Is Advert For Another Forum Removed Wrong? - 55G Stocking Questions


New Member
Apr 20, 2014
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My Planned Stocking:
  • (9) Odessa Barbs
  • (7) Cherry Barbs
  • (1) Gold Nugget Pleco - l177
  • (1 - Pair) Dwarf Flag Cichlid
First of all, I know that Advert for another forum removed isn't always perfect, and I only used it as a last resort. Although I didn't expect to see this either: 

  • Warning: When Dwarf Flag Cichlid starts to breed, they may become too aggressive to co-exist with Cherry Barb.
  • Warning: Your selected species may eventually require 110% of your aquarium space. You may need to deal with territorial aggressions later on. Try removing some of (Puntius ticto, Baryancistrus sp. L177, Laetacara curviceps) or get a larger tank.
Here is the link to the evidence, so to speak. link removed
Oh yeah, and the tank is going to be heavily planted. I don't think that has too much importance, even though it would be good if Advert for another forum removed knew I was planting the tank.
That's pretty much it. If you disagree with this or have any advice on stocking that would be greatly appreciated. 
Hi I know the place you are referring to - its not a great tool to use really. I think this is a really good example of why ... and thats why we dont allow links or naming of that site.
The Laetacara will bear no issue to any of those fish in that tank. If any thing I wouldnt put the Odessa Barbs with them as the Odessa Barbs could be a bit too boisterous for the calm Laetacara.
Laetacara do well in groups in big tanks like this so I would recommend a group of 4 - 6 of them - I also prefer keeping American Cichlids with tetras to barbs its a more natural relationship and the colours are quite easy to match. Cypronids like Barbs are generally faster fish and swim in more darty motions where as tetras tend to be a more slick movement and huddle in a school rather than flee.
I think the plec will also be fine but in my experience I have found Golden Nuggets to be quite reclusive. I usually prefer Whiptail Catfish to big plecs and in a more peaceful smaller fish tank like this it would be a better fit?
Perhaps if you agree with what I mentioned above something like this will work
4 Laetacara Curviceps
10 Flame Tetras (quite similar to the Odessa Barbs but a bit calmer as I described above)
10 Golden Pencil Fish (or the Cherry Barbs)
3 Whiptail Catfish (I was thinking Sturisoma Barbatum - but there are plenty of other options)  OR  1 L177
Hope thats helped :)

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