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Firstly well done Ny82, and thanks for spoiling us all with the video of the release.  The tank looks great and good choice of gravel too.
Ny82 said:
The cleaning begins
I am going to use a scourer to scrub the tank walls-can I use fairy liquid too?
Can you confirm, you did not use fairy liquid to clean the tank did you?  What are the bubbles in the image above please?
I tend to use white vinegar to neutralize the glass in an empty tank having a thorough clean, then rinse it and allow it to dry/dry it off.
Ny82 said:
The final touch, a small bin bag cut to size as a background-not too dark.

I don't have a cave, I did see a coconut shell for a vivarium today and was debating on it. I have slate but that will be too sharp for him. 
I had post in the classified section as someone was selling bogwood with xmas moss on it. He didn't get back to me but if he does I will get it. 
Not sure if this would work, but what if the bog-wood was placed the other way up, to sort of provide a tunnel/cave underneath the two prongs?
Ny82 said:
If I pour the whole bag in, it will be far too much! I want to be able to give them it as a treat over the next few days if I can keep them alive. 

They are just so cute though. My little ones holding the bag saying just keep rusty in your tank, I want the shrimp in mine. I am explaining to her they are food but she's ran away with them. I think i'm going to have a problem here.
I keep mine in the fridge in a container with a lid on and find they survive better that way.  If you can get any, get some glass worm/white mosquito larvae, Rusty will adore that.
Think it is time to start a brine shrimp hatchery for your little one.  You can feed them after she has gone to bed or just say you are doing a water change

Ny82 said:
I just poured some of the shrimp into the tank and the fish went crazy even the fry were fighting for them! They weren't too keen on the daphnia lol

The place where I got the live food from had a gorgeous white fighter with blue spots on him. He was in a vase. No heater, no filter nothing. A vase. I was going to ask if he was for sale, vase and all but I don't have anywhere to put him. The boy said why don't you split the tank and I said because then they will only have 15L each. It killed me to walk away

What would you have done?
I don't tend to pour live food into the tanks.  Firstly I leave it on the side to reach room temperature i.e. so they don't just die as they hit the warmer water.  Then, I pour them through a net/strainer, then feed them to the fish.  This way I do not contaminate my tank with anything in the water they have been in.  I do not bother with Daphnia, I do not think you get much of it for your money, and as you say the fish are not so bothered anyway.
As for the gorgeous white fighter with blue spots on himdid you take a photo by any chance?  
As for "What would you have done?"  I have a topic by that name that will answer the question, but equally I can resist, believe it or not, as per Betta Resistance is Futile ~ I have a new image to add to that topic, which I will hopefully do later for you all.
Do you have any IAL for Rusty's tank?  They will assist in keeping the water in optimum condition for him, as generally Bettas prefer aged (yet clean filtered) water
Enjoy Rusty and his re-vamped tank
I did use a drop-just a drop - of fairy liquid then rinsed it with kettle boiled water hence the bubbles. When I googled it an article came up on practical fishkeeping and some said yes and some said it will damage the tank. I washed it thoroughly though.
*waits to get shouted at* :/
I tried the mopani different ways but it wont stand. I do have another piece with a hole through it that I took out that tank and put in mine. I might see what it looks like back in his tank.
I let my little one feed the fish with the shrimps, I said they will be hiding in the tank so she wont see them-as the fish gobbled them lol.
They had lots of different packets of live food, 75p each. Mines are in the fridge. 
I don't have any leaves yet, will order them from ebay. 
As for the white fighter I didn't get a pic, he's on a shelf next to the till. Didn't want the guy thinking I was a weirdo taking pics of the fish lol. 
I just saw this 
He said he'd take £20 
My LFS has bettas in little plastic cups.  I'm sure they would all prefer a nice vase to those cups.  It really makes me sad to see them in there.  They barely even have space to flare!
I am going to get it. It has guppies and platies but someone is already buying them separate so I have a vision for this tank. 
Black sand, dark background, small bushy plants - ember tetras and platinum tetras.
or (taken from other forum)
Black sand, tall back plants, dark background- dwarf gouramis.
I don't know yet. I love gouramis and had a gold one in my 64L back when I started but he died when I had the nitrite spike :(

NeonBlueLeon said:
My LFS has bettas in little plastic cups.  I'm sure they would all prefer a nice vase to those cups.  It really makes me sad to see them in there.  They barely even have space to flare!
I couldn't believe there was a fish in it! They should know better. 
It's never looked so clean and sparkly!

