big tank

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  1. I

    Barra, asian redtail and oscars

    Hi I feel like I already know the answer but i wanted a few other opinions so at the risk of sounding new to fish i have a tank that holds a barramundi, a silver shark, 2 cichlids from when I accidentally bred a blue Texas and a braziliensis cichlid together (the cross-bred babies currently have...
  2. H

    I need advice about my predator tank filtration :)

    Hey Peeps, I have a 375 Gallon Tank with currently: 9 big goldfish 1 baby silver arowana 3 baby motoro stingrays 6 medium discus All living happily ^^ I have a 5x2x1 sump for this tank with overkill amounts of bio balls, marine pure and purigen. However, the water is always hazy. It is not...
  3. AXsmasher

    Large 150cm * 150cm * 50cm tank (1125L) Stocking

    Hi, I'm pretty new to this forum so correct me if I have posted in the wrong place : ) thanks. I am setting up the above tank and it will be quite heavily planted (I am very experienced with planted tanks just not the fish). I would like a huge variety as my family would really like "Lots of...
  4. E

    New 125 Gal Tank. 8.2 Ph From Faucet. What Fish Should I Get?

    So we just got a new 125 Gal Tank. We've had tanks for years and years but never one this large. The possibilities are endless! The water directly from faucet reads 7.4pH, but after sitting for 24 hours it levels off at 8.2 pH. Because the tank is so large, we want to get fish (or creatures)...
  5. M

    Introducing Frogs

    Hi I have got a 102L tank with 4 Gowlight Tetras, 4 Red eye Tetras, 2 Gold Rams,  2 penguin Tetra and 1 guppy  I am going to get 4 more guppy as the others sadly died.  I am wanting to introduce more fish and a frog can someone tell me if i would need an above water platform for a frog or not...
  6. S

    22 Gallon Tank- Rehoming My Monsters Dilemma?

    Hi all,   Long time no speak in the FishForums! Back with a dilemma about my fish tanks and welfare. Basically I have a 22 (ish) gallon, quite a long but narrow tank and a Juwel 70 litre tank. The Juwel has been set up for many years and at the moment is healthy but a bit understocked and under...