Fish Fanatic
I am setting up a 55 gallon amazon themed, planted, dirted, generally awesome tank as soon as this semester is over. I have 5 angels that I have been raising for 4 months, and their bodies are silver dollar sized so it's time for my first "big" tank. I've been doing low tech planted tanks for a while now so I know how to plant, keep everything alive, and get awesome green and low-maintenance aquariums without selling organs on the black market.
This is what I have planned...
Miracle-Gro Organic Potting Mix
Sand of some sort as a topper, need opinions of best sand to use (natural colors only)
48" 216W T5 HO Light Fixture Extendable Series
Amazon swords (have, BIG 'UNS)
Red Amazon swords (have)
Red Melon swords (have)
Red dwarf lily (have)
Star grass
Pygmy chain sword
Open to other suggestions for amazon plants!
Emperor 400 Pro Series (2?)
Mystery snails (I breed them, too successfully I fear)
Cherry red shrimp (perhaps once the plants have grown up enough cover to protect them from the wrath of the hungry angelfish)
5 Angels (I already have these)
6 albino corys (I already have these, they are fat)
Now here is where I am looking for suggestions and help...
(#?)Lemon tetras
(#?)Red-eyed tetras
(#?)Bloodfin tetras
(#?)Rummy nose tetras
(#?) Hatchet fish
More corydoras?
I don't use heaters on any of my tanks and have never had a problem with any of my tropicals, my lighting and home heating is usually enough to keep the temp between 75 and 80 even in the dead of winter. I will add another filter perhaps after the initial cost of setup has faded from my nightmares a bit. Hehehe...
I can't go any bigger on the tank as we need to get a structural assessment for the floor underneath the tank as it is, plus the cost would be a little much for me.
I have been keeping fish for five years so I know the basics and probably a lot more so I know to cycle the tank and such.
This is what I have planned...
Miracle-Gro Organic Potting Mix
Sand of some sort as a topper, need opinions of best sand to use (natural colors only)
48" 216W T5 HO Light Fixture Extendable Series

Amazon swords (have, BIG 'UNS)
Red Amazon swords (have)
Red Melon swords (have)
Red dwarf lily (have)
Star grass
Pygmy chain sword
Open to other suggestions for amazon plants!
Emperor 400 Pro Series (2?)
Mystery snails (I breed them, too successfully I fear)
Cherry red shrimp (perhaps once the plants have grown up enough cover to protect them from the wrath of the hungry angelfish)
5 Angels (I already have these)
6 albino corys (I already have these, they are fat)
Now here is where I am looking for suggestions and help...
(#?)Lemon tetras
(#?)Red-eyed tetras
(#?)Bloodfin tetras
(#?)Rummy nose tetras
(#?) Hatchet fish
More corydoras?
I don't use heaters on any of my tanks and have never had a problem with any of my tropicals, my lighting and home heating is usually enough to keep the temp between 75 and 80 even in the dead of winter. I will add another filter perhaps after the initial cost of setup has faded from my nightmares a bit. Hehehe...
I can't go any bigger on the tank as we need to get a structural assessment for the floor underneath the tank as it is, plus the cost would be a little much for me.
I have been keeping fish for five years so I know the basics and probably a lot more so I know to cycle the tank and such.