planted aquarium

  1. D

    How many fish for my tank?

    Hey guys, I’ve tried to look online, and I’m getting a lot of contradicting advice, considering the variables depending on the fish I’m interested in. I have a 180-litre tank but only have 160 litres of water. I have a 200 Eheim pick-up filter and 200-watt heater to make up for heat loss...
  2. un-erasable pencil

    Weird pest in my tank

    Hi, I posting to ask if anyone knows what these little insect looking things are in my fish tank. There are a lot crawling on my anubias and some on the glass. I also noticed my anubias has been kind of rotting which wasn't an issue before and I've have it for about 4 months. Not sure if that's...
  3. V

    Stubborn algae, I've tried everything so it may never go away

    I limit the lighting to 7 hours a day or less, I've tried snails and fish that eat the algae. (I did get shrimp at one point, but I acclimated them wrong and knowing they're that sensitive makes me hesitant to try again) I tried a plastic scraper, magnetic scraper, and an actual sharp blade...
  4. rebe

    Help with stocking

    Hello all! Starting a 105 litre planted tank (about 28 gallons), and looking for suggestions/advice in terms of stocking and fish numbers. I'm thinking ember tetras, Otto catfish. I'd also like some top dwellers like marbled hatchets. Possibly a centerpiece fish like a pearl gourami. What do...
  5. Jrcall

    Blister like lump on black widow tetras mouth

    I've just come home from work and have noticed that one of my black widow tetras has got a blister like lump on its mouth. I can't really find anything online to help. I changed their water a couple of days ago so levels are normal. I haven't noticed it before so either it's been there a while...
  6. V

    What plants will take over a tank?

    It kind of sucks to keep buying stationary plants that don't grow out to make a tank look more planted. I'm new to live plants, but I want more than stacking up on plants like java fern, amazon sword, and anubias. I want plants that you don't have to buy a lot of to make a tank look adequately...
  7. B

    Beige see-through spots on plants (pics)

    Hello all! I hope you’re well! I’m currently after some answers as I can’t find them anywhere, I’ve had my planted tropical aquarium roughly 4 months, and yesterday I noticed what appeared to be these see through beige spots on two of my live plants and my seachem ammonia checker which is on the...
  8. A

    PLEASE HELP planted tank cloudy water dead fish

    Okay HI I have a planted tank using organic soil that is technically used for plants like tomatoes. But I’ve had this tank for over 9 months because I got it on my birthday last year and it’s a 10 gallon fluval tank with special lights for plants and a built in filter. Now it’s been ruining...
  9. carligraceee

    A little 40g update + pH help!

    Hey guys! Long time no see! I decided to give another update since I have made some more changes and added some things. Stock: - Davinci the African Butterfly fish, he has reached around 3.5 inches so far - 11 Black Phantom Tetras, all around 1.5 inches - NEW 12 Bleeding Heart Tetras, all...
  10. Xious

    Dying Fish?

    Hello! I'm relatively new to the hobby, about a year in. I have a 155g tank with 2 Oscars, 2 catfish, and 2 goldfish (that the oscars didn't eat and have grown). I also have a 55g planted tank that's cycled and houses an army of Cherry Shrimp, plants, and 5 snails. Recently i've added guppies...
  11. ellamay

    Planted aquarium floors

    I’m about to set up a small tank for my betta (currently thinking about a dennerle nano cube 20l) and would like some advice. My first question is what do you do about keeping the aquarium floor clean when it’s completely planted like in the picture below? I use a gravel vac on my current...
  12. O

    Planted tank soil substrate…

    Hi guys, So I have a 200 litre tank on the way and this will be my first “big” aquarium. I currently have planted tanks that are doing really well with root tabs but I want to make sure that this big one is perfect and low maintenance. I am looking to go with a black gravel substrate and have...
  13. C

    Planted tank/greenwater help

    Hello! So I've been in the hobby for just over a year, made all the mistakes at the start and learned a LOT. I now have a nice healthy tank of fish, I wanted real plants and have planted the tank got it balanced not too badly(or it wasn't balanced in the first place and it was just luck) but...
  14. C


    What appears to be Blackbeard algae is growing in both my community planted tanks that seems to be killing my plants, they are not dead but they do not grow as fast as they did when they didn’t have algae. I have a lot of plants in both my tanks not sure what type all of them are but I know most...
  15. C

    Angel acting strange

    I have a 38 gallon community tank with two medium size angels( I have one more in a separate tank he’s too small for them right now I think, they where not very nice) before when I added the small angel my bigger veil tail was being a bit aggressive pecking at him. I only mention that because...
  16. CozyCat

    Planaria - Good or Bad?

