What are you doing today?

Not getting that done. It's at Fremantle or Fiona Stanley Hospital. Both are full of drug resistant bacteria and Fremantle hospital is one of the worst in the country.

I was taken to Fremantle when I was hit by a car and they sent me home 4 hours later with a huge lump on my head, and crushed vertebrate and discs in my back and neck. I was taken back in the next day because I kept falling down and couldn't stand up. Then they screwed up the x-rays and CAT scans and had to do them again. So I got exposed to 2 full body CAT scans and 2 complete body x-rays. CAT scans are 20 minute long x-rays and are really bad for you.

Some years later I spent 8 hours sitting in the waiting room after I had a stroke and eventually they said go home and if you still have a headache tomorrow, call your doctor.

They gave me expired medication when I was having a heart attack and said "You didn't respond to the medication so your not having a heart attack". Wrong. They fuplied that up.

And every time since then they have had to take the x-rays again because the first lot didn't work. Turns out they are a teaching hospital and like to get 2 lots of x-rays per patient so the radiographer can get more practice.

Just about as bad as Albany hospital that told me to go see a doctor when I walked in saying I was pooping and coughing up blood.
The doctor said "You don't have hemorrhoids, go see a doctor".
I said "Like WTF, you are a doctor aren't you?"
Doctor said "Yes I am a doctor"
I said "Then fuplie fix me".
Doctor said "No, sorry sir, you have to go and see a doctor".
I said "But you are a doctor".
Doctor said "Yes sir, I am a doctor but you have to see a private doctor to get checked and fixed".
I said "Why do we have a public hospital for if the doctors don't treat you?"

The public health system in this country is crap.
This country isn’t much better
Nice! Seems like a good day!
Could be a pumpkinseed... Hard to tell though with it not being too colored up. I think that one is a female.
Well today there might be some extremely unladylike language eminating from my bathroom. o_O

No...all the gizmo's that I glued to the wall have not dropped off (much to my shock & amazement) :thumbs:

Today is part one of a mad hole filling and sugar soaping session before attacking the bathroom (and probably me too) with paint. :/

I have a huge hole in the wall to put polyfilla in....7ft off the floor....in a corner....around some gas central heating pipes that the radiator installer said would be boxed in.....he said that in January 2019 and I still have a hole almost the size of a double decker bus in the wall......well OK....maybe not a double decker bus....perhaps half a double decker bus... :fun:

So it will be me...on a step ladder....terrified of heights.....trying to stuff polyfiller into a crater and make it stay.....I might cheat and mix super glue with the polyfiller :shout:

Then its sugar soap the wall to be redecorated, the doorframe and the door ready for painting tomorrow. when the bad language will be guaranteed to be unladylike since I usually get more paint onto me than the thing being painted... :|
Highschool started up again. Biking to school this time. First day was on Tuesday, and already got called slurs from the 8th grade kids with egos bigger than Russia.
Just know that what they say is not bigger than you and who you are. You are amazing :)
Yep definitely was. I was using a rooster tail and it worked amazing. Unfortunately, I snagged it right at the end 😕
That always sucks when it snags but once you start learning new techniques and where to cast, you won't get snagged AS MUCH.
Especially once your familiar with the area.
Glad to see your using a lyre now instead of bait 😀

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