
  1. R

    Angelfish mystery disease?

    Hi everyone, This is my female angelfish, Bob; she has had these 2 white bumps on her for about 3 months. There is one on her caudal fin and one on her left pectoral fin, close to her “armpit.” They have not spread or changed in size. I have not seen her once flashing or trying to rub them off...
  2. S

    I don’t want my angel to die :(

    Hey everyone, really hoping for some advice as I dont want to lose my beloved angelfish. I noticed she wasn’t eating as usual last Friday and seemed a bit lethargic. Then at the weekend she started swimming at a slight angle. I spoke to my local aquatics centre, they tested my water which was...
  3. V

    Which Angelfish Variety?

    Hi Looking to overhaul my tank setup.and want to add a group of angelfish but can't decide which. I'm ideally looking for a larger, taller than average angelfish but not altum. I think I've narrowed it down to dantum (not albino) vs manacapuru but reliable info is scarce on the dantum. Does...
  4. E

    Is anyone able to tell me what sex my 3 Angelfish are? And possibly their age?

    It might be hard to tell the age, but if it's any help, that's a balloon molly in the second image for a size comparison 😂 they're not very big at all, I've had them for maybe 4/5 months now? Just curious :) TIA!
  5. P

    55 gallon Planted aquarium progress

    Hello everyone I started a planted aquarium 12/29/22 and this is how it looks today vs day 1 let me know what you think thankyou and have a good day everyone.
  6. M

    Angelfish not eating and short white poop

    Hey everyone, thanks for reading this and some help would be great. I have two angelfish, a pleco, two bolivian rams and 5 neon tetras in a 37 gallon tank. Late last week Wednesday or Thursday I noticed one of my angelfish not eating, and not swollen in the stomach abdomen. A loss of...
  7. W

    Should I get get panda garra’s?

    Hello fellow aquarists, I have a question. In my i tank I have the U4 fluval filter and a heater (plus thermometer)(photos attached) with plants, wood and rock in it and 1 zebra nerite snail, 3 amano shrimp, 2 bamboo shrimp, 4 bronze corydoras, 8 harlequin rasboras, 1 metallic Amazon blue...
  8. A

    Angelfish Emergency!!

    I've got two angelfish in my tank, a black one and a white one. The black one's smaller and has been less active since i've got them. Yesterday, she was hanging around the bottom of the tank, but still swimming around. I didn't think much of it because she did that a lot when I first got her...
  9. T

    Angelfish white film on eye

    Hello everyone, I’ve had this problem for some time now and I have no idea how to get rid of it. Months ago one of my danios died and the body was never found in the tank. Im assuming my angel fish ate it. Ever since this event, my angel has gotten a white cloud on its eye on and off. I treat...
  10. Aqua67

    Pics of my tanks

  11. Uberhoust

    Angelfish are not Necessarily Monogamous

    I have read many articles on angelfish that state they are monogamous when given the choice, especially when they choose their mates. My personal experience is outside this norm, I have one actively breeding male in a tank of 8 angels, who has been spawning with one of two females. He has...
  12. danajs

    Angelfish with red pectoral fin?

    One of our angelfish has had red at the bottom of his/her pectoral fin for around a month now, and we’re just wondering what it could be. He seems fine in himself in that he’s active and feeding, but we don’t know if it’s something to be worried/concerned about. - pH is 7.0/7.5 - Ammonia is 0 -...
  13. S

    Free Marble Angelfish (3- Not paired yet)- Silver Dollar Size, Acton, MA

    Vibrant and healthy, currently in a 40 gallon. Will need to pickup.
  14. P

    White skinny but thick poop from angelfish

    Had my angelfish for about a week and today one was pooping white stuff. Only posting because it doesn't look stringy to me, but maybe I'm wrong. Only other thing I've noticed is that is one of my other angelfish getting air from the surface. I did find another one of these poos floating around...
  15. K

