22 Gallon Tank- Rehoming My Monsters Dilemma?

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Fish Fanatic
Nov 16, 2007
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Hi all,
Long time no speak in the FishForums!
Back with a dilemma about my fish tanks and welfare. Basically I have a 22 (ish) gallon, quite a long but narrow tank and a Juwel 70 litre tank. The Juwel has been set up for many years and at the moment is healthy but a bit understocked and under decorated with a few cardinal tetras, a cory and a mini Bristlenose plec. I've been too busy the past few months to do anything with it.
The big 22 gal has been set up for a couple of years now and hasn't got any live plants in as the fish destroy them. I have a large Gibbiceps Pleco (5 inches at least), 2 Silver Dollars (I'd say about 4 inches each at least) and a large Jack Dempsey Cichlid slightly larger than the Dollars. It's been these lot (plus a few gouramis which died a while back) ever since I've had it. They all get on well and seem healthy but I can tell the fish are too big for the tank. I think they need rehoming but it's hard to let them go as they're gorgeous fish.
I don't have the funds or time (as I'm going away for 3 months on an expedition soon) to restock both tanks so my plan (also to make it easier for parents cleaning whilst I'm away etc) is to rehome the big ones and move all the fish and plants from the smaller one into the big one. Then I can invest in some more smaller fish and can plant it up without them dying. I wish I had the funds to keep both but it costs a lot to get both well stocked and planted.
Any thoughts on this? Don't know what to do!
a 22g tank is not big enough for a common plec, dollars & JD. Re-homing is a choice of taking them to the LFS or advertising them for sale and hope they go to someone who knows what they are doing. There are a group people I know that do rescue fish, if you want to pm me I can send you the details.
star4 said:
a 22g tank is not big enough for a common plec, dollars & JD. Re-homing is a choice of taking them to the LFS or advertising them for sale and hope they go to someone who knows what they are doing. There are a group people I know that do rescue fish, if you want to pm me I can send you the details.
And your Juwel 70l is overstocked by the sounds of it, it might only have a few Cardinal tetra and a singleton Corydoras (both should be in 6+ numbers). But that BN Plec will be producing a lot of waste, if being given a suitable veggie diet this catfish will producing lots of poop, which is why 125l tanks with good external filtration are a sensible starting point along with poop syphoning most days.
Tbh if it was me, i'd rehome all of the fish, take down the tanks for the 3 months then start up again when I came home.
Depends how fish savvy your family is with looking after them.

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