
February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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  1. A

    Got Axolotls in Today!

    I finally got axolotls today and I'm so excited!!! I haven't owned any in quite a while so it's really nice to have them again. I got a total of four, all in different colours. I got an albino male, golden male, leucistic female and melanoid female. I'm absolutely in love, they look so gorgeous...
  2. F

    Breeding Tank Rack Help

    Hi All, Growing up was a keen freshwater aquarium hobbyist and breeder. Recently my son has shown an interest in the hobby and looking to get back into it. I'm looking at building a 3-tier breeding rack setup primarily for betta, angelfish and cherry shrimp for now. We have been gradually...
  3. D

    Breeding baby brine shrimp

    Hi people, I'm contemplating about using a spare tank that I have to breed brine shrimp to feed my tropical fish. I'm based in the U.K. I know that you can use cone shaped bottles but I'm not sure if that would be suitable for long term breeding. My question is, would it be cost worthy to...
  4. Avengertank

    Platy Breeding help

    Hello, I'm new here as of 9 minutes ago 105L tank. The avengers, all fish are marvel characters :) Several amazing guppies, yoyo and 3 platys Started my first planted aquarium (not relevant) convinced my platys are pregnant. Breeding box on its way tomorrow. The box is 10cm by 7.5 I don't...
  5. Anubias Banana

    Endler Guppy Hybrid question

    A purely hypothetical question for those who have bred Endlers x Guppies, do you get better results going for male Endlers with female Guppies or male Guppies with female Endlers?
  6. GothFishKeeper

    Need advice for breeding setup

    So my current setup is a 20G tank with live plants including hornwort wrapped around some spider wood as a “tree” to provide cover for my molly fry. The issue is that I have 11 full size fish in my tank, and I already have 20+ fry from one of my mollies giving birth. On top of that I have two...
  7. J

    Zebra Danio Breeding

    I recently decided I was going to try and breed zebra danios. I saw a video using a breeding box so I bought one from Amazon. I do think it is a little on the small size so I swapped the slits in the bottom for some marbles to add more space. I believe I have 2 female zebras and 1 male leopard...
  8. Jem123

    Male or female?

    Hi, new to keeping guppies. I thought all mine were male as wasn't planning to breed but suspicious this orange one may be female due to anal fin and male behaviour changes towards him/her. Thoughts please on the sex?
  9. Irksome

    Why don’t my endlers breed?

    Hello. I have a small, heavily planted 6 gallon tank which I have been using to keep some endlers while deciding whether to divide them into my separate sex guppy tanks. I realise they are slightly over stocked, with two males and six females. In just over 3 months none have developed round...
  10. F

    Why is line breeding often considered a responsible practice in the breeding community?

    I'm genuinely curious about why line breeding is seen as a responsible way to breed fish. I understand it's not as severe as 'inbreeding' since you breed the fish with indirect relatives like their grandparents or cousins. However, isn't that still a form of inbreeding? While the offspring may...
  11. atarah

    Pregnant guppies and breeding boxes questions

    Hi! I am new to the forum and fairly new to the hobby. I have separated one of my female guppies in a breeder box because she looks boxier than yesterday and I think she might be close to giving birth. This is the first time I separate one. I got my guppies (1 male and 5 females) two weeks ago...
  12. N

    Prevent breeding between guppies

    Hi all, Been a while since I posted here. Back in December, I got a 105L Tetra Tank and set it up in our office. We started with some lovely colourful guppies (male) and along the line, we seem to have picked up 2 to 5 females. It was cute at first when the first one had babies, but now they...
  13. Slammin’ Aquascaping

    Mixing neocaradina

    Hey guys. I have been selectively breeding wild type neocaradina for 3 years now, and I absolutely outdid myself with acheiving store-grade pumpkin shrimp! Anyway, that is besides the point. I was wondering if anyone would know if I could mix them with orange rilis. If so, what would the...
  14. Slammin’ Aquascaping

    I’m very curious…

    This is kind of a silly question, BUT DON’T CLICK OFF OF THIS THREAD!!!! This is important… If you breed livebearers, specifically guppies and endlers, how do you breed them? I’m talking specifically about your method, setup, preferences, etc. You would know I am very interested in this...
  15. CozyCat

    How to encourage bristlenose plecos to breed?

