Teacher Martyn
Fish Fanatic
A few weeks into my first cycled and stocked tank, I'm looking round the flat for more tank-perfect spaces/corners.
Am I destined to become like those old people I remember as a kid with houses full of cats?
Except in my case it'll be fish tanks in every conceivable space - I only live in a small flat.
In a matter of weeks, as my knowledge has increased, I've gone from internal to external filtration.
Now, I want to start species-specific tanks, location-specific tanks....
My original intention was to have a perfectly peaceful community tank but, with the silver-tip tetras daily argy-bargy, it's definitely not that. So there's my next project already.
Where does it stop? What's the treatment? Once your tank is ticking along nicely, what motivates you?
Is there therapy available?
Am I destined to become like those old people I remember as a kid with houses full of cats?
Except in my case it'll be fish tanks in every conceivable space - I only live in a small flat.
In a matter of weeks, as my knowledge has increased, I've gone from internal to external filtration.
Now, I want to start species-specific tanks, location-specific tanks....
My original intention was to have a perfectly peaceful community tank but, with the silver-tip tetras daily argy-bargy, it's definitely not that. So there's my next project already.
Where does it stop? What's the treatment? Once your tank is ticking along nicely, what motivates you?
Is there therapy available?