New Member
Hello all! I'm having some issues with my 75 gal live planted community tank after being forced to replace the filter with an uncycled new filter after the old one started leaking BADLY! I am now running a Fluval 406. All of the water parameters are fine: Ammonia - 0, Nitrate - 0, Nitrite, 0. There are currently 26 fish all together in the tank, including 3 cherry barbs; 1 female and 2 males, and I've noticed that one of the males has some sort of bulge just behind his abdominal area on his side (see photo and apologies for not being able to rotate the image and the photo-bomb by the clown loach).
I'm not sure whether this is some sort of internal parasite or not, I've never seen it before. He seems to be doing fine despite this abnormality, hes not gasping, staying to himself, flashing, or anything else along those lines.
Should I try treating the whole tank with epsom salt to see if that clears anything up? I have a hospital tank that is currently occupied by one of my kribensis cichlids that has what appears to be bloat that I am treating with Clout so I'm not sure if moving him to the hospital tank is feasible.
So far all of his tankmates seem to be doing completely fine, including the other 2 cherry barbs, 3 tiger barbs, 3 discus (this whole tank will be converted into a strictly discus tank as soon as my 55 gal is done cycling so that I can move fish, but so far everyone gets along well), 2 golden dojo loaches, 1 clown loach, 1 platy, 2 neon tetras, 1 red finned shark, 1 bala shark, 2 bushy-nosed plecos, 1 glow tetra, 2 kribensis cichlids (one of which is in the hospital tank), 2 paradise fish, 1 golden gourami, and 1 blue gourami. I know this is a melting pot of fish, my boyfriend doesn't seem to understand that you shouldn't just throw any fish together but I don't know how it works, it just does...
Any help would be really appreciated!!
I'm not sure whether this is some sort of internal parasite or not, I've never seen it before. He seems to be doing fine despite this abnormality, hes not gasping, staying to himself, flashing, or anything else along those lines.
Should I try treating the whole tank with epsom salt to see if that clears anything up? I have a hospital tank that is currently occupied by one of my kribensis cichlids that has what appears to be bloat that I am treating with Clout so I'm not sure if moving him to the hospital tank is feasible.
So far all of his tankmates seem to be doing completely fine, including the other 2 cherry barbs, 3 tiger barbs, 3 discus (this whole tank will be converted into a strictly discus tank as soon as my 55 gal is done cycling so that I can move fish, but so far everyone gets along well), 2 golden dojo loaches, 1 clown loach, 1 platy, 2 neon tetras, 1 red finned shark, 1 bala shark, 2 bushy-nosed plecos, 1 glow tetra, 2 kribensis cichlids (one of which is in the hospital tank), 2 paradise fish, 1 golden gourami, and 1 blue gourami. I know this is a melting pot of fish, my boyfriend doesn't seem to understand that you shouldn't just throw any fish together but I don't know how it works, it just does...
Any help would be really appreciated!!