Fish Quiz

Male xenotoca eiseni, you can tell by the slight indentation at the bottom of the anal fin.
Well Dreamer asked for my hardest question, and that was about as hard as I could come up with in the timescale.
Ninjouzata is quite correct, that is indeed a male Xentoca Eiseni, common names include redtail splitfin and orangetail goodeid. If you click on the image to enlarge it, it's easier to see that the anal fin has a notch in it, making it look a little like a child's mitten. The "thumb" part of the mitten is called an andropodium, and performs a similar role to the gonopodium of a poecilid livebearer.
Ninjy, over to you.
Unfortunately I cannot think of a question, so I pass it to the next person who posts :)
I am a small, saltwater fish with striking colors. I can be found in the Western Pacific waters near the Philippines. I am very difficult to keep in captivity and typically die of starvation at the hands of novice aquarists and am usually halfway starved at the LFS. Despite my small size, I require a minimum of 75 gallons with plenty of live rock and an abundance of live food. In home aquaria, I am constantly picking the live rock in search of a meal of copepods and can quickly decimate the population. Very rarely can a member of my species can be trained to accept frozen food. What are my common and scientific names?
Not a lion fish. Green goby? Specify please? I want the scientific name (genus and species) and one of the common names. I can think of 4 common names off the top of my head.
The only thing that came to mind was the mandarin dragonet (Synchiropus Splendidus) but I don't know anything about SW fish :/
Ahh I stink at coming up with's an easy one then, what fish is this?
 (Not my picture)
Just looks like a polypterus endlicheri, is it a sub-species of a lap? No just looks like a endi...
EDIT: Theres more endis and ornatipinnis in the back ground... And a peacock bass :p

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