
  1. A

    My Dream Shark Tank

    It’s finally happening! After years of dreaming I can finally begin planning out my dream shark tank and actually build it. It’s such a surreal feeling and I cannot wait to start. My first step is brainstorming the exact fish I want for the tank. Just as an idea to gauge size, style, decor...
  2. outofwater

    Lone dwarf gourami tank upgrade

    A couple of days ago I picked up 2 tanks: 15 and 30g. Working on the 15g to move Mr blurami from his current digs (10g) Both tanks came with lights, one filter, and covers. So far I've cleaned and scrubbed the small tank and the filter. Upgraded the light to LED (hood had old incandescent...
  3. outofwater

    Done with neon tetras, can you recommend other tankmates?

    So, I've got a 29g tank, already running for 4 months. Couple of months ago I bought a dozen neon tetras and within 2 days 5 died. Columnaris, NTD, or too much stress, never found out for sure. Fast forward to yesterday. I've had a planted and cycled "quarantine" tank running for 3 weeks now...
  4. Mollyforever

    20 G tank overstocked? Or more?

    Howdy everyone! So I am cycling a 20g tank so that i could move my 5 shortfin mollies (1:4 male and female ratio) Would it be a dumb idea to get a couple more smaller fish like endlers in the new tank? Or crabs? The water parameters for the current 10G molly tank is pH 8.2 KH 130 GH 230 ish No...
  5. S

    Cichlid tank bottom feeders?

    Hello! I have a 125 gallon cichlid tank with a green terror, golden severum, blood parrot, jewel, convict, and a terror/acara hybrid (surviving baby). I’m looking for some bottom feeders to help clean up the tank a little bit, substrate, rocks, and glass. We’ve tried three plecos so far and none...
  6. KatNor21

    Bettas and Gourami as Tankmates

    Has anyone mixed a male betta with honey gourami? If so, how did it go? How big was the tank? How many and what sexes were your gouramis? Any aggression? Curious to hear others' experiences.
  7. T

    Betta planted community tank setup

    Not sure if this is the right place for this thread so please move/delete if necessary. I'm wanting to keep a male betta in a 3ft/33 gallon tank. I want to do a planted tank with sand substrate. And I also want tank mates. I was thinking of having one snowball pleco and about 10-15 mountain...
  8. Circus

    29 Gallon W/DCL & Otos

    Ph 7.4 Hardness 100-110 ppm Dimensions 30"×12"×18" Here in a few months I will have my last 2 empty tanks running and my fish shuffled around. This will let me move my Dwarf Chain Loaches into my 29 gallon and out of the 20 gallon. I am looking for tankmates for the DCLs (there will be 7 of...
  9. bettafrog

    Tankmates for betta

    Are there any other animals I can add to a 5 gal without overcrowding it? I've got snails and live plants right now, and planning to get a betta for it soon. Could I add ghost/cherry shrimp or would that be too much? Any other recommendations?
  10. W.R

    Honey Gourami with Eppiplatus clown killi?

    Heya all, currently in my 7Gal I have a honey gourami juvenile, I am not keeping it here as I'm holding onto it for a friend, it seems to be doing just fine for now, however I would like to stock the tank with a few Clown Killi fish soon, are they ok with a honey male for a month? Both species...
  11. R

    Tankmates in tall 40g: Black Tetra and Julii Cories

    Hi All, Pretty new to the fish hobby. Got my hands on a tall 40g tank that I've had running for the last few months and has been running really well (hope I didn't jinx it). Details: Sand substrate Live plants and non live tall plants (fake driftwood as well) Pretty high water flow coming...
  12. maddi7777

    Gourami tank mates??

    I currently have an extremely skittish dwarf gourami in a 10 gallon tank. I was wondering if there was any tank mates that could go with him? I heard maybe ghost shrimp? However, I have heard before that dwarf gouramis should have at least a 20 gallon tank. If that is truly the case, I will not...
  13. C

    New Tank with Blue Gouramis

    So I'm new to the hobby and I've started up a new tank 25 gallon tank. After preparing my set-up, waiting until my wood stopped floating, I decided yesterday to finally add some fish to the tank. After visiting the shop several times and watching the fish and doing my research I finally decided...
  14. Cluelessone

    Stocking 20 Gallon tank. HELP!

    I have a cycled 20gal tank (600x 320 x 400 I made the mistake of trying to give my Betta (Sushi) some friends... he didn’t play nice to say the least. He now has his own 5 gallon set up and is very happy. I have 2 Albino Cory’s - one with no eyes (Stevie Wonder) and one has 1 eye (Mike...
  15. A

    Guppy tail growing weird?

    So I have has what I believe to be a lyretail guppy for about 5 months now, and I've always noticed something wrong with his tail. His actual tail fin is perfectly fine, but his longer pieces have always looks like they have been cut. I though it was my other guppies in the tank, so I watched...
  16. E

    Uaru tankmates

    What tankmates would work best with red eye tetras and a Senegal bichir? (90 gallon aquarium) I would prefer large tankmates, either one extra large centrepiece fish or a couple large fish. Possibly larger peaceful chichlids?
  17. A


    Hi, I currently have a male betta veil tail in a 3 gallon tank and he is fairly docile and tame. I've only ever owned my betta because I took him in after having to use a betta fish in a somewhat cruel and cramped ecocolumn experiment at school. I've been wanting to upgrade him to a bigger tank...
  18. Tool13x

    Tank Stocking Suggestions

    Hi everyone, I am looking for a couple suggestions on tankmates for my 55 gal setup. I currently have: 1 Bristlenose Pleco 1 Bolivian Ram 7 Rosy Barbs 6 Corydoras Melini This tank looks a little sparse, I was wondering if you think I have some room for additional fish and perhaps some...
  19. B

    Betta tank mates?