Both together

NeonBlueLeon said:
Aw no rummy noses?  They're my favorite!
Lol no I would like to go back to gouramis. With it only being 60L I am quite limited but I do love the red dwarf gouramis. I have been advised 1 male and 2 females. I will see though. 
Tank looks gorgeous!!  Really love the black gravel, very smart.
I have the same tank only in garish pink :blush: lol it was all I could get second hand at short notice
I hope you didn't use the fairy liquid to clean the tank
I put a drop of fairy liquid on the sponge, then ran it under the tap then cleaned the bottom of the tank with it :/ Then I got the boiled kettle water and rinsed it all. 
Oops I completely missed page 2 of this thread! 
The brine shrimp live in salt water so they can't survive in a freshwater tank... they would die in a few minutes.  You can keep them in their bag in the fridge for a day or two though (or so I've been told).  I pour the bag into a net and then put the net in the tank.
I always ask my LFS if I can photograph the Bettas, they are fine with it as long as I do not use flash.  You could always say you have a friend wanting one, would they mind you taking a picture, after all you have many friends on here so you are not really lying ;)
Glad you are getting that tank, a good price at £20, not sure what he means by "strive at flitter", I guess it could be "stingray filter"?  I do not like them as they have no media in them, just replaced my friends with a Fluval U2 that I bought on here second-hand, good filter.  If you subscribe to PFK you get one free at the moment!  Mind you I am looking at some of the smaller external filters as potential options.
In respect to the Fairy Liquid, I never let any soap or chemicals anywhere near my tanks or their cleaning equipment, sadly there are too many horror stories with soap used in tanks/buckets.  Hopefully you will be lucky if you have rinsed it really well, but personally I would not use it again.  I could not find the PFK article you referred to, do you have a link at all?  In respect to using water from the kettle, just take care with boiling water as it can crack the glass on your tank.  As I mentioned, I tend to prefer the use of white vinegar as it leaves no residue and evaporates, although I do rinse the tanks anyway once I have used it.
Tank looks great though Ny82 so good job.
daizeUK said:
Oops I completely missed page 2 of this thread! 
The brine shrimp live in salt water so they can't survive in a freshwater tank... they would die in a few minutes.  You can keep them in their bag in the fridge for a day or two though (or so I've been told).  I pour the bag into a net and then put the net in the tank.
Your response came in while I was typing, I think Ny82 is aware that the brine shrimp have gone, it was to appease her little one who wanted them to live ;)
Aww I do have friends on here, they are such good friends they tell me to get pics and I end up coming back with it! I have heard that one before ;)
Yeah I think he means the stingray filter! It's the hagen elite 60. I don't like that filter, I am wanting to put my fluval u2 into it and get the fluval mini for rustys tank. Even though the filters set to "b" the slow setting for plants, he still struggles to swim against it then he lies against the filter like he's having a rest. 
I have well and truly caught the bug with tank number 3 on the way. Picking it up Tuesday
What about honey Gouramis? - my profile and sig pics....
Ny82 said:
Aww I do have friends on here, they are such good friends they tell me to get pics and I end up coming back with it! I have heard that one before

Yeah I think he means the stingray filter! It's the hagen elite 60. I don't like that filter, I am wanting to put my fluval u2 into it and get the fluval mini for rustys tank. Even though the filters set to "b" the slow setting for plants, he still struggles to swim against it then he lies against the filter like he's having a rest. 
I have well and truly caught the bug with tank number 3 on the way. Picking it up Tuesday
Ha, yes, well...
Have you thought of a sponge filter for Rusty by any chance?  I have one in with Bob as well as one of my other boys and I find them very good.  I think Wildbetta uses them in all of her Betta tanks now.
   Exciting Tuesday for you...
Shel, they advertise the little red ones as honey gouramis. They are sometimes called red robin gourami. I can't find proper honeys anywhere. I do love gouramis, the opaline being my favourite-but not for a 60L tank!

RCA said:
Aww I do have friends on here, they are such good friends they tell me to get pics and I end up coming back with it! I have heard that one before

Yeah I think he means the stingray filter! It's the hagen elite 60. I don't like that filter, I am wanting to put my fluval u2 into it and get the fluval mini for rustys tank. Even though the filters set to "b" the slow setting for plants, he still struggles to swim against it then he lies against the filter like he's having a rest. 
I have well and truly caught the bug with tank number 3 on the way. Picking it up Tuesday
Ha, yes, well...
Have you thought of a sponge filter for Rusty by any chance?  I have one in with Bob as well as one of my other boys and I find them very good.  I think Wildbetta uses them in all of her Betta tanks now.
   Exciting Tuesday for you...
Now don't laugh but I don't actually know how the sponge filter works. The one they sell in pets at home has all these pipes and I would get so confused. That was my original plan but I wouldn't know how to put it all together 

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