I had some yellow labs in with mine. Consensus is that this is ok but you have to be wary of the different dietry requirements. Others aren't so suitable due to the aggression.
An all male community does look good, but you have to be ready to swap fish in and out to make sure you get the right balance in the tank.
By balance you mean? I have done some research on Aulonocara and have found that most are compatible with each other. The fish I have picked for stocking should all be approximately the same adult size and all different coloration for variety and to keep from having cross-breeding, hopefully. I would still want some females for possible breeding too.
By balance I'm talking about aggression. Fish have very individual personalities and you can't guarantee that they will always get along. I found that adding one wrong fish could throw the whole thing out of kilter.
Yes most Aulonocara are compatible, as long as the males don't look alike. What have you picked out so far for stocking?
The problem with having "some" females is that the males aren't fussy - not at all! And because most of the females look the same, there will more than likely be some cross-breeding. I would suggest you either have a few breeding groups (not just Aulonocara, but some of the smaller Haps), or go down the all male route. I wouldn't recommend just having a couple of females in there with a load of males.
I am quoting verbatim from my ex as he sits here.. he has paid our mortgage in full multiple times with his breeding tanks tha used to be in our basement.
He admits this is his take and could be a narrow view.
" Even the best of Mbuna get pissy. Keep them out of your Peacock tanks.. AN all male is easy, Yet with the exception of color they become boring as they will swim without reason.
Although colored none are ever fully colored without the females, peacocks are not suited for normal African tanks they are fringe fish.. not quite rock dwellers but not fully open water.
His advise, 2 colors in a 1 to 3 and let em fight a bit.. calls it "imaginary tug of war" you get the full effect of the natural behavior and full show quality color, which is what makes these fish fun, not a bunch of 1/2 colored, lost souls.
He smiled about the "all females look alike" comment and responded
"Somewhat, BUT given proper care and discretionary mixing a cross grouping will be selective, including females, YOU cant see the differences, They can, you introduce the like strains together then yes,that is a mistake, maybe.. a good balance is key, and never let a weak male hold a group... (one statement i had issue with as he would banish a non fighter and replace him)
I know not the F0 - f1 stuff he talked. It's so complicated,
If you want action then go Mbuna, overstock at 1-3, and enjoy.
now i personally know little about them I do however trust this advice, since he has over 17years breeding, and that he didn't just make that up.