Mini spawn fry adoption

Oh, yes I know where Winston-Salem is. My older brother was born there. Well, that makes two of us. I also live in a redneck parts of NC. There are parts over here that you don't want to go. :no: And some people have gone on up the valley that I live in and have not come back out alive... :blink:
Yea H/o :D

Im resizing......ITs pretty cool....its mostly coverin the top, but u can tell his gonna change more

w00t an orange bettaaaaaa.....w00t go Mini's MoM!!!!!!!!!
:hyper: look at this head u can see the orange starting to take over :drool:

and his pecs too :drool: :flex:

" Eh.......Orange you glad Im changing :whistle: "
hehe mine are here now!!! They are just adorable, I'm wondering though if they are going to get any bigger? It seems unrealistic that they will grow to be as big as a normal sized betta, or am I wrong?
redbetta said:
hehe mine are here now!!! They are just adorable, I'm wondering though if they are going to get any bigger? It seems unrealistic that they will grow to be as big as a normal sized betta, or am I wrong?
Oh just rub it in.. j/k I'm going to go check the mail here in about fifteen minutes. I so hope they are there. I'm a ball of nerves. :crazy:

Actually I think Larry is hilarious. My older brother is all time saying Git r done. The thing is you have to take Larry as he is, if people don't like him it's no big deal I'm sure he doesn't care. He's a complete redneck though.

DaSauce he is gorgeous. I love the orange. :cool:
The ultimate_fish MaC dAddY said:
so all I do is send you 4 dollars and you send me a betta?
Yep, pretty much :)

redbetta said:
hehe mine are here now!!! They are just adorable, I'm wondering though if they are going to get any bigger? It seems unrealistic that they will grow to be as big as a normal sized betta, or am I wrong?
Oh they'll get bigger alright! They're only about 4 months old ya know. I'm not sure how big they'll get exactly, since both their parents were relatively small, but they're not done growing at this point by any means :nod:
Hey Synirr :D

So u send me the marble w/o vents and another girlie right :hey: in a shoebox or popcorn box >__> so ghetto :look: :dunno: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh yea heres my question :fun: wat is the mysteriious female u got me.....or do u want to surprise me :S :hey:

Yea also do u think Poseidon will turn all orange now since his head is basically covered in orange and his pecs too O_O....... :whistle:
Just to note, my babies got here all good!! They're aclimatizing now. :D

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