
  1. Ieesha99

    Planted tank

    3 weeks later 😍🌱
  2. Ieesha99

    Planted aquarium 🌱

    My first planted aquarium 😆
  3. V

    Help please

    I rinsed the dirt before putting it in and it sat in the tank for a day till I started aqua scaping. I put plastic over the substrate to hopefully not disturb but my fear came true and I created mud.
  4. V

    What plants will take over a tank?

    It kind of sucks to keep buying stationary plants that don't grow out to make a tank look more planted. I'm new to live plants, but I want more than stacking up on plants like java fern, amazon sword, and anubias. I want plants that you don't have to buy a lot of to make a tank look adequately...
  5. reptilenotfish

    UNS 5n, dry start method

    setting up a uns 5n (4.6 gal) just got done with the hardscape, getting the tank and equipment on monday/tuesday I looked but couldn't find much on a tetra/rasbora/danio that wouldn't have a problem with this sized tank, so any suggestions welcome, will probably get shrimp though.
  6. reptilenotfish

    Advice on scaping?

    any advice on planting or hardscape? species: - hygrophila polysperma 'tiger' - staurogyne repens - dwarf sagittaria - java fern - anubias nana - pogostemon i have since removed the moss thanks!
  7. April_ht

    Online Stores Australia

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, if not I'm sorry, but does anybody know of any good quality online stores to buy from in Australia that sell a range of live plants or aquascaping supplies including rock, driftwood, backgrounds etc? I can't go out yet due to lockdown and...
  8. KatNor21

    How does one afford this hobby??

    Let's be real for a second. 😂 How do you afford this hobby? I'm a beginner, as in, less than 6 months into it. I have 3 tanks and enjoy aquascaping and fishkeeping, but I've spent SOOO much money. Like, hundreds and hundreds. To make matters worse, practically every time I run into a problem and...
  9. Barry Tetra

    Aquascaping styles and fish welfare?

    Hello, everyone! Today I need an opinion on differents aquascaping styles and welfare of fishes, as a lot of you might already know that I have an Iwagumi set up (kinda fail and infested in algae and snails) and after I added cardinal tetra in the tank I feel like it’s not for them as there are...
  10. ellamay

    Substrate advice

    Hello! I'm new to fish keeping and have been doing my research for a couple of months. Got my tank ordered & done water checks. I'm after a bit of advice about what substrate is best for aquascaping as I'm very interested in this, but I'll also be getting some corydoras so I'll also need...
  11. ellamay

    Beginner tips?

    I’m really interested in aquascaping but I’ve also read a lot of different opinions on what substrate corys need so I’m wondering if there’s something that would work well for my plants AND corys? Do fertilisers for the plants affect the fish in any way? What fertilisers are best? Do I need...
  12. Ellie Potts

    20 gallon aquascaping

    I just posted about my 55 gallon, so may as well ask about my 20 long. I'm not as concerned about this tank as it's currently being used as a backup/quarantine tank, but it would be nice to have it looking good. Any advice? Preferably beginner friendly advice Plants: Java moss, java fern...
  13. Ellie Potts

    How to make this look good...

    This is my 55 gallon aquarium and I'd really like it to be a heavily planted tank but I'm not sure how to improve on it. The bottom is really hectic but the middle is just empty. Because it's a standard 55, it's really tall and it's hard to buy plants (or reasonably priced decor) that are of...
  14. Balticbob


    Hi all I've just started Aquascaping my 260litre aquarium and I'd like to know if I'm going in the right direction with this? Any tips or ideas greatly appreciated.
  15. L

    Moss ball taking Over

    HI I ripped my boss ball and stuck on my rocks. Now they have breeded and taken over all the rocks. They are soo overgrown and out of control. Any way I can control this please.
  16. Quin

    Tank idea step 1

    I'm probably not going to change Hank's tank very much, if at all, until quarantine is over. That being said I'm definitely not satisfied with how it looks, and I'd love to fix it up for him. I want to fully render my plans for his tank, but in order to do that I need to know what they are. Step...
  17. Barry Tetra

    What should I add next?