    Black angelfish

    So my partner came home not long ago with a new resident. A black angelfish. It is not a young one. He visited a local old man who keeps fish and rehomed fish for some of his old friends. This old man used to breed but doesn't anymore. The poor old guy is losing his marbles a little as well as...
  16. Linkandnavi

    My current six tank setups

    Hi guys, Haven't done this before but thought I'd post my current tank setups. Apologies for the quality of photos/reflections. Taken just before dawn, room lights off, blinds closed and tank lights on and still have reflections... :rolleyes: Anyhow! Tank #1: Angelfish community in my...
  17. R

    55g EBAs and Angels

    Hey all, I have a 55g tank that currently houses 2 male EBAs (still about 3in and 2in) and 9 black skirt tetras. I just picked up 1 Koi Angelfish (about the size of a quarter) to add to the tank but was wondering if I could get away with adding 1-2 more Angelfish? I currently have a 60g HOB...
  18. M

    Is this really Ich?

    Hi, everyone. I’m not exactly new to fishkeeping; however, I finally have a tank again after 18 years of break from the hobby. I’ve just started out again with a new cycled tank and some angelfish I purchased from Petsmart. After putting them into my aquarium I noticed something strange looking...
  19. Unknownfuture

    ANGEL fish Pair for sale Chelmsford UK

    Established pair of angel fish to go. Location - Chelmsford - pick up only - I have Fish bags. Getting rid as they do not share with other tank occupants. Background - I’ve had them for a year and have successfully bred 100 ish fry. All I ask is for £10 cash on collection.
  20. Linkandnavi

    Stocking a 450L

    Evening everyone, My 450L (approx 119 US gallon) recently finished cycling. 150 x 50 x 60cm. I'm in the process of slowly stocking it over the next few months. I've not run a tank of this size before so I'm feeling my way in with the stocking levels. At the moment, it has two Siamese Algae...
  21. Linkandnavi

    Angelfish and Rummy Nose Tetras

    There seems to be highly varying views across the web as to whether Rummy Nose Tetras will become an expensive snack for an Angelfish, with some saying they will and others saying Rummy Noses are too large and are absolutely fine. Does anyone have any real life experience, rather than...
  22. Linkandnavi

    Angelfish, Amano Shrimp and Corydoras

    Afternoon all, I'll be adding some angelfish (six juvenile) to my 120 gallon tank in the next few months. Nothing in there are the moment as it`s nearing the end of its cycle and the (juvenile) angelfish will be some of the last to go in. I haven't kept angels previously but while they're some...
  23. R

    55g stocking ideas

    Hi all, I have a 55g I just bought and am cycling. I am looking for some stocking ideas and have come up with the following. As a note, the 9 black skirt tetras will be coming from another tank I have and will have to be in the stocking plan no matter what. Option 1: up my black skirts from 9...
  24. T

    55 gallon stocking questions/suggestions part 2

    Hi I set up a 55 gallon aquarium and I have some stocking ideas from a previous post. - Already cycled * Ph = 7.8 - 8.52 units. * GH = 159 - 164 ppm * Calcium = 47 - 78.5 ppm Fish I'm thinking about stocking with: - 2 Large schools of tetra (probably cardinals and something else) - 3 oto cats...
  25. R

    Angelfish in a 29 tall

    Hey all, Currently have a 29g tall tank, that has black skirt tetras, 6 zebra danios, 6 julii cories and 1 mystery snail. moderately planted but plan on adding a bit more. Flow is pretty high in the tank is moderate and ph sits at around 6.8ish. Its been running for over a year. My neighbor...
  26. Falconwithaboxon


    It has happened again. Another Tetra has been chomped on. I got a new tank that I will be moving my Angelfish into do they can't chomp my little guys anymore. The move is tomorrow. I am worried if the Angelfish will survive the move but I have to try. The water is how it should be. PH of 7.4...
  27. Snoyo1

