New Member
Hi, I'm pretty new to this forum so correct me if I have posted in the wrong place : ) thanks.
I am setting up the above tank and it will be quite heavily planted (I am very experienced with planted tanks just not the fish). I would like a huge variety as my family would really like "Lots of different species". I know it would be better of with only a couple of species but bear with me, thanks. I do know a bit about fish but I would like some advice from the experts : ). Also I'm not allowed to keep "big" fish hence the following.
Are there any problems with the below stocking?
10 x Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus)
10 x Sterbai Cory (Corydoras sterbai)
15 x Neon Dwarf Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia praecox)
20 x Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)
3 x Banjo Catfish (Bunocephalus coracoideus)
5 x Kuhli Loach (Pangio kuhlii)
3 x Royal Farlowella Catfish (Sturisoma panamense)
7 x Pearl Gourami (Trichogaster leerii)
6 x Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus)
2 x Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher)
3 x Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus sp.)
10 x Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus)
10 x Pristella Tetra (Pristella maxillaris)
10 x Buenos Aires Tetra (Hyphessobrycon anisitsi)
10 x Rummynose Tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri)
10 x Rosy Tetra (Hyphessobrycon rosaceus)
10 x Glowlight Tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus)
10 x Zebra Danio (Danio rerio)
10 x Golden Barb (Puntius gelius)
10 x Cherry Barb (Puntius titteya)
10 x Scissortail Rasbora (Rasbora trilineata)
Thanks again any help appreciated : )
I am setting up the above tank and it will be quite heavily planted (I am very experienced with planted tanks just not the fish). I would like a huge variety as my family would really like "Lots of different species". I know it would be better of with only a couple of species but bear with me, thanks. I do know a bit about fish but I would like some advice from the experts : ). Also I'm not allowed to keep "big" fish hence the following.
Are there any problems with the below stocking?
10 x Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus)
10 x Sterbai Cory (Corydoras sterbai)
15 x Neon Dwarf Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia praecox)
20 x Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)
3 x Banjo Catfish (Bunocephalus coracoideus)
5 x Kuhli Loach (Pangio kuhlii)
3 x Royal Farlowella Catfish (Sturisoma panamense)
7 x Pearl Gourami (Trichogaster leerii)
6 x Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus)
2 x Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher)
3 x Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus sp.)
10 x Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus)
10 x Pristella Tetra (Pristella maxillaris)
10 x Buenos Aires Tetra (Hyphessobrycon anisitsi)
10 x Rummynose Tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri)
10 x Rosy Tetra (Hyphessobrycon rosaceus)
10 x Glowlight Tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus)
10 x Zebra Danio (Danio rerio)
10 x Golden Barb (Puntius gelius)
10 x Cherry Barb (Puntius titteya)
10 x Scissortail Rasbora (Rasbora trilineata)
Thanks again any help appreciated : )