Is This Oscar Rare?

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2013
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Is this Oscar rare and how much is it worth?

Id say thats a lemon sunshine oscar? IDK for the value though
I'd actually say it's a pale Albino Red Oscar, maybe a Lutino Red, not a Sunshine Lemon Oscar because Sunshine Lemon Oscars are one in a million and finding one is rare and they are expensive. Very expensive. That and it's too "peachy" for a Lemon Sunshine. Lemon Sunshine's really are Lemon colour, not peachy like this one.
No, the Lutino Red and Albino Red have absolutely no markings and the Sunshine Yellows are Yellow not Peach... The one above is Peach...
Sunshine yellows also have no grey/white on the head. The OP's does.
Albino Red Oscar - Can be Paler or darker.

Lutino Red Oscar - Can be paler or darker.

True Sunshine Lemon Oscar are pure lemon yellow. Hence their name. Not peachy coloured and no markings at all.
Still no resemblen to the lutinos, maybe its not a "True" sunshine lemon but maybe a cross then.
ncguppy830 said:
Still no resemblen to the lutinos, maybe its not a "True" sunshine lemon but maybe a cross then.
It could well be but it does have a slight resemblance to the Lutino as they can be very pale or very dark. It depends on the genetics used to produce them. But the above could well be a hybrid oscar which would explain the odd colouration.
ncguppy830 said:
yea thats what i think doesnt look quite like either.
Exactly... It does look a little too yellow for Albino/Lutino Red but too peach and has the grey/white face for a Sunshine Lemon... :/ I'm starting to think "hybrid" of two colours.
The pale colour could be due to its not eating it wont eat hardly anything thus not giving it enough nutrition?
Is it your oscar? Has its tank been moved around recently? Or anything different at all?

If it's not eating and pale, it sounds like its having an 'oscar strop'. It'll get over it!
Ah... Then it could well be either of the two I mentioned if this is it being "pale and in a strop" :/
Can you get a picture if it colours up properly and starts eating? Also, can you answer Fluttermoth's questions please :)
Yes its an oscar. and yes it has been given to me recently so its in a new tank. i think its in an oscar strop haha. i really want to know what type of oscar it is
I'll ask all the usual, dull questions then; is your tank cycled, have you tested the water, how big is the tank?

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