Mostly New Member
Hello, I have a tropical fresh water 55 gallon tank and it has been running since the middle of August. I let it cycle for a week then added 3 Cory's, 2 farawella cats, and 2 ray loaches (I think that's what they are called but I'm not sure), and 2 turquoise gourami's. My tank was doing great, minus one gourami dying on Thursday, my ammonia was only .25 and both the nitrites and nitrates were 0. So on Friday I added 3 dragon head guppies, 3 tuxedo guppies and replaces my gourami. I did a 25% water change on Sunday, let it cycle for 24 hours then removed the carbon filter (like I was told) and put Nox-ich in for the recommended 3 days in a row, then put the carbon filter back in. No, none of the fish had Ich or Velvet but I was told my an avid fish hobbyist that putting it in my tank "would not harm the fish, but its a good precaution to take". Anyway, now my tank is really cloudy and I've had both my farawellas die, my new gourami, one of the ray loaches and 2/3 cory's look really sick. I would really like some help with this and today I will be doing another water change and I'm going to clean my structures and plants.