    Hi, Found this guy crawling around the substrate up against the glass in my planted aquarium this morning. Pretty sure it is a planarian. I caught it and put it in a small container, I also put a snail in to see what it does and it has eaten the snail 😂 😰 What do people think about them? Are...
  17. carligraceee

    42g Update!

    Hey guys! So this past two and half months (almost three months, I think) has been huge for my aquarium and because of everyone's contributions to my successful ecosystem I wanted to share an update with you guys! Stocking: I now have six fish in my tank as well as about a dozen or so snails...
  18. S

    RO Remineralising Quanitites in Nano Tank

    Hi All I've recently set up my 20 litre, planted nano tank. I've elected to use 100% RO water which I am remineralsing, and I wanted to ask if others have done this and how they scaled their doses for various quantities of water for a nano tank, i.e. large quantity at start up, 50% water...
  19. dsch132

    New Aquascape Ideas

    Hello again everyone! I've been working on a new project- a five gallon cube that will eventually house a betta and possibly a mystery snail. This tank will be maintained primarily by my girlfriend as her introduction to the hobby. Originally, we were going to keep it pretty basic with minimal...
  20. E

    My first aquarium ever - guppys

    Hi, My name is Erin. This is my first aquarium. It is a 15 gallon fluval flex, purchase for my son for Christmas (but I am obsessed with it too!). We wanted live plants so we have 2 anubias, a lace fern, a java fern, and two other plants. We started with 8 guppies, but unfortunately 4 have...
  21. S

    Male Platy is hiding from the rest of his tank mates

    I have a total of 9 plattys, 2 males and 7 females. The one male is blue and the other is orange and both seem to not like being around the females and other fish in the tank. The blue is newer than the orange and when I first got the orange he stayed away from the rest of the group and now he...
  22. eatyourpeas

    Dear Diary...

    It all started with a shrimp I needed as a model to draw from. Then the shrimp needed friends. But there was also this snail... Then I learned that the 1.5 gal. flower vase was too small. Then I learned that I needed a heater, and plants. Then my plant grew, and grew, and grew... so I got...
  23. T

    Lots of Aquatic Plant Questions

    Hi, I'm planning to start my first planted aquarium but I have alot of questions even after doing a week of research. I wanna make sure to do this right, so if anyone could answer some of these questions that would be great! 1. What hardy beginner plants can I tie on wood and rocks? Is there...
  24. F

    What is the name of this sucker fish?

    I introduced fishes to my planted aquarium yesterday. I waited one week after planting some carpet and other plants to introduce fishes into it. I bought 4 neon tetras, 2 gourami, 2 flat white tetras, 2 orange tetra, 4 moulii and two algae eaters. These algae eaters were 3 and 4 cm in length...
  25. A

    Is It Bad To Dose Before I Turn Off Lights?

    I have a 10 Gallon planted aquarium with anubias barteri, unknown anubias, unknown sword, jungle vallisneria, and ludwigia repens. I dose Seachem Iron, Flourish, and Flourish Excel on a basic schedule. Sometimes I forget to dose them in the morning and sometimes I remember but not until i'm...
  26. S

    Unexpected death of my tetras

    Yesterday one of my tetra died and today another died. I have a 10 gallon tank with live plants(amazon sword, java fern and a plant that resembles cryptocotyne a littlebit) and driftwood. There are 5 pond snail's in it as well. Two days before I got 5 cardinal tetras and 2 guppies for my...
  27. S

