Ludwig Venter
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  • so are we allow to photoshop our fish now? cause it seems like number 13 really did a heck there?
    Hey ludwig, just wondering... Are we able to photo shop our fotm pictures, cause septembers number 13 sure seems like it. Im not complaining just wondering if you guys allowed it so I can do it to mine as well.
    Ludwig, could you please look into why my Jpeterson account was banned?? I was on mod preview on that account until 10pm tonight. What could I have done to get the account banned today?
    Hi Ny82..... it is called Hornwort and is a very prolific floating plant, which is essential in succesfull (natural) breeding of live bearers. Really try to get hold of it.
    Angels are relatively easy to keep and breed.... rearing the fry is more difficult... some parents will eat the fry, others not. You'll have to monitor closely to see and then decide to hatch the eggs seperately if it looks like the fry are threatened.... It is better to get established breeding pairs if you intend to breed them. (or else... get 8 and rear them to pair off naturally)....
    Guppies are natural breeders..... all you need is 2 males and 6 females and plenty of hornwort floating plants.....Females will deliver fry (between 20 and 45) every 26/28 days.... the first batch will probably be eaten and you'll have 5 to 7 survivors... the 2nd batch will yield more survivors untill the adults get used to small fry swimming around in their midst... then you will all survi...
    bow can i get many batches of fry from guppies? also how can i get my guppies to keep breeding? and how hard is breeding freshwater angels? (my tanks aren't big enough but one day i want to try.) tell me about angels...
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