
Fish Herder
Jan 7, 2014
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One of my sorority girls, Lapis, is not in the best shape. :/ She's the smallest and I believe youngest out of the bunch (She's probably a juvi), and on top of all that the most recent. She's a inch long, with mustard gas coloration.
She isn't lethargic, she eats well, and isn't fin rotting, but almost always has her stress stripes on. It's sad to see. :( Her fins are also torn up, and some of her scales are beat up.
I want to drop her out of the sorority. I think the stress on her may weaken her immune system, and with those torn fins, fin rot may say "Oh hai!" to me again

I have a spare 5 gallon, and the 10 gallon Azul is in. I have a heater for the 5 gallon, and I could buy a filter, but I wanted to save that tank for a Hospital tank. I could divide the 10 gallon, but Azul seems to enjoy all the room. He is a big fish.
I'm kinda stuck. Any suggestions?
Check Craigslist or thrift shops? You could pick up an inexpensive small tank. Or depending on your location, I've got a spare ten gallon I don't need.
Or if you've got a Rubbermaid tub available, set one up as a tank. They work well enough, though aren't as pretty.
Over sleeping on it, I have an idea. I could buy one of these* and use it as a hospital tank, and put Lapis in the 5 gallon. I would just need to buy a heater and filter for it, and that's no problem.
A question, would Lapis live her whole life out in the 5 gal, or would she be moved back to the sorority after she's healed and grown?
Another, could I simply put the new filter sponge into the 10 gallon for a few weeks, then take it over to the 5 gallon?
Also, MG (Mustard Gas) is a copyrighted trademark by Jude Als. The actual Mustard Gas line has gone extinct, so I highly doubt you have a real Mustard Gas :p
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Anyways, I kind of have the same issue. I got four bettas from a breeder, one male, three females. Well, the one said to be male is the only female. So one of the betta died, and I wasnt sure at the time why, apart from a few torn fins. I posted a picture of my "females" in my community tank to learn they are males. Anyway, I have one tiny male, and a larger male and female. I have set up an 8G to house the smallest one, and I think that is the best move I can make right now. I have never seen the female, or the small one without stress stripes :/
The stress of moving is alot better than the stress of being harassed/bullied IMO. 
Thanks, I guess it's just the angle of the lighting.  :D
She's definitely a female, I check for ovipositors  often.
I think I'll carry out my plan.

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