Finally, the world goverments begin to admit the UFOs.

It's known fact that the increase in frictional temperature generated by Concode during supersonic flight made a 6" to 10" increase in length.
Imagine a UFO at warp speed ....... HOW LONG??????
Only some sort of 4th dimensional travel could come anywhere near to an explanation, but I ain't clever enough to say how.
I am :p
We have gone through a recent pandemic, with considerable loss of life and disruption of lifestyles.
We have a major world leader invading a neighbour and threatening to use nuclear weapons.
We have an energy crisis that threatens to make the upcoming winter very hard in Europe.
We have massive economic changes happening.
We have climate change.
Add it up, and we are very insecure right now. So history says we will have UFO movements again, along with end of the word cults and lots of prophecies, They'll even merge, as they did the old Rael cults of the 80s. They're a new wrinkle on what was an outbreak of angel sightings before we all got technology obsessed. The weird things people get into when the going gets complicated are pretty predictable, even if history itself isn't.
A good, well set up aquarium is better for stress relief than a foil hat. although you can't wear an aquarium at a stylish angle..
With how good cameras are these days, being able to capture night time photos such as this:

How come all of these “UFO” pictures come out incredibly blurry?

Just like pictures of Bigfoot or the mothman. All just conspiracy theories. Way too blurry to make out, but just clear enough to be able to make up stories.


Now don’t get me wrong, I believe we aren’t alone in this universe, it’s just far to vast. It would be foolish if anyone to believe the only life forms are on planet earth. However, I don’t think we have seen such life forms. All of these “spacecraft” we have seen pictures of floating in space just turn out to be NASA’s satellites, space junk, or giant rocks.
If an alien technology could scan our planet, they'd see we live in the Age of Bacteria, and they might even mistake humans and other animals for mobile bacteria habitats - or farms. We tend to make our aliens in the image of ourselves, and not just because it was better for costume making in pre-CGI movies. I am absolutely certain there is life on a lot of other planets. I figure most people are in the same boat as me, and aren't able to define "intelligent". I find ideas about how fungus operates on our planet, let alone how other animals think here show the limitations of how we look at things.

Simply look at how many people say they have seen UFOs, been kidnapped or probed, or have met aliens. These other intelligent life forms would have to be very stupid and very rich to send that many expeditions to look at our planet. Maybe they have space tourism and we're a cruise ship stop. Other than that, I expect UFO cults reflect our fascination with ourselves much more than they do any realistic alien interest in us.

I'm waiting for one of the conspiracy networks to mix up Aliens with 16th century witches and start hunting them. We're almost there, if we aren't already there.
It is all the fault of ET

ET has a lot to answer for quite frankly.....begging to go home like he did has woken up people's hyperactive imaginations...."where is 'HOME'?"

Until ET came along on his bike, most people thought lights in the sky were aircraft, or stars, or planets....but now, every single bright light in the sky brings out the ET fans...

"ET has come back....YAY!!!"


"Oh no.... not again.....ET has mistyped his home destination into his GPS and got tangled with those pesky Musk Starlight strings again"
I'm waiting for one of the conspiracy networks to mix up Aliens with 16th century witches and start hunting them. We're almost there, if we aren't already there.
QAnon perhaps? Oh, you were talking of intelligent life forms
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These other intelligent life forms would have to be very stupid and very rich to send that many expeditions to look at our planet. Maybe they have space tourism and we're a cruise ship stop
Ight now you wildin’ :rofl:
As more and more aquarists leave this hobby and turn to reptiles and herp keeping, I see a mind control system spreading. Try to deny it. You can't.
I mean herps are pretty cool. Plus, in most cases, no water changes... Just saying. 🐸
Way too blurry to make out, but just clear enough to be able to make up stories.
Perhaps Futurama was right and bigfoot's natural habitat is in "out of focus areas". Think about it. Think about it. :p
why do we have machinery and technology in the past 200 years that is beyond anything ever ?
How did we go from cloth covered biplanes to supersonic jets and space flight in only 60 years ?
Why I ask , when the horse and wagon was the zenith of technology for thousands of years ?
Why nuclear weapons ?
Sadly, also science.
Mankind having atomic bombs is like a toddler playing with dynamite and matches.

How did my reptile emojis end up down here?! And why can't I move or delete them?! Must be aliens! 👽
With how good cameras are these days, being able to capture night time photos such as this:
View attachment 167736View attachment 167737
How come all of these “UFO” pictures come out incredibly blurry?
View attachment 167735View attachment 167738
Just like pictures of Bigfoot or the mothman. All just conspiracy theories. Way too blurry to make out, but just clear enough to be able to make up stories.View attachment 167733View attachment 167734


Now don’t get me wrong, I believe we aren’t alone in this universe, it’s just far to vast. It would be foolish if anyone to believe the only life forms are on planet earth. However, I don’t think we have seen such life forms. All of these “spacecraft” we have seen pictures of floating in space just turn out to be NASA’s satellites, space junk, or giant rocks.
That last pic looks like a demon/angel lol. Like seriously, wings, legs, feat, head.
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Now for my tidbit,

My grandpa is a firm believer in aliens. He has seen UFO's in Vietnam, which couldn't have been anything natural "or that we know of thus far". He was driving in an army vehicle, and a large light appeared in front of the vehicle in the sky, then went away. It never made a sound. He was buddies with a guy in Wyoming that claimed to be taken onto an alien spaceship. The government took him out after he appeared on a news show. The guy knew how to find water in Wyoming, where water is scarce to dig a well, and was spot on. Claimed the aliens told him.

Me? I don't think there are any aliens out there (besides immigrants of course lol). I do think there is something, but certainly not from another planet.

Some info released was about a UFO that could go just as fast underwater as out, with absolutely no setback in speed upon entering or exiting. That is fiscally impossible for any object besides an angel or demon. (Or ghost I suppose lol.)

It says there will be signs and wonders in the end days.

We only have 3 options:

It's all fake.

Its aliens.

Its something else supernatural like demons, angels, or ghosts.

It cant be fake or aliens IMO so I'm in for the last option lol.

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