
Mostly New Member
Jul 16, 2014
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I currently have a well established 55gal stocked with the following:
1 ropefish/reedfish
3 bronze cories
3 sterbai cories
1 pearl gourami
1 gold gourami
1 upside down catfish

I was wondering if I could safely add another fish species, preferably something colorful and active to liven up the middle area of the tank as both gouramis stick to one side and the rest of the fish are generally around the bottom. The biggest issue is finding something that will not get eaten by the rope fish or bother him.
How big is the ropefish? If it's isn't huge, and it won't get huge, then I say it's fine to add another species. Tetras are always interesting and there are many colorful species. Leopard danios are also one of my favorites, although celestial pearl danios are absolutely stunning.
A ropefish will grow quite large up to 16 inches (40 cm)

Tetras and CPD will be eaten by the ropefish.
Maybe try some platies they look nice plus they get up to 2 inches.
The rope fish is currently around 8-10 inches and they grow rather slowly. I have had some smaller platies with him before and he tried to eat them, so it would have to be something a little larger than a platy or danio
I have an idea, 2 or 3 more ropefish, they do enjoy each others company.
I have an idea, 2 or 3 more ropefish, they do enjoy each others company.
I would love to and am planning on doing so when I can get a bigger tank, but it will probably be a few years. I don't know that another rope would be comfortable.
Also, I feed him with tongs so I'm not worried about a faster fish grabbing his food
What about columbian tetas? Also congo tetras get large, 4" min. But depending on the length of your 40g, they might need more room. Other than that, candycane tetras (hy511) get fairly large as well, nice high body like the columbian tetra, but not quite as large. I think diamond tetras will get rather large as well. You're in a pickle with the rope fish in a 40g if you want mid-strata fish, a lot of them are active, love open swimming areas and best in groups of preferably 10 specimens. It doesn't leave you much space for a large group imo. I hope someone thinks of a better option for you!
Colorful and active. A Boesemani rainbow fish might work

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