I'll soon be starting a new aquarium with a view to moving most of my current fish in, and, since falling in love with Petricola Catfish, i've started thinking about adding some African Cichlids as i hear they are ideal tankmates. My question is, can i mix my current fish with African Cichlids and if so, what are some suitable species which might do well in my tank? I've been in the hobby for a few years but never kept Cichlids of any kind so my knowledge on them as a species is very limited
Current 110L aquarium:
1 Rainbow Shark (Mature, 12cm)
4 Boesmani Rainbows (6cm)
1 Blue, 1 Red, 1 Parkinson's Rainbowfish (5-8cm)
5 Petricola Catfish (Juvenile, 5-7cm)
2 Kuhli Loaches (Mature)
2 Bristlenose Pleco (Juvenile/Mature)
1 Banjo Catfish (Mature, 12cm)
I hope to move all of the above except the Banjo Cat and Kuhli loaches (who will be joined by a large shoal of Neon Tetras), and also eventually add some tiger barbs or similar barbs if i feel that there is room for them
My new tank is 4ft and approx. 300 Litres so i'm only looking for smaller Cichlids that grow to a maximum of 20cm
Current 110L aquarium:
1 Rainbow Shark (Mature, 12cm)
4 Boesmani Rainbows (6cm)
1 Blue, 1 Red, 1 Parkinson's Rainbowfish (5-8cm)
5 Petricola Catfish (Juvenile, 5-7cm)
2 Kuhli Loaches (Mature)
2 Bristlenose Pleco (Juvenile/Mature)
1 Banjo Catfish (Mature, 12cm)
I hope to move all of the above except the Banjo Cat and Kuhli loaches (who will be joined by a large shoal of Neon Tetras), and also eventually add some tiger barbs or similar barbs if i feel that there is room for them
My new tank is 4ft and approx. 300 Litres so i'm only looking for smaller Cichlids that grow to a maximum of 20cm