sick fish

  1. S

    Does my oto have columnaris?

    I have 3 oto’s, all from the same place, though one purchased two weeks after the first. The affected fish is the largest of the 3 and had a torn dorsal fin from the start. It has now developed a dreaded white fuzz and a red line has appeared. Also in the tank are a number of chilli and...
  2. S

    Help with pleco not eating and looking stressed

    65 gallon tank Ph 7.6 Ammonia/nitrites 0 Nitrates 20-40 1 pleco, 1 cory, 4 clown loach All pertinent info: I had old tank syndrome for a long time. My pleco started acting strange and it lit a fire under my ass to try and fix it, thinking it was the reason my pleco was being weird so I began...
  3. S

    Can I put Rock salt on Planted tank to treat sick fish.., Is there any problem for plants..?

    Can I put Rock salt on Planted tank to treat sick fish.., Is there any problem for plants..?
  4. forumgulper

    THIS ONE FISH☝️Omg this one fish💥(time sensitive!!)💥

    The issue: one of my glofish seems to be gasping, lathargic and slightly emaciated. Note: all my fish get fed regularily and I try to make sure all the fish get a decent share (without overfeeding them ofc). but the issue is that its just the one glofish thats acting like this. All of my other...
  5. R

    New Betta fish in bad condition

    I was at Petco earlier and stopped by the betta shelves and noticed one of them seemed especially sickly. Seeing her in such a sorry state tugged at my heartstrings a bit so I bought her in the hopes that I could help her or just give her a nice place to rest in her final days. I’m trying to...
  6. W

    Sick Krib?

    We have had our pair of Kribs for just over a week now. We noticed that one was hiding a lot compared to the other at the back of the tank. When I’ve looked more closely it is breathing very fast and looks like it’s struggling to stay upright. OH has also seen it at the top of the tank and then...
  7. R

    Help! Guppies Staying on Bottom and Refusing to Eat

    About two weeks ago I purchased three male guppies. I put them in a 3 gallon tank with a interior power filter and preformed a 25% water change about every 2 weeks. Everything seemed to be going just fine until yesterday one of them got stuck in the filter and died. Now I am starting to notice...
  8. F

    Fish Keep Getting Sick and Dying

    Hello All, I’m new to the fish keeping hobby. I’ve had my fist 10 gallon tank since April. I tried to do as much research as possible on stocking and supplies as I could. The tank has a heater (for 20 gallon), 1 sponge filter with an air stone (for 20 gallon), 1 hang on the back filter (Tidal...
  9. Divinityinlove

    Unusually swollen guppy!

    Been keeping an eye for a few days and I'm unsure if I should treat for dropsy with medication or.... Euthanize? Never seen swelling like this but she was eating and swimming fine until just this afternoon, now she is facing down..... The photo of the orange tailed guppy in plain background is...
  10. L

    Why do my fish keep dying

    Hi, I seem to be having an issue with my tank and so far every fish I’ve got has died after a few weeks. I have cycled the tank, checked all levels are ‘good’ and the only issue I can think of is that our water is hard with a PH of 8. I have had two bettas (not at the same time) but after...
  11. B

    Black Molly with White on Lips

    Hello! My balloon molly , Mom , has gotten sicks. I would prefer not to cull her if possible as she is my favorite molly and I'm quite attached to her. I will attach an image of her condition; the back of her dorsal fin also looks a little strange. The rest of my fish are healthy. I have a 10...
  12. C

    Help! What is on my fish

    I need help my Lucifer (black ghost knife fish) has something all over him. He was very lethargic and not eating but I put ick treatment in the tank and he seems to be perking up. My angles that are with him have white spots around their mouth.
  13. D

    White flim?

