Tire Track Eel, Elephant Nose Tankmates


Fish Herder
Jan 12, 2014
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Can anyone tell me some good tankmates with a tire track eel and 6 elephant nose fish? I have a fine substrate bottom as well. Thanks!
What're your tank parameters? Keep in mind that elephant nosed fish normally grows around 8"-11" in an indoor tank. Keeping 6 would require a long tank bigger than 150 US gallons

Any upper strata fish or surface swimmers that are not small enough to get bullied by the tire track eel are suitable.
Tongue_Flicker said:
What're your tank parameters? Keep in mind that elephant nosed fish normally grows around 8"-11" in an indoor tank. Keeping 6 would require a long tank bigger than 150 US gallons

Any upper strata fish or surface swimmers that are not small enough to get bullied by the tire track eel are suitable.

Right now im putting them in a 55 gallon and going to upgrade as the grow up to their full size, my tire track eel is still a small baby and has shown no signs of aggression to my current elephant nose fish, but I believe hes being bullied in my 75 gallon so that's why m moving him into that tank as he matures.
westonsupermanc said:
I have Angels and mollies with mine

I think mollies might get eatin bu my tire track eel later, and tbh i don't like mollies haha
Mollies actually could supply a steady supply of natural feeders to your eel..... since you don't like them.... sarcasm, no one rip me a new one.

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