Juwel Rekord 600


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2013
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Has anybody had one of these tanks?  Measurements are 61 x 31 x 42 cm so it's nice and compact, which is what I'm after - I don't have a lot of space, unfortunately!  I'd like to stock it with a siamese fighting fish, a school of something smaller, and maybe a snail or large-ish shrimp as well.  I'd also like to grow live plants.  Is this possible/sensible?  The tank volume is 63 litres according to Juwel.
I'm just checking out my options at the moment; I like the look of this tank but am open to other suggestions.  I'm not really up for doing a lot of modification work to a tank, so an all in one set up would be ideal.  Thanks in advance!
PS - I'm new to all this...
Depends on your type of fighter's personality - they may not be compatible with other fish.

If you don't add the fighter - honey Gouramis would look nice - as in my profile pic. Or:

Celestial danios

Dwarf gourami

Neon green rasboras

Sparkling Gouramis

Pygmy corydoras

To name a few choices (obviously I'm not suggesting all of these, but to see which you like the look of, then numbers can be suggested)
I've plugged the measurements into the site calculator, and it appears as though it is larger than 63 liters. It looks like it is closer to 79. That's pretty cool. I have never worked with this model before, but it should be fairly well suited for some live plants as well as the fish you've mentioned. Does it come with the filter and what not? You may want to check the reviews for those, as all-in-one kits usually have lower quality equipment. Having said that, your filter may not be total rubbish, but you do need to take into consideration the gph. Also, what are the lights like?
attibones said:
I've plugged the measurements into the site calculator, and it appears as though it is larger than 63 liters. It looks like it is closer to 79. That's pretty cool. I have never worked with this model before, but it should be fairly well suited for some live plants as well as the fish you've mentioned. Does it come with the filter and what not? You may want to check the reviews for those, as all-in-one kits usually have lower quality equipment. Having said that, your filter may not be total rubbish, but you do need to take into consideration the gph. Also, what are the lights like?
79 litres?  Cool - although maybe the litres given by Juwel are including things like sand, plants, decorations etc.?
The reviews seem pretty positive about the equipment; the light is a 15 watt fluorescent tube, I don't know whether that's good or bad... 
Shelster said:
Depends on your type of fighter's personality - they may not be compatible with other fish.

If you don't add the fighter - honey Gouramis would look nice - as in my profile pic. Or:

Celestial danios

Dwarf gourami

Neon green rasboras

Sparkling Gouramis

Pygmy corydoras

To name a few choices (obviously I'm not suggesting all of these, but to see which you like the look of, then numbers can be suggested)
Thanks for the suggestions
I like the celestial danios, they're so cute!  I'm pretty set on the betta though, I've wanted one for years...would it make a difference if I added him last?  I know they're all individuals and there aren't any guarantees, but I really want to try.
ETA - pygmy cories are adorable!! 
If you pick a feisty betta, adding him last wont make a difference, he'll still have a go.

Having said that, there are many placid bettas out there, so you may be lucky in falling in love with a goodie :D you'll then just have to ensure that his tank mates aren't fin nippers.
Shelster said:
If you pick a feisty betta, adding him last wont make a difference, he'll still have a go.

Having said that, there are many placid bettas out there, so you may be lucky in falling in love with a goodie
you'll then just have to ensure that his tank mates aren't fin nippers.
Yes, I'll be very careful what I put in with him! :) maybe I should speak to some of the LFSs in my area; I know the one where I used to live would take fish back if there were any problems (I used to have a coldwater setup).  It might be possible to swap bettas if I do accidentally end up with a killing machine...or I suppose I could get a cheap 20 litre and cycle it at the same time as my "main" tank, then if something goes wrong I've got a backup, and if it all works out fine then I've got a spare in case of emergencies...
If you have the room, I'd opt for setting up the cheap 20 litre and cycle too - if things work out ok you have a hospital tank if needed


you could treat yourself to another betta in another room of the house :p
Shelster said:
If you have the room, I'd opt for setting up the cheap 20 litre and cycle too - if things work out ok you have a hospital tank if needed


you could treat yourself to another betta in another room of the house
20 litres is quite small, I could sit that on a bookcase or a desk...
One of the first things RCA said to me when I joined was that bettas lead to multiple tank syndrome 

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