Does Gravid Spot Go Away After Birth?

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Mostly New Member
Aug 8, 2013
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Hi, one of my guppies gave birth yesterday but still has a very dark gravid spot, and to be honest still looks pregnant. Does the gravid spot fade and redevelop and if so when does it happen? Or is it possible she was pregnant with two litters and will give birth again in the next few days? Sorry if that sounds dumb, but I'm new to all this.
I do believe that they will always have gravid spot, but it will enlarge before birth, so it is always there. Also, guppies give birth over a period of time, so it could take hours to days until she is finally done.
well PP covered it,i know theres some good artciles of the steps of birth in the livebearer forum so you should check those out.
Oh wow, over DAYS ? I'm so glad I'm not a guppy. Thanks for the info.
From being with a male,..... the Guppy female will remain pregnant (even if the male is removed) for up to around 5 deliveries....... of approximately 20 - 25 fry at approximately 26 - 28 day intervals... (depending on the water temperature) ...... Directly after delivery... the gravid spot take on a pinky colour for about 3 to 6 days......

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