so many answers online, I separated it and put it into a cup of the same aquarium water and Fluorite substrate, with some Osmocote Plus, and under a grow...
  23. C

    54l Stock Question

    Hello forum! I have owned 5 danios for a bit over 2 years now, recently however they have dropped off, down to just the 3. I noticed some aggressive behaviour since - which I put down to the lack of danios. Because of this, and the fact i couldn't stand to see the fish upset, I went out and...
  24. G

    Anyone know what's wrong with my Neon?

    I've attached a link to a YouTube video I filmed of my new Neon. I just got him today as part of an extra group of 4 Neon's I'm adding to my existing 5 Neon's. All the other Neon's are fine but as you can hopefully see in the video, he seems to have problems staying level. When he swims he's...
  25. N

    Female Gourami with Cotton fungus growth

    Hello, i've had a pair of Dwarf Gourami for around 3 weeks, the male is perfectly fine, however the female around 7 days ago started growing a cotton ball like mass on her pelvic fin, i've put her in a QT and treated with Aquarium salt to help starve the fungus, and have also been using Pimafix...
  26. K

    DIY decorations/accessories

    Not sure if this is posted int he right section of the forum, if not then admin please feel free to move it to somewhere more appropriate. I've managed to get hold of some beautiful pieces of slate which I am planning to cut down and make a cave/hide out of. My question is what is the best...
  27. K

    Gourami sex?

    Can anyone help identify the sex of these 3 gourami for me please. From what I've read it's to do with top fin shape but someone else said colour and now I am unsure?
  28. K

    Good afternoon

    Hi all. My name is kirsty and my I kept (and bred) livebearers when I was much longer. I have recently returned to fish keeping when my partner returned home one day with a huge 4ft aquarium (300l) with fish already in it which someone had given him the opportunity to re-home. After doing my...
  29. April_ht

    Subtropical Community Tank

    Unfortunately 3 of my platy fish jumped out of a bucket while I was re-scaping my tank for a planted aquarium, so I am now left with 6 WCMM. I never really took it serious that fish would jump, and a platy of all fish :confused: guess I've learnt my lesson now. Anyways, I've invested in a good...
  30. April_ht

    New Substrate

    Hi again, I'm currently in the process of transferring to live plants and as such have purchased a new substrate (as well as plant fertiliser, ammonia test, new light & hardscape). I have bought a normal gravel substrate to mix with a plant substrate, more specifically Golden Tree Aqua Soil. I...
  31. April_ht

    Freshwater plants (cold water)

    What plants would be best suited for a cold water planted tank? Information about my tank: 70 litres (18 Gallons) 60l x 30w x 40h in cm (approx 24l x 12w x 16h in inches) Water hardness 105ppm or 5.5dH pH 7.5 Temp: 18 degrees Celsius after a water change and 20 degrees Celsius on average. No co2...
  32. April_ht

    5 gallon killifish tank

    I have a 4.2 gallon tank that was used to house platy fry for about 2 months and was only emptied this weekend, however the tank or sponge filter have not been washed as I don’t want to remove beneficial bacteria. If I were to get this set up and cycled again, would it be possible to have a pair...
  33. April_ht

    70 Litre stocking (again)

    I currently have a 70 litre (around 18.5 gallon) tank with 6 golden white clouds and 4 platy (3 female, 1 male). The tank has live plants and one decoration, as well as a piece of driftwood. Currently not using plant substrate, just normal gravel from a pet store. Water hardness about 105 ppm...
  34. sweeteybabey

    Just Some Random Questions!

    Hello everyone! My 20gal is finally cycled (after 17 days :D) and I'm beginning to buy stuff to fully decorate it. I was wondering if I can use trimmings of my ginseng bonsai tree for decoration? I would boil the leaves since I use bonsai ferts, but I wanted to check just in case it's harmful, I...
  35. sweeteybabey

    Can I Use Fritz 7 As An Alternative For API Stress Zyme?

    I'm beginning to cycle my new 20G long tank, and I'm so excited! One (funny) mistake I made is buying a huge bottle of Fritz Zyme 7, thinking that it's a substitute for API Stress Zyme. But I've seen that they're intended for entirely different purposes ? Am I allowed to dose Fritz 7 weekly...
  36. Guyb93

    Question for a friend

    I have a friend , who’s not a friend , but still a friend of a friend and somewhere through the grape vine they are aware I have fish and asked for some info unknowingly I know nothing but they keep Malawi cichlids, don’t know the type or the tank size iv saw photos and nothing looks out of...
  37. S

    Need Filtration and Substrate Advice 75 Gallon Planted Tank

    1- I am going back and forth between HOB, Submersed, or Cannister filter. Can somebody explain to me why whether it is worth it or not to invest in a canister filter over a Fluval C Power Series (HOB)? I understand that canister filters can be customizable but could they cause too much hassle...
  38. sweeteybabey

    I Need Some Quick Reasurance!

    Hello everyone! I'm not particularly stressed, but I'm just curious and slightly worried about one of my albino female corydoras. She had a red spot that faded to black on her egg area around a week ago, but it's completely gone now and she was lethargic for one day but instantly improved (it...
  39. Corydoras_Catwoman

    Should I get another honey gourami?

    Hi everyone, I need some advice on my gourami situation. I have a 240L (understocked) community tank with a female Pearl gourami, and a single male honey as his partner passed away last month. The two get along well and don’t fight or compete for territory, but I’m concerned that if I introduce...
  40. Kat1053

    Rasbora or danio?

    Hi everyone! I’m kind of new to fish keeping I currently have a male betta fish and a zebra snail in a 5 gallon tank and I’m in the process of cycling a 10 gallon but I can’t decide wether to get galaxy rasboras or maybe zebra danios, the filter I have for the 10gal has a bit of a current and my...