
New Member
Feb 3, 2022
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Can someone help me identify these eggs? We've only had our tank set up for 2 weeks. We've got a lot of live plants, including java moss and dwarf hair grass. We've got 5 glofish tetras, 5 turquoise rainbow fish, 2 panda gorras and 1 clown pleco. The eggs are on a piece of drift wood with Java moss on it. We haven't had any pest snails in the tank at all. Thank you!


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Pleco eggs is my guess...but a bit difficult to tell from these pics

Also, a few concerns about this tank...if it has only been set up for two weeks, it is probably not cycled...what are your readings for ammonia, nitrIte, and nitrAte, using a liquid test kit?

What size is the tank?

Also, what is the hardness of your tap water? Tetras are soft water fish, rainbows prefer hard water
Pleco eggs is my guess...but a bit difficult to tell from these pics

Also, a few concerns about this tank...if it has only been set up for two weeks, it is probably not cycled...what are your readings for ammonia, nitrIte, and nitrAte, using a liquid test kit?

What size is the tank?

Also, what is the hardness of your tap water? Tetras are soft water fish, rainbows prefer hard water
We used half water from an already cycled tank and the rest RO water, plus we used beneficial bacteria. We made sure it was cycled before we got fish. Testing the levels right now. 30 gallon, GH is at 5 dgh. Ammonia is 0, nitrate is 0 and nitrite 0.2. We did a water change 3 days ago.
We used half water from an already cycled tank and the rest RO water, plus we used beneficial bacteria. We made sure it was cycled before we got fish. Testing the levels right now. 30 gallon, GH is at 5 dgh. Ammonia is 0, nitrate is 0 and nitrite 0.2. We did a water change 3 days ago.
So, you are showing traces of nitrIte, or was that a typo?

Just water from a cycled tank contains no beneficial bacteria, they colonize on hard surfaces.
A cycled tank has 0 ammonia, 0 nitrItes, and some nitrates...this tank is not cycled if there are ANY nitrItes

What kind of test kit are you using?
Doesn't the nitrogen cycle continue? Won't these nitrites turn into nitrates and then get eaten by my live plants? Sorry, just a little confused. I thought the tank was continuing it's cycle almost constantly.
Once a tank is cycled, the beneficial bacteria (and the plants, to some extent) will consume both ammonia and nitrItes, instantly...they should never register on a test...nitrAtes, on the other hand, are usually not ever "totally" consumed, unless the tank is HEAVILY planted...nitrAtes at low levels (<20 PPM) are not harmful to fish

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