Planted Betta Sorority (Pic Heavy)

Update picture:

I added a tiny anubias (left front corner on lava rock) and another cutting of Rotala just behind the tall one. I'm going to working on getting that corner full of Rotala so long as the crypts don't send runner that way. Speaking of runners, I've noticed 3 more coming up. I should have plenty of extra plants when I get to dirting the 20 long :D
Update picture:
View attachment 83514

I added a tiny anubias (left front corner on lava rock) and another cutting of Rotala just behind the tall one. I'm going to working on getting that corner full of Rotala so long as the crypts don't send runner that way. Speaking of runners, I've noticed 3 more coming up. I should have plenty of extra plants when I get to dirting the 20 long :D
Oh man this looks soo darn awesome!
I'm switching this thread's focus over to the male plakat, so still the same tank just different fish. Wish I could change the title of the thread. The girl's will be in the other thread "Try for the black water look".

Anyways, Otabek is doing perfectly fine. I need to get a picture of the entire tank, the new-ish crypt is getting pretty filled out.
Side talk:
Sorry Demeter I cant buy the crypts anymore, or atm unless I grow them emersed which I have to burden doing. But I just ordered some belem, rare plant, that took up the empty space....
Gonna get rich sorry ;)
BUT I may still take you up on the offer whenever you can since, again I can just grow them emersed :D
The crypts seem to of slowed down with the runners, there's only a few little plants here and there. The rotala isn't doing so hot in this tank, I think the mystery snails are taking the chance to munch on them.

Im thinking of trying root tabs for my crypts.
You only have the pebble substrate right? I would imagine that the nice layer of organic material you had before the flood is long gone so they can't feed off that. I think the root tabs will help out quite a bit.

I've been thinking of adding a few more pieces of clay here and there among the plants, maybe they've already used up the clay I added when I first dirted the tank.
Yes just pea gravel

Nothing wrong with that, it did perfectly well on its own before. Plus I think it looks very natural, like a rocky river bed.

I was at my lovely LPS, trading in a couple of Africans cichlids when I saw this interesting little fish trying to hide in a bare tank. There was an equally interesting pleco of some sort, had a very long, thin tail along with a big male abino BN and a younger normal male BN + half a dozen or so ghost shrimp. Anyways, I saw this certain fish and had to have it.


As I've said before, I've been looking for banded kuhlis for a long time now. I believe I finally found one. The store lady said a guy brought all these interesting fish in and she wanted the boss man to come see them and take the plecos home. Good thing I showed up before him for the loach. I trading the 2 Africans for the loach.

I'm thinking this is the larger species of banded kuhli. This thing is massive compared to my other one, like twice the girth and a bit longer. I might end up moving all the loaches to the girls' tank, I feel kinda bad keeping this big boy/girl in a 10gal.

It'll be interesting seeing how this guy does. It was all alone in a tank with the pelcos. The only hiding place it had was the sponge filter and behind the build in filter thing. I'm sure all the loaches will get along, hopefully he/she is happier in this tank, small as it may be. At least there's friends and plenty of cover.
Nice healthy looking fish, I bet he will love his new home.
He's already been added to the tank, I just fed them some frozen brine shrimp too. Otabek loves the shrimp as do the black kuhlis. The 2 banded ones haven't found the food yet.

I probably should of quarantined him, but I thought it best to add him right away to reduce stress. Plus my quarantine is full of fry atm.
My wife says you are a bad influence, I went out and got 6 Kuhlis.
HAHAHA kuhli loaches are extremely adorable though. No planted tank is complete w/o them ;)

But really, if you have to blame someone blame my eldest sister. That's how I ended up with the first banded kuhli, I just felt the need to get her some friends.

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