
June FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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NeonBlueLeon said:
Nice.  I ask because it seems like bettas hideaway sometimes.  Your tank looks nice and shaded at the bottom, as well as a natural looking substrate.
I second the request for a release video! :)
I'm gonna make a thread like this once I get my betta tank plans in motion!
Ooh Neonblue how exciting :D when?
Ok I will try and get a video if you can tell me how to upload a video from an iphone! I usually email it to myself but last time it kept saying too big :(
I got the fish a treat today


Baby brine shrimp and daphnia. They are quite cute and my little one is talking to the shrimp saying hello my little creatures, I will look after you, you're so tiny 

I feel sorry for them now, I don't want to pour all of it in is there any way to keep them alive until tomorrow?
TallTree01 said:
Love how this turned out!
Thanks so have I even though my back kills now it's been worth it!
NeonBlue- I will follow that thread too!
With my iPhone I upload them to YouTube :) then post here :D
Could you use iCloud since you have an iPhone?
I've never tried preserving live foods before, but I have heard putting them in a refrigerator can help.  Number one rule of live foods, don't get attached! 
My livebearers love brine shrimp so much, sometimes I feel my appetite grow when I get some.  Wow I'm weird.
TallTree01 said:
They wouldn't need to eat daily surely
If I pour the whole bag in, it will be far too much! I want to be able to give them it as a treat over the next few days if I can keep them alive. 

Shelster said:
With my iPhone I upload them to YouTube
then post here
Good idea!
NeonBlueLeon said:
Could you use iCloud since you have an iPhone?
I've never tried preserving live foods before, but I have heard putting them in a refrigerator can help.  Number one rule of live foods, don't get attached! 
My livebearers love brine shrimp so much, sometimes I feel my appetite grow when I get some.  Wow I'm weird.
They are just so cute though. My little ones holding the bag saying just keep rusty in your tank, I want the shrimp in mine. I am explaining to her they are food but she's ran away with them. I think i'm going to have a problem here.
Well as far as I know for brine shrimp, they won't be able to stay in that bag if you want to keep them alive.  They'll need a container, bubbler for water movement, and should be fed starch.  I tried to keep a bagful alive this way for a few days, but I got too lazy.  Plus they started to smell.
I just poured some of the shrimp into the tank and the fish went crazy even the fry were fighting for them! They weren't too keen on the daphnia lol

The place where I got the live food from had a gorgeous white fighter with blue spots on him. He was in a vase. No heater, no filter nothing. A vase. I was going to ask if he was for sale, vase and all but I don't have anywhere to put him. The boy said why don't you split the tank and I said because then they will only have 15L each. It killed me to walk away :(
What would you have done?
Ugh, a tricky one. Thing is if you bought him, you would only see another in the vase in a few days time and where do you stop?

Plus I would have to face the wrath of my husband and our getting cramped cottage :/
This is it-where do you stop? He was beautiful aswell :(
I just live myself with my daughter. I don't have anyone to get mad lol.  Luckily my landlady is as mad about fish as I am. I was speaking to her at the school this morning and she has a male fighter in a bowl in her daughters room with a sponge filter and heater and she has a female in a vase. I am sure she said vase. I think she thought they would breed. I said it's very hard to breed them she didn't realise. I hope I don't get ended up with her, I have guppies!
He really is a lovely fish, I'm sure he loves his newly decorated home :D
Thanks, he's sitting under the filter lol will give him time to get used to it!

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