Do All Types Of Shrimp Reproduce Quickly?


Fish Fanatic
May 6, 2013
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Do all shrimps reproduce quickly?

Warning* some may think this cruel

In my new tank I would like to have shrimp that reproduce quickly, I want babies for scarlet badis to eat, as they like live foods...
Obviously it won't be all I feed them, I know they won't reproduce that quickly...

With all the above taken into account, I don't want red cherries paticularly... They seem too common, I was thinking blue ones perhaps...
Since they are going to be used as food then I would just use the common red cherry or the wild type cherry which is mostly brown. To have a good stable population of cherry shrimp you will want them for at least 6 months before adding the fish to the tank.
Also keep in mind that the shrimp will need a good varied diet in order for them to be healthy and breeding well, which in turn will help your fish be healthy.
They won't just be food, I do want shrimps...
To do some cleaning and to just look at... That's why I didn't want just red cherries.

Also there's no way I could just have shrimps for 6 months, I just want babies for a nice treat from time to time.

Thanks for the advice, I'll have a think...
As baccus says, 4-6 months is probably the norm until you get a large population enough so you can spare some for food, and that's in a shrimp only tank.
It will take ages otherwise, especially not with predators from day 1. The amount of surviving shrimpletts will be also greater in a well mature tank, where they'll find naturally occuring micro food as well.  Otherwise not all will survive and you probably won't even see them if you have fish harassing them in the tank, even the adults will hide.  You also need to protect the intakes with sponges so they don't disappear in the filters and get killed.

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