    Hello TFF, I need help with aquascaping with this tank. This tank is 65 Gals includes 3 discuses, an angelfish and 2 silver dollars and 2 small tinfoil barbs (which my friend just put it in a tank while im not home months ago ugh...) Also is there anyway to make filter tube not visible?
  18. S

    Any idea what this is?? Found in my aquarium today.

  19. Barry Tetra

    Help with aquascaping

    I just bought a lot of plant, can any one help so it doesnt look that ugly. (Anubias on the left is white because the glue bottle is leak so...) @PheonixKingZ @essjay @seangee
  20. grymeths

    Getting a new tank and need a second opinion

    Hello fellow fishkeepers! This is going to be a long post so please bear with me! I am new to fishkeeping - used to have them when i was younger but wasn't really paying attention, and was just reintroduced into this world again a few weeks ago! Unfortunately i currently only have a 5 gallon...
  21. B

    55 gallon growing lights

    What brand would you recommend for a 55 gallon tank? I’m planting a high light tank and can’t decode what lighting to use. It could be LED or a T5 or whatever else. I could even do two lights if necessary but would prefer just one strong one. Need something that could keep the color on red...
  22. V

    New Tank

    Looking to buy a 5 gallon with a 'hidden' filter that doesn't get in the way when cleaning or aquascaping. It would also be a bonus if it had a built in heater so I don't have to have the ugly thing handing on the back of the tank. Anyone have any ideas?
  23. BioBaby

    What are your favourite aquascaping trends / themes ?

    I just bought a 10 gallon tank (PetSmart is having a sale!!) and I want to aquascape it, but I've never really aquascaped beyond gravel and some decorations. I'm looking for ideas on what to do with it. I don't have a plan for any specific fish yet, but I want a community tank of maybe three or...
  24. FisherFin

    How to Aquascape

    I would like to Hardscape my aquarium - (Rocks, Stones, Gravel, and Limited Plants) However, have got some fish doing just fine in my tank that has a mix match of ornaments, such as a large fake wooden background log thing...:S:fun: and a few small fake plants. The fish I have...
  25. T

    What to keep in my 21.6 Litre tank.Fish R Fun

    Hi guys I've got a Fish R Fun 21.6 Litre Granite Effect Hexagonal Aquarium, that I have owned for aroound about a year or so currently (and only just recently) I have added to me Black Neon Tetras bumping them up to 13 along with one Dwarf Gourami and 2 Peppered Corys. After purchasing a 120l...
  26. Bazouteast

    Safe fixative for DIY plastic plants

    I found some nice looking, inexpensive plastic plants on line. These are not intended for aquariums - but for floral arrangments. They are 100% plastic, no internal wire, and they look very realistic. Now I'm considering what to use to mould a base to secure the stems in an upright position and...
  27. starlitsunrise

    Aquascaping After Cycle?

    Hey guys,    I have two tanks at the moment and I want to aquascape both of them. My 10 gallon has been cycled for a month and a half and currently has a female betta and a female african dwarf frog living in it, as well as a few java ferns, some java moss and an anubias. My 5 gallon is in the...
  28. B

    My Very Own Set Up, New Love For My Fish.

    Hey so I decided to join this forum and to quit annoying my friends with pictures of my fish and aquarium. I really would like to gain new friends that could help me expand my knowledge on Aquarium life and to hear me rant about all my fish and aquarium detailed stories! (As I of course would do...
  29. Dandyman3

    New Member With A New Hobby And A Few Questions!

    Hello all,    I have recently joined the forums and enjoy seeing people's posts / previous posts and daily activity which goes on this site. Just recently 1-2 months now I purchased a 55l aquanano tank. There was a deal too good to miss, and we had tropical fish in the family before, so I...
  30. Apothyc

    Betta Aquascaping

    I'm looking at aquascaping for a breeding pair of elephant ear betta, I haven't bought anything yet so I'm pretty open to ideas. I am planning for a 10 gallon tank, and I unfortunately have never done a tank with live plants and am not sure what would be best. I'm not in a huge rush, though I...
  31. CrazyDiamond88

    Crumbly Rock A Problem?

    I bought a really nice rock yesterday from my LFS, it is called Honeycomb Nano, brand is  Pisces.    Thing is, it seems to be quite crumbly, and when I rub my finger on it, yellow from the rock gets on my finger.   Will this be a problem?   Is there a way to stop it?   I tried the vinegar test...