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1 Woman Army ;)
Nov 20, 2011
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Hi folks, so I have a 30L tank which was originally set up as a fry tank. Fry have been moved to the main tank because I saw a chocolate/gold siamese fighter and had to have him. Long story shot the tank is filthy and needs stripped. I will document everything as I am doing it. 

Picked up some new gravel. They didn't have the dark blue. I was really stuck between the black and the white. Some forum members advised against white because it washes out the colours. He is such a unique colour I want to make the most of it!

I've taken the nozzle off the siphon so it's more powerful and lifts all the gravel out. 

So now to take the plant and wood out the tank. I will float the plant in the other tank and place the wood on the towel. I am debating whether to put it back in or not as I noticed a scrape on my fighters head. 

Looking good so far

Now for a quick lunch break before the real work begins!
Fighters typically enjoy large leafy plants to rest under. ;) You could put some anubais or cover moss to the wood and put it in your other tank, or with the moss put it back in with the betta.
Good luck!
Caught rusty in a plastic cup. He's not happy!

Floating him in the cup, in the trap so he doesn't get too shocked, it's not ideal but it's only to acclimatise him. The fry are very interested in him!

Going to float the filter in my tank and put the heater in the bucket so that after I empty it out I can just lift it to the bath and scrub it. 
It's getting a bit crowded in here lol

Now to get rid of this hideous gravel.

I just seen your reply DreamertK - I have amazon swords. Never been able to keep anubias alive!
Can't keep anubias!!!
They are one of the few plants that survive my wrath.
But its such a low-maintenance plant! I dont know how, but mine keeps growing.
Is the sword the one your floating in the other tank? (First pic?) I think mine was destroyed by my gourami's appetite.
Looks like a lot of tannins in the water.
Well I must just be jinxed haha! Yes the sword is the one I took out and also the bigger one from the main tank will be put in here. 
So with just a small bit to go-the siphon broke. Probably clogged with gravel lol

Managed to fit what I took out into one doggy bag you can see how filthy it is.

I am going to use a scourer to scrub the tank walls-can I use fairy liquid too?
The cleaning begins

I didn't realise the lid came off, I prised the hinges and it just lifted off. That made it 10 times easier to clean.


Now for the gravel
Since your replacing the gravel, expect some NH3 spikes to occur as some bacteria did live there. Happened to me when I removed my sand to clean it.
DreamertK said:
Since your replacing the gravel, expect some NH3 spikes to occur as some bacteria did live there. Happened to me when I removed my sand to clean it.
I've seen this happen before as well, but you may be in the clear if your filter media is well established.  After all it's only one (glorious, beautiful) betta.  Just keep an eye on the params, naturally.
Keep 'em coming!  Can't wait to see how Rusty reacts to his new home. :)
Yeah I had that when I did the big tank a year ago. The media is about 16 months old. It should hopefully be ok. I will do regular changes.
Put the lid back on and switched the heater on as the water is freezing!

What do you think?
Nice!  Plants at the surface, room to explore and swim, and a nice choice in gravel!
As mentioned above, you could cover the more pointy edges of the wood with a moss or something if you think that's the culprit behind Rusty's injuries.
Does he have a cave of any sort?
The final touch, a small bin bag cut to size as a background-not too dark.

I don't have a cave, I did see a coconut shell for a vivarium today and was debating on it. I have slate but that will be too sharp for him. 
I had post in the classified section as someone was selling bogwood with xmas moss on it. He didn't get back to me but if he does I will get it. 
I like - I think you'll be ok with the bogwood also, I think my Vader has a similar 'patch' on his head - maybe it's normal???

A video for his release :D ??
Nice.  I ask because it seems like bettas hideaway sometimes.  Your tank looks nice and shaded at the bottom, as well as a natural looking substrate.
I second the request for a release video! :)

I'm gonna make a thread like this once I get my betta tank plans in motion!

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