Mostly New Member
Hello everyone, this is my first time on these forums. I tried a previous fish forum but didnt quite get the answers I was looking for/they werent very active etc.
I recently just set up a 29 gal planted tank and im trying to figure out what to put in it after it is done cycling. The tank will eventually have a carpet of dwarf hairgrass and java moss "trees" with driftwood. Its only been set up for a week now so it is not cycled yet, but im just pitching for ideas now so I can start keeping an eye out on what to look for.
I would very much like to go with a well-rounded tank with a centerpiece fish or two. SO FAR, the list that im choosing from is:
Glass (Ghost) Catfish
Kuhli Loach, zebra loach, any kind of loach etc (recommend me!)
Electric Blue Ram Cichlid and Angel Rams
Peacock gudgeon
Panda cory cats
This is just what I want to try to pick from, but I would not object to other ideas as well. Im trying to stay away from "easy" peaceful fish like mollies and platys, Id like to try my hand at something new.
I am particularly interested in the ram cichlids as well as the cats and angels.
So far, what im coming up with as far as tank stock is:
-6 glass cats OR hatchetfish
-5 kuhli loach OR 5 zebra loach OR 6 corys (undecided what kind of corys yet, want panda but believe they need cooler temps. Can I mix corys AND loaches or can it only be one or the other for a 29g?)
-2 electric blue rams/angel rams OR 1 angelfish OR a pearl/honey/gold/opaline etc gourami pair "centerpiece fish" (do genders matter? Im seeing different things on this. I would love any centerpiece fish recommendation. I am iffy on the rams now knowing that they need higher temps, not sure what they can go with)
-1 peacock gudgeon (maybe?)
Also, my tank is going to have a dwarf hairgrass carpet. Is that going to affect having bottom dwellers?
How is that so far? I still need to fill in the blanks on what else I can stock with these choices. At first I really wanted rams, but im really starting to love the idea of loaches more than the rams so I may pick them over the rams if it comes down to it. My LFS recently got zebra loaches in and I fell in love, but I would also like kuhlis or a cory school too. Id love to do a mix of both but I dont think that is recommended? Glass cats are just neat, but I am unsure of if a school would go well with the loaches/a centerpiece fish. Im iffy on the gouramis being a centerpiece fish but they seem like the smarter choice so far compared to what everyone is saying.
Im not too keen on tetras or rasboras as I am seeing them on every list so far. Also not interested in any sort of pleco. I mainly just want a tank of interesting uncommon fish, to me tetras, mollies, platies, etc are a bit boring.
Bare with me haha, im still learning and doing research.
I recently just set up a 29 gal planted tank and im trying to figure out what to put in it after it is done cycling. The tank will eventually have a carpet of dwarf hairgrass and java moss "trees" with driftwood. Its only been set up for a week now so it is not cycled yet, but im just pitching for ideas now so I can start keeping an eye out on what to look for.
I would very much like to go with a well-rounded tank with a centerpiece fish or two. SO FAR, the list that im choosing from is:
Glass (Ghost) Catfish
Kuhli Loach, zebra loach, any kind of loach etc (recommend me!)
Electric Blue Ram Cichlid and Angel Rams
Peacock gudgeon
Panda cory cats
This is just what I want to try to pick from, but I would not object to other ideas as well. Im trying to stay away from "easy" peaceful fish like mollies and platys, Id like to try my hand at something new.

So far, what im coming up with as far as tank stock is:
-6 glass cats OR hatchetfish
-5 kuhli loach OR 5 zebra loach OR 6 corys (undecided what kind of corys yet, want panda but believe they need cooler temps. Can I mix corys AND loaches or can it only be one or the other for a 29g?)
-2 electric blue rams/angel rams OR 1 angelfish OR a pearl/honey/gold/opaline etc gourami pair "centerpiece fish" (do genders matter? Im seeing different things on this. I would love any centerpiece fish recommendation. I am iffy on the rams now knowing that they need higher temps, not sure what they can go with)
-1 peacock gudgeon (maybe?)
Also, my tank is going to have a dwarf hairgrass carpet. Is that going to affect having bottom dwellers?
How is that so far? I still need to fill in the blanks on what else I can stock with these choices. At first I really wanted rams, but im really starting to love the idea of loaches more than the rams so I may pick them over the rams if it comes down to it. My LFS recently got zebra loaches in and I fell in love, but I would also like kuhlis or a cory school too. Id love to do a mix of both but I dont think that is recommended? Glass cats are just neat, but I am unsure of if a school would go well with the loaches/a centerpiece fish. Im iffy on the gouramis being a centerpiece fish but they seem like the smarter choice so far compared to what everyone is saying.
Im not too keen on tetras or rasboras as I am seeing them on every list so far. Also not interested in any sort of pleco. I mainly just want a tank of interesting uncommon fish, to me tetras, mollies, platies, etc are a bit boring.
Bare with me haha, im still learning and doing research.