    Hi! I LOVE plecos, I think they are the coolest looking fish and I really want a massive 6ft tank full of them. But space is limited, so I have a pair of bristlenose plecos, Pip and Penny. Pip has a spectacular full head of bristles and Penny as a few stubby ones around the rim of her head, but...
  16. V

    Breeder net fail??

    So, I had several babies that were living in a breeder net for a couple weeks. Today after I had added a new fish, there's only one baby left in the net. Meaning the rest either escaped or died. But I didn't think they were small enough to fit through the holes for that to happen. I don't...
  17. L

    Zebra Danio Spawning?

    Hi I am new to having fish and purchased 4 zebra danios a month ago. When cleaning out the tank yesterday I found a baby, so I have purchased a tank float thing and have separated it from the adults, anything else I should be doing?. One of the danios look as though she is ready to spawn as she...
  18. Kyshiara

    Baby goldfish

    Hello! My goldfish have been breeding, and I have about 40-50 fry. Half of them are an Orange Goldfish x Sarasa Comet, and the other half an Orange Goldfish x Shubunkin. The Sarasa fry are around 3 weeks, and their caudal fins are developing nicely. They are in a jar currently, but I plan to...
  19. Z

    Whos eggs are these?

    Spotted these eggs on my driftwood today. Not trying to breed any fish so I definitely don’t know which species they belong to. In my tank I’ve got: -corydoras -espii / lambchop rasboras -siamese algae eaters -a few ‘pest snails’ If anyone can id them that’d be amazing!
  20. Koish

    Needing Zebra Danios Breeding Advice

    I'm planning on breeding some zebra danios, and I have found that most resources recommend putting a large clump of java moss (or really any free floating plant) in the breeding tank. Do I have to put the java moss in, or will they still breed without it? Are there any alternatives? Any help...
  21. Koenator

    Did I sex my dwarf gourami correctly?

    Hi all, I have been trying to get my gourami to breed for about a week now. I followed all instructions I saw online: Keep male separate until female gourami claims the territory and knows hiding spots, Put floating objects in the surface of the water, keep temps at around 80 degrees F or a...
  22. L

    Harlequin Rasbora Breeding Issues....

    Hey, I have a few harlequin rasbora's that want to lay eggs, but this issue is I have this one alpha male that is a little older that constantly courts her and chases away the other younger males. When it comes time to laying the eggs and fertilizing, the female can easily flip upside down and...
  23. Willow59

    Scutariella Japonica - Shrimp Stopped Breeding

    I had a thriving colony of Bloody Mary Shrimp that went from 12 to 300 in roughly nine months. I noticed Scutariella Japonica, the parasitic nematode, in late December so I culled down to 2 dozen and did salt dips on 12/27, 12/29, and 12/31, followed by a month of quarantine to remove their...
  24. Uberhoust

    Angelfish are not Necessarily Monogamous

    I have read many articles on angelfish that state they are monogamous when given the choice, especially when they choose their mates. My personal experience is outside this norm, I have one actively breeding male in a tank of 8 angels, who has been spawning with one of two females. He has...
  25. Unladylike

    Fish eggs?

    Can someone help me identify these eggs? We've only had our tank set up for 2 weeks. We've got a lot of live plants, including java moss and dwarf hair grass. We've got 5 glofish tetras, 5 turquoise rainbow fish, 2 panda gorras and 1 clown pleco. The eggs are on a piece of drift wood with Java...
  26. DragonScales+Doubletails

    New betta breeding pair.