    I want a betta

    Hi I recently built a tank which is only a week old. I cycled the tank with bacteria in a bottle and fish food flakes and I added 5 cardinal tetras and 2 guppies in my 10 gallon tank. I have driftwood and a stone along with 7 Amazon sword stems, a java fern and a species of plant that somewhat...
  28. S

    transparent slime on my driftwood

    i have a new planted 10g tank and my driftwood is picking up a transparent layer of sluggish substance which is covering most of my driftwood and it is slimy. is it normal? if it is not normal, what should i do to treat it? help me please. PS: its a new tank and im currently cycling it without...
  29. Peepss

    1 Month Transformation

    Just super happy with the way this turned out and has grown into itself. 1st day - 1 Month (plus a couple additions in the front). I use the Fluval Aquasky light & adjust its location throughout the day. This is a 60 gallon tank.
  30. D

    Betta sorority

    Morning Folks! Over the past few weeks, I’ve been flirting with the idea of turning my fluval flex 15 tank into a betta sorority. Currently I only have one betta smaragdina female in the planted black water tank. Here are my concerns, I’m not entirely sure what stocking rate would be suitable...
  31. E

    Best CO2 system for about £100?

    Title. Hi guys, wanted to know if there are any decent CO2 systems that are relatively easy to just hook up to a tank and go. never used anything other than a tropica 60 system before so an all-in-one system would be preferred. Cheers!
  32. D

    Shrimp Problems

    I am new to the fish tank hobby. i started about 3 months ago. i have a 40 gallon planted tank i have 4 very big amazon swords, java moss, some fern looking plants, water lettuce, frogbit, some duck weed, and a few other plants i don't remember. As for fish i have a male powder blue gourami, 2...
  33. A

    Moving Pregnant Cherry Shrimp

    Hi everybody, A couple of days ago I found out that one of my female berried cherry shrimp is pregnant. This is my first time experiencing this so I have a few questions. 1. I have a heavily planted tank, with five guppies (who are very curious about the shrimp and usually scavenge for food down...
  34. A

    How to clean substrate in planted aquariums?

    Hi, I've recently brought a 40 litre, already planted fish tank off gumtree (Australian buy and sell website, kinda like eBay only more local). It is a very heavily planted fish tank, that has 5 guppies (all male) and 1 fry (also a guppy) and is also infested with tiny snails (yikes I know, but...
  35. R

    Tank ideas

    I currently have a 72 gallon bowfront aquarium that I want to stock, but I'm not sure what to put in it. I was hoping to do a large school of neon tetras or another small fish, but my sister is hellbent on getting two angelfish to put in it. This ruins my plans for a large school of small fish...
  36. N

    Overstocked 10 gallon?

    Hi there, After 23 days of fishless cycling my 10 gallon finally could process 3ppms of ammonia in 24 hours with zero nitrates. Since then I've rescaped (twice!!!) And finally stocked my tank. I put 4 panda corys, one large zebra nerite, one small tiger nerite, and my male koi half moon betta I...
  37. N

    New 10 gal--seeking cycle advice!

    Hi there! Please read the entire post to get necessary info to help you answer my questions! Thank you! I currently have 2 cycled 5 gallons housing one Betta and 3 ghost shrimp each. I successfully did a fish-in cycle in both (luckily) but with my second Betta the nitrite level stressed him...
  38. N

    Betta tail rot--proper treatment??

    Hi there! I'm new to this forum as well as being a new fishy caregiver!! I recently got a male veiltail about a month back named nugget. He is in a 5gallon planted tank with standard gravel, driftwood, 3 ghost shrimps, and some moss balls (will post pictures). About 2 weeks after I got him I...
  39. Fiji

    Possible Copper Poisoning?

    Hey everyone, So I've recently gone back to live plants but cannot afford a co2 system at the moment so I've been using Seachem Excel as a supplement. Now ever since I started using this fertilizer some strange things have been happening and the only factor I can connect this behavior to could...
  40. BettaPonic

    My Tanks

    I keep Least Killifish and Guppies. The plant is Guppy Grass. The tree looking thing is red mangroves. I thought I would share them.