    Hi there hopefully I have gotten the correct category for my question :) I have recently purchased a 22 litre tank and was looking at getting a betta. From my research this seems like a good size, but I was wondering about tank mates. Is there any tank mates that you recommend or would a Betta...
  20. S

    Betta Tankmates???

    Can a betta live with 3 danio and 3 platy in a 120L tank? How many fish (if any) could it live with in a 120L tank? Is a 25L good for a betta on its own with a slowed filter? Thanks :)
  21. W

    Tankmates for Rainbow Shark and Hatchetfish

    I currently have a 40g (36"x18"x15") stocked with the following: 1 3.5" Rainbow Shark 3 Zebra Danios 4 Common Hatchetfish The Rainbow Shark I have had for about a year and a half and he is very calm. I used to have an Angel (re-homed due to aggression) and the RBS only ever showed aggression...
  22. S

    Problem: Betta Is Gobbling Up Tankmates Food!

    I recently started a planted 10gallon aquarium for my Betta and am using corner filters to reduce flow for his fins. He seemed to be pacing around and lonely, so I decided to get him tankmates. I ultimately decided on a school of ten White Cloud Minnows, who luckily have seen no aggression from...
  23. Waterfins

    Can Two Green Terrors Be Housed Together?

    I have done research on this fish and found out they're aggressive, I was wondering if two could be housed together in a large aquarium or if they would fight to the death and I just shouldn't bother. I have also been really interested in getting a Green Terror or a Jack Dempsey and I'm...
  24. KansasPrincess724

    Hello! Any Fellow Oscar Fans Out There?

    Hello! This'll be my first post on this forum, I'm looking forward to being a part of the community! :)     Now, I am not new to the fish hobby (I know quite a bit, but I'll admit I've got PLENTY of room to grow), but I am new to Oscar fish keeping. I have a little Oscar fish who is the size of...
  25. Dandx13

    Research Paper On Stocking My Tank? Help!?

    I am currently writing as research paper on stocking my 125 gallon tank. I would like to add 5 angelfish to this tank plus some other fish. The dimensions are 48" x 24" x 24" so this would be perfect for angels. I have plenty of caves and driftwood with some plants (definitely not heavily...
  26. AeonMapa

    Gluttonous Severum!

    So I have a single 3" long red severum in my community tank with rams and tetras and a few other fish. He's great, never bullies anyone, chills out the whole day and loves to say hello when I come home. There is however one problem. This guys just loves loves loves to eat. It doesn't help that...
  27. Dmbandstef

    What Else Can Go In My Tank?

    What else if anything can go in my 55 gallon aquarium? Right now I have: 1 blue acara 1 rainbow shark 8 black skirt tetras 4 green corydoras I have an aquaclear 70 HOB as well as a homemade internal filter likely rated for around 10 gallons give or take. I was thinking of maybe an opaline, gold...
  28. Seeker

    Dwarf Cichlids And Friends :)

    Hello cichlid fans,   I made a fairly general "help me compile a stocking list" thread over in the Tropical Discussion forums a few days ago; to summarise, I like characterful individual fish while the OH wants a fairly traditional community.  We're looking at getting a Trigon 190 for the living...
  29. sawickib

    Tire Track Eel, Elephant Nose Tankmates

    Can anyone tell me some good tankmates with a tire track eel and 6 elephant nose fish? I have a fine substrate bottom as well. Thanks!
  30. J

    Red Tail Black Shark Tankmates For 63 Gallon Tank

    I'm new to keeping fish but doing as much research as possible before getting my first tank. I am starting on quite a large one, 240 litre in the UK, which is just about 63 US Gallons, and really want a Red Tail Black Shark. What tankmates are most advisable?   I'd prefer not to have to worry...
  31. J

    New Tank Project - Advice?

    Hello everyone! I am new to this forum, so please excuse me if I have reposted this question or posted in the wrong forum! I have recently purchased a 370L tank (approx. 100 gallons) and I'd like to set it up as a tropical tank. I currently have another tropical tank (70L) with a single Black...
  32. Fiji

    New 55 Gallon Questions

    Hello I am currently setting up a freshwater 55 gallon fish tank that's been laying around in my garage for a while. I have some questions about the compatibility of the fish I would like to put in it. 1 angelfish 4-5 boesemani rainbowfish 4-5 Cory catfish 1 dojo loach 1 blue gourami I also...
  33. Noahh

    Natural Looking Tank Set Up

    Hi all,   I've just moved from a 50 litre tank to a 200 litre which is currently cycling.   I'm hoping to create a well planted community tank filled with small schools of small fish.   Plants so far: Egeria Densa Green Cabomba Bacopa Monnieri Dwarf Sagittara   Fish so far: 1 x Female...
  34. gemzisace

    Tankmates For African Clawed Frogs

    hello, I have 2 ACF, they have been living in their own little tank but I am wanting to put them in a bigger tank which is 2ft long x 1ft wide and just over a ft tall my question is what fish could i put in with them?
  35. chelsiethegreat

    Tankmate Advice: Corys And What?

    right now i have 4 emerald cory cats, and two juli cory cats. ideally i would like to acquire two more julis.. i'm just waiting on my local fish store at this point..   i have a 15 gallon tank.. all natural with a couple plants and a few nice peices of driftwood...   i would kindof like to get a...
  36. StellaThePlaty

    Dwarf Gourami Tankmates?

    I have a new 10-gal tank in which i would like to keep a dwarf gourami, but i would also like some smaller fish for company. any suggestions? or could i even keep a dwarf gourami in it?? or is 10 too small?