    Substrate for planted tank

    Hi everyone! I’m picking up my 250L tank tomorrow and I’m wanting to have a lot of live plants. I’m wondering what would be the best substrate for a planted tank. I wanted to get the Carib sea eco complete but I can’t find it anywhere online. I don’t think any aquarium shops near me sell it...
  28. T

    my juvenile angelfish have been the same size for the last few month, i don’t know either he healthy or not

    i needed help with my baby angelfish, he has been the first fish to colonize the tank for three months ago but still haven’t grow much yet the tank size is 30 gallons (1 angelfish)is kept with (6 glo fish each around 2 inches) heater and filter are included/ temp is 78 Fahrenheit and 25 degree...
  29. T

    Gourami is hiding from me/ 55gallon stocking

    Hi, I have a 55 gallon tank with: - Neon Tetras - Cherry Barbs - Pygmy Corys - 1 Angel I recently added a Large Golden Gourami to the tank and it's been hiding from me for the past 3 days. It seems fine when im at a distance and it can't see me, but as soon as i approch the tank it quickly...
  30. W

    Angelfish and Dwarf Gourami

    I've got a 130 litre tank 9 cardinal tetras 6 Corydoras 1 angelfish (other one deceased) Was hoping to add some dwarf gouramis Thoughts please
  31. FishionistaB

    65 gallon angelfish tank diary

    Moved over from the introduction thread... I’m excited to be here. I have some experience with basic tanks in the past; betas, guppies, mollies, etc in 40gal or smaller. Nothing this big or beautiful until now. Most recently I deactivated my Facebook account and decided to go all out with a...
  32. FishionistaB

    How many angels in my 65gal

    I have a 65 gallon deeper than it is long. Said tank is my pfp. How many angels can I keep in this tank? Tank is planted and has a fairly decent sized driftwood. We have some Cory cats already (about 20) as tank mates. And plan to possibly add some schooling types as well, maybe cardinal tetras...
  33. P

    Does my angelfish have ich? (Pics posted)

    Can anyone tell me if this is ich? I have many more fish in the tank and only this one has the spots. They are on the top fin and the fins by the gills only. Thanks for your help!
  34. Barry Tetra

    Help! My angelfish floated and have no fin left

    Need help, My angelfish is floated and he’s has been bitten by tinfoil barbs (which I will return it to my friend) should I move him to qt tank? Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10 @Colin_T
  35. A

    Angelfish Aggression(?)

    I've had my angelfish for about seven months. They've been together in a 36 gallon, 2-foot high aquarium. Up until this point, they've been living peacefully, only chasing each other around now and again. Other than that, they seemed okay with each other, swimming closely without getting nosey...
  36. E

    Should I move angelfish wigglers?

    Hi everyone! I need some help regarding angelfish wigglers! My pair have laid eggs in my community tank every couple of weeks this year, but they never hatched. I tried putting the eggs in a breeding tank once, and they all were infertile so I gave up and figured something must be wrong with my...
  37. D

    White stuff growing out of my fish!!

    Hi guys I have an Angel Fish and recently I noticed these white things on my fish. Immediately I though it must be ich, but I don’t really think it is. There might be a few very faint white spots on the fins, but the main thing you can see is the white stuff coming out of his head. Please help...
  38. I

    Possible Illness w/ Angelfish

    Hello! I currently own a 20-gallon tank: 0-0.5ppm Ammonia, 7.5pH, always kept at 79 degrees. I purchased the angelfish about 3-4 weeks ago along with some dwarf chain loaches. I feed them once every day, with a day-long fasting period once a week. I was away from home for about 24 hours and...
  39. SarahMarie

    Angelfish with lump on stomach

    Hi everyone, I've just noticed a lump on my Angel's stomach. We've had her for around 5 years now and shes never had any problems before. Shes in a 350l tank which is fully cycled. Also have done a 40% water change today and cleaned filter sponges (in tank water) just last week. No new fish...
  40. Meg0000

    Angel fish question

    Hi, I did a thread about 50 gallon tank stocking Idea and I loved the pearl gourami idea but I am still open to new stocking idea so I would like more information on angelfish in community tank. Byron talked a bit of it in my other thread but I would like more information. Exemple: Tankmate...