    I bought a blue and black marble knight male betta to breed with a female Galaxy koi. I will breed them in a few weeks. male: Female (Extremely similar): I'm very excited to finally breed again since the first time wasn't planned. (I ordered a small group of females to accompany my...
  27. Circus

    What is Needed For Breeding Green Phantom Plecos

    So I recently acquired a pair of 4 foot 55 gallon aquariums. I want to use one to breed L200 Green Phantom Plecos. What all do I need? I am going to be using a standard filter (with a prefilter sponge) and led light. A power head (also with prefilter sponge) and an air powered sponge filter. A...
  28. K

    Golden wonder breeding

    So... After making and putting a spawning mop in with my two golden wonder panchax killifish last night, tonight I have a total of 23 perfectly clear little eggs. I have separated them from the mop and placed them into a hang-on breeder box and replaced the mop in the hope of more eggs! Until...
  29. K

    Can someone help?

    So it's been about 20 years since I last saw a pregnant platy. Can someone please confirm for me that I am correct in thinking this girl is carrying babies? And if so, any clues as to how long she may have left before she births some tiny fry?
  30. Circus

    Trio of Neolamprologus Caudopunctatus

    So, when I was at Fishtoberfest I picked up a trio of N. Caudopunctatus (Red Fin Shell Dweller). They have been in the tank for less than a week. I added the Rift Lake salts according to directions on the container. They are set up in a 29 gallon, and I am hopeful I have at least 1 m/f pair...
  31. abegonzalez0221

    Should I breed out this Guppy Strain?

    Does anyone find these two appealing? I’m trying to decide if I should breed out a strain of these. They were a really random coloration out of all the cobra tailed ones I have. Unless it was the other female who spawned these. Idk I think a feeder male mustve crossed with one of the cobra...
  32. Unknownfuture

    ANGEL fish Pair for sale Chelmsford UK

    Established pair of angel fish to go. Location - Chelmsford - pick up only - I have Fish bags. Getting rid as they do not share with other tank occupants. Background - I’ve had them for a year and have successfully bred 100 ish fry. All I ask is for £10 cash on collection.
  33. pimudh

    German Blue Ram female is hiding

    I've kept fish since I was a kid but seriously started looking into it about 3-4 years ago. I've got experience with tropical community and betta tanks but I'm quite new to owning GBR. I recently got a GBR pair (2-3 weeks ago) and since day 1 they've been absolutely amazing. They're still quite...
  34. Circus

    LFS, Firemouth Pair

    My lfs had two more of their firemouths pair off and breed. Here is the pic I caught of them. This is the 2nd pair so far from that shipment, the first was sold as a breeding pair and the customer also got all of the fry.
  35. quinnARIUM

    How to Breed Sterbai Corydoras???

    Hi everyone, I have a 75 gal tank I would love to get some Corydoras for. It will be at 82-84 degrees F so I probably get Sterbai Corydoras. However I would really like a big school and I noticed their relatively high price. I have a 20 gal tank that I can pretty much modify in any way and I was...
  36. S

    Help me build my dream planted German Blue Ram breeder tank

    I have never done a planted tank before but have been reading about it and want to go all in on a 10-20 gallon for my desktop. I work from home and can, fortunately, do whatever necessary to keep up with routine maintenance. I am a chemist and like to stay on top of chemicals, water changes...
  37. A

    Are these neon tetras mating??

    Hi! I have never been breeding fish, and that wasn't my intention either. I was just keeping 10 neon tetras in my aquarium, and I from what I read online, neon tetras needed special conditions to breed. But then I saw this, and I am wondering if they are breeding after all? If so, what do I do...
  38. shaziasadiqah

    Breeding Guppy

    Help! My husband owns a guppy tank. It’s a 10 gallon with 4 guppies, 2 male and 2 female and 3 nerite snails. today as we watch the tank we notice that there are something moving, very small fishes and then we found out that was one of the guppy baby. the question is, what should we do now...
  39. AmberLucy

    Is my Kribensis still breeding?

    Hi there, I recently bought my kribs a coconut and straight away they took to it, spending a couple of days digging it out and guarding it. The female then spent about 2 days in it constantly apart from when the male chased off other fish, she would come out to guard it and then go back inside...
  40. A

    Platy swimming with an egg in its mouth

    I've just discovered some eggs on the side of my tank, but one of the platys is swimming round with an egg in its mouth? Is it protecting it? Trying to eat it? The others keep trying to get them off the glass too.. they're very greedy fish so not surprised if they're eating them but been...