
Fish Herder
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jul 14, 2020
Reaction score
Washington State, USA
I traded 4 gallon bags of water lettuce for some celestial pearl danio for