Tank size Advice needed


New Member
Jul 25, 2021
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Hi everyone, looking for some advice on what sized tank I need.
I’ve been keeping fish for many years and decided it’s time to finally invest in my biggest tank yet for a predator fish
I am aiming on buying 2-3 Bichirs (my dream fish) as well as some large tank mates such as Oscars, maybe even a fire eel and I’m open to other suggestions. The largest tank I can get would probably be 6ft x 2ft base. However prefer to buy a 5ft by 2ft. What is the minimum water capacity in litres needed? Can anyone suggest good fish combinations including 2-3 bichirs and tank size accordingly??
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What type of Arowana do you want? Arowana need a very very large tank. I think that the 6ft tank would be too small.
Just did some more research and you’re right, I’ll scrap the arowana idea, I’ll remove it from the post. They are massive.
A 5x2x2 foot tank would do an Oscar, fire eel and couple of birchirs but a 6x2x2 foot would be better.
Great thank you. And one more thing, I could get a ghost knife fish instead of a fire eel. Do you think they would be fine in this tank as some places say they max 20” and some say 3ft. And are they compatible tankmates? I’m aiming to buy them all as babies.
No, the ghost knife fish should not be kept with Oscars or birchirs. They simply can't compete.
Oscars are social. So I would skip them unless you keep 2 or 3..and if they pair up remove the odd one.

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