    Any idea what this is?? About 3 weeks ago 2 of my Otto fish died and a kinda white film on them but figured they were dead a few days before I noticed them (tank was heavily planted and they like to hide) did many water changes over the past few weeks. I JUST put the droft wood in maybe two days...
  14. connorlindeman

    Newly added Fancy Guppie might be sick

    So I have a 20 gallon fishtank with plastic plants and aquarium rocks for substrate. I havent had good success with fish in the past year. I cycle the tank, wait for everything to go to the right levels. Then, I purchase maybe 5 fish (hardy fish like guppies or goldfish) acclimate them and then...
  15. jessicarf00

    betta ich? - might be resolved ?

    just tonight i noticed a speck on my betta that i assume is ich. i normally wouldn’t be so freaked out but i leave for a 6 day vacation on thursday so i know i can’t do much between now and then. i have somebody lined up to feed him but i have no medications and i can’t rely on this person to...
  16. D

    911 BETTA HELP

    bavent been able to find my betta since last night, it took about 10 minutes of removing stuff from his tank to find him and he was laying in the gravel on his side not swimming. I took him out of tank so I would could see if he would swim and he didn't move. He's still breathing. Whay can I...
  17. carligraceee

    MALE PLATY SICK??? Please help...

    What is wrong with him? Dropsy? He’s been very lethargic for several days and now this is happening... he got bloated over night, is breathing heavily....
  18. T

    Anyone willing to rescue sick goldfish

    Please don't shame me, I really have tried my best to care for this fish but everything has been going wrong and I really need someone to save what I've done to my poor Ester ? Last year I cycled a tank and bought a fancy ryukin goldfish and everything has been going down hill. First the filter...
  19. H

    Gas bubble disease?

    Is this gas bubble disease?
  20. C

    Sick Cory

    One of my Cory's is suddenly unable to swim correctly and is sat at the bottom of the tank all day. If it does try and swim it sort of bounces about at the bottom of the tank and takes a while to right itself if it falls on its side or upside down. Iv checked water parameters and all are spot on...
  21. W

    I'm scared my fish is going to die.

    Hi, I have a male betta named Morty (almost a year and a half old) who has had a growth on one side of him for some time now. I originally didn't think much of it (or maybe just hoped it was fine?) but it has grown rapidly over time and now he seems to lay down very often. He used to come and...
  22. Danby

    Goldfish spot

    Hi, I’m looking for advice in diagnosing one of my goldfish, they have this white lump on their side that seems to have come up over the last two days, they are the only one in the tank with such a lump, I’m not sure if this is white spot, or how to treat him he’s in a 250L tank that has a...
  23. RenC

    White Stringy Poop

    Help! 2 of my 4 guppies have white stringy poop. They have good appetite and only one is slightly lethargic but always has been since he tends to be picked on. I recently introduced them to a new tank with 5 neon tetras and two ottos. The guppies seem to be the only 2 with issues. I’m not sure...
  24. S

    Help! What’s wrong with my fish?

    I just checked my tank and have noticed one of my Glowlight Tetra’s swimming rather strangely. Is this Swim a ladder or something else? It’s only the one fish, none of the others seem to be affected. It seems to keep turning to the side or turning upside down, is there anything I can do to help...
  25. R

    Red chin

    I have a black moor goldfish in a 10 gallon tank who has a red spot under his chin. I only noticed it within the past week and I’m not really sure what it is. I tested the water and just did a change and everything is normal. Is it bleeding? If so what do I do?? I tried to take pictures the best...
  26. Y

    Unknown fish disease

    Hi, I noticed my Gourami had small hole on its side and a brown string was coming out of it. The string drops and continusly keeps dropping. For 3 days now.The fish is eating and swimming like normal. I just added API general cure to my tank last night hoping it stop. Just incase it was...
  27. G

    sick Black Moor Goldfish not eating

    So, I recently set up a 20 gallon tank, it had a bacteria bloom, went through an algae spike stage and took a couple months to get right as I was observing the nitrogen cycle process. Finally, I felt it was ready ( and that was my first mistake) and assumed it was good to go for living fishes. I...
  28. A

    Sick Discus

    Can anyone tell me what is going on with this discus and if the API general cure will treat it? It's a friend of mine fish and she said it seemed to appear out of no where and that no other fish in the tank are doing it.
  29. Yayamama707

    Sick Molly Floating Tail Up

    So this is an update on my sick Female Molly. Hoping to get some more insight. Current situation is she has been bloated and floating tail up for over 24 hours now. We moved her to a hospital tank yesterday @ 3 pm and is still hanging in there (literally) but now I’m noticing her eyes look a bit...
  30. S

    Green Spotted Puffer sick?

    I recently noticed my GSP looking a little weird, I assumed he wasn’t eating and maybe it was that. However, he eats and eats but isn't gaining any weight. His top fin also seems to look like it isn’t working anymore? Sometimes he swims sideways, or just lays at the bottom at the take. He is...
  31. K

    What's wrong with my betta?

    He is lethargic and appears to be breathing heavily, he is not eating and he has some kind of growth or hole on the top of his head, but no other spots or holes or anything. The lethargy started about 2 weeks ago and the other symptoms came after. I treated him with API fin and body cure for...
  32. M

    Dwarf gourami disease

    Hello, please can you help me. I have two dwarf Gouramis and one of them have swollen up like a balloon. I’ve tried giving him peas and I’ve also starved them for a couple of days (suggested by other threads) but nothing has seemed to work. So I think my gourami has the disease and he looks so...
  33. SteakNShrimp


    I just noticed that the ram cichlid that I bought Saturday has ICH. What should I do? How do I treat the fish? How do I treat the tank? I am not able to purchase any medicine today... I have taken the Ram out of the tank and put it in some dechlorinated water with 4 tablespoons of devolved...
  34. SteakNShrimp

    Fish acting weird please help!

    I have a 55g tank that houses - 1 Rainbow Shark - 2 Cherry Barbs - 1 Male Swordtail - 1 Zebra Loach I recently (yesterday) added 3 Tiger barbs 2 Green Tiger Barbs and 3 Albino Tiger Barbs as well as 2 Rose-line Sharks/Denison Barbs, a RainbowFish and a Blue CrayFish. The problem is one...
  35. B

    Dying fish - we're new to aquariums!

    Hi Everyone! Hoping someone can help. Long story... We have a 5 week old 20 gallon tank. This is our second tank...three months ago we started out with a 10 gallon. We had 3 platys and 2 guppies, and one of the platys had babies. 4 survived. We had one platy that seemed sick for several weeks -...
  36. A

    Is my goldfish sick?

    Hello so I just noticed one of my goldfishes have something white on the top of its head. What is this? Shoud I worry?
  37. S

    Betta sick Help!

    I've had this betta for over 3 months now in a planted 20 gallon tank with 4 zebra danio, 3 cory cats and a couple snails. He recently started getting really lethargic and hanging around the bottom of the tank a lot. He has a white discoloration on his chin but doesnt seem to have it elsewhere...
  38. C

    Platy with Whitish Spot on Chin

    Tank size: 10 gallons pH: don’t know ammonia: 0 ppm nitrite: 0 ppm nitrate: <5 ppm kH: don’t know gH: don’t know tank temp: 75 F Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Ok here’s the story folks. I’ve been planning to add another platy to my...
  39. Jeremy180

    WARNING to anybody relying on strips to test their water

    I checked the Amazon page for this product after seeing what looked like anomalous test results for a member cycling thier tank. The number of bad reviews complaining of inaccurate or plain ruined test strips here is very alarming to me, especially since a lot of the budget priced items tend to...
  40. S

    Help! My platys are paralyzed and sink!

    So I recently got 12 fry from a friend and they are about 2 months old, varying in size. I have 4 of the tiniest ones in a 5 gallon, the rest in a 20 gallon. About 3 days ago I noticed a few were missing and couldn't see them. I thought they were just hiding but then today I noticed some just...