cichlids for a ghost knife


Oct 20, 2004
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is there any that will gow with one? hes a small ghost (4 inches or so 7 to teh tip of his tail) and i wnated a cichlid or a fue to go with him hopfuly for good. im hopeing for a pecful one who wont pick on my ghost. i dont know much about cichlids but im trying to learn as much as i can before i get one.

the tankis going to be a low light un planted 55usg till teh ghoast gets too big . im going to get some bog wood stacks for both sides and have a gravel or sand bed in the middle.

if theres any cichlids that can go with this it wold be nice... btw i dont know if im in the correct Cichlids catagory newworld and african means nothing to mey as of yet (an explanation wold be nice)

thanks everyone in advance .
hi djdotnet, please dont put american chiclid on your tank, your ghost will be die very soon.... u can get more info about african chiclidae, because they more calm...but i think most african chihlid are territorial guardian fish, so they must protect their territory or their cave from other fish include your ghost. :nod:
kenny_discus said:
hi djdotnet, please dont put american chiclid on your tank, your ghost will be die very soon.... u can get more info about african chiclidae, because they more calm...but i think most african chihlid are territorial guardian fish, so they must protect their territory or their cave from other fish include your ghost. :nod:
I disagree. I think you'd be ok with a lot of NW cichlids (NW cichlids are from central and south america and African cichlids are from the lakes of Africa!!)
The main solution is to have a tube or cave that the BGK can hide in completely from the cichlids and get cichlids that aren't as aggressive as most. Something like Sajicas or Rainbows would work pretty well. I keep both these species in a tank with a bichir and ABF and have kept platties with them in the past with no problems. My BGK will be going in with them in the next few months as well!
Agreed with rvm.
Black Ghost Knifes can go with a very large range of cichlids, at the moment my 8" ghost is best mates with my 10" Oscar and gets along with my red devil, midas, frontosa, blood parrot blah blah blah blah but yeah theres heaps, any cichlids you had in mind at all?
mines with a couple of Jewel Cichlids and tinfoil barbs. they get on like a house on fire and he always venturesout for his food
i don't know what kind, but an Oscar wold be sweet. what about angels? he isn't at all Territorial or aggressive to my other fish but he eats small fish. I'm looking for types of cichlids that wont pick on him.
and yes he has a big castle to hide in and doesn't attack my perl guorami when he swims threw it.
is 55g to small for an oscar? I'm going to go look after I'm done with this post at all the NW cichlids and see if theres any other that might be good with him.
55g is not only too small for an Oscar, but also too small for a full grown BGK. He'll do OK in it for a while, but will eventually need to be moved to a tank of around 75g with a 2ft width so he can turn around properly. They will get up to 2ft at full size (although usually not that big!!) Have a look Here for full info.
yep i know bout the bgk. was already planing on it and they grow slowly anyhow.

thats not full info anyways it should talk a bit about how they swim.
RVM, what about the angels? i don't want a fish that grows way too big for a 55.
I don't really know much about angels, but I don't think they are particularly aggressive (except when breeding, but then thats the same with almost any cichlid!) and they would be fine in a 55g.
I have sevs,cons and parrots with BGK,no problems. Stay far far away from anything like africans,I've seen what they can do to a BGK 5 times their size and it is not pretty.
if you feel up to it why not discus.

we keep them in the same tank at work and there's no problems. 1 of the BGK's even came up to the surface to grab some bloodworm with any conflict.
I know one type of cichlid you DO NOT want to put a ghost knife with is pseudotrophius zebra (mbuna). My friend was taking care of one our other friend's fish in his 55 gal, and it was bad news. He had a bunch of baby mbuna in his 55 gal with the BGK and they ripped him apart. Sadly to say, he died not to much longer. He was a cool fish too.
:sly: well well well, thats right answer too rvm.... sorry for my answer djot because im always think from breeder side of black ghost knife... sorry once again
i think i will try my hand at discus. Ive been told our water is great for discus 7.4 Ph and extremely soft. so i guess i will look at local discus stock and see if theres any i like. B)

blueice i saw the shots of your ghosts in teh fish index :thumbs: how big are they? and what size tank are they in?

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