Thanks to everyone who entered our December FOTM (Fish of the Month) competition..... You are now invited to vote for your favourite..... Keep in mind, that this is not a best photograph competition, but look at the overall composure (health and stance) of the fish on display when voting)
Thanks for your vote.....
Mattlee’s Oscar
Markandhisfish’s Cobalt Discus
Verminator89’s Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
Star4’s Blue Texas
JamepsssMy Angel:
Snowflake311’s Uarus
Shasms Peacock
GrayScale’s Kribensis
Carlovel1’s Congo Tetra
Elisew's NeoLamprologis
Thanks for your vote.....
Mattlee’s Oscar
Markandhisfish’s Cobalt Discus
Verminator89’s Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
Star4’s Blue Texas
JamepsssMy Angel:
Snowflake311’s Uarus
Shasms Peacock
GrayScale’s Kribensis
Carlovel1’s Congo Tetra
Elisew's NeoLamprologis