Tank - Aqua One 1800r
Heaters - Fluval E300 & Fluval M300
Filtration - Fluval FX5
Lighting - Stock, 4 T5 Tropical, 4 T5 Sunlight
Photoperiod - 8 Hours daily
Flow - Hydor Koralia 1600 (soon to be replaced by a 3200)
Substrate - Black sand
Hard Scape - Redmoor Root and Rocks
Ferts - Dry Salts and APF Substrate Capsules (Low Tech)
Plants - Iv seriously lost count. Probably most crypts, vallis, anubias, dwarf sag, Tiger
Lotus Ozelot Green, Ozelot Red, Indian Fern, Java Moss, Fame Moss, Stargrass and Needle leaf fern is on order
Fish - 25 Tiger Barbs, 2 Pearl Gouramis, 2 Angelfish, 15 Cardinals, a Bristlenose Plec and a L288
(I know there will be people who dont agree with my stocking but it works for me, i have no aggression or fin nipping)
Hi everyone
I thought i would put together some sort of journal for my forever changing tank so i can keep track of the progress and changes, and so i can get comments, suggestions, help and constructive criticism.
Please be patient as photos and updates will probably be a slow process.
So far my aquarium has been set up for 4 months now so it still very much a work in progress and still needs to do alot of growing in. Im forever changing things as i keep getting new ideas as the tank progresses.
First of all before i get too deep on my aqua one, a little background. Jus a little lol
I got into the hobby about 2 n a half years ago with my first 60L Tropical Plantless open top tank.
Like most of you when i started out i didnt know anything about cycling and water changes and of course every fish i bought kept dieing. LFS was no help
Heart broken and frustrated i turned to the internet for answers and found this forum.
I was quickly educated on fish in and fishless cycling. Armed with this knowledge i jumped into a fishless cycle and i was successful fairly quickly. My first fish in my cycled tank where guppies.
It wasnt long before i was looking to upgrade, and boy did i lol.
I traded in the 60L for a Fluval Vicenza 260L from seapets.
After some time had passed with my new 260L, I quickly got bord of the of the plastic plants and admired all the planted tanks on here so much i decided to go planted.
I did weeks of research and constantly pestered people on here for plant knowledge then dove in head first.
Again i was successful
As my tank got more and more heavily planted i eventually decided to learn all about Co2 injection and EI fertilization. It wasnt long before i had a full FE co2 kit up and running.
Here is a pic of my last tank. I was extremely proud of this

Heaters - Fluval E300 & Fluval M300
Filtration - Fluval FX5
Lighting - Stock, 4 T5 Tropical, 4 T5 Sunlight
Photoperiod - 8 Hours daily
Flow - Hydor Koralia 1600 (soon to be replaced by a 3200)
Substrate - Black sand
Hard Scape - Redmoor Root and Rocks
Ferts - Dry Salts and APF Substrate Capsules (Low Tech)
Plants - Iv seriously lost count. Probably most crypts, vallis, anubias, dwarf sag, Tiger
Lotus Ozelot Green, Ozelot Red, Indian Fern, Java Moss, Fame Moss, Stargrass and Needle leaf fern is on order
Fish - 25 Tiger Barbs, 2 Pearl Gouramis, 2 Angelfish, 15 Cardinals, a Bristlenose Plec and a L288
(I know there will be people who dont agree with my stocking but it works for me, i have no aggression or fin nipping)
Hi everyone
I thought i would put together some sort of journal for my forever changing tank so i can keep track of the progress and changes, and so i can get comments, suggestions, help and constructive criticism.
Please be patient as photos and updates will probably be a slow process.
So far my aquarium has been set up for 4 months now so it still very much a work in progress and still needs to do alot of growing in. Im forever changing things as i keep getting new ideas as the tank progresses.
First of all before i get too deep on my aqua one, a little background. Jus a little lol
I got into the hobby about 2 n a half years ago with my first 60L Tropical Plantless open top tank.
Like most of you when i started out i didnt know anything about cycling and water changes and of course every fish i bought kept dieing. LFS was no help

Heart broken and frustrated i turned to the internet for answers and found this forum.
I was quickly educated on fish in and fishless cycling. Armed with this knowledge i jumped into a fishless cycle and i was successful fairly quickly. My first fish in my cycled tank where guppies.
It wasnt long before i was looking to upgrade, and boy did i lol.
I traded in the 60L for a Fluval Vicenza 260L from seapets.
After some time had passed with my new 260L, I quickly got bord of the of the plastic plants and admired all the planted tanks on here so much i decided to go planted.
I did weeks of research and constantly pestered people on here for plant knowledge then dove in head first.
Again i was successful
As my tank got more and more heavily planted i eventually decided to learn all about Co2 injection and EI fertilization. It wasnt long before i had a full FE co2 kit up and running.
Here is a pic of my last tank. I was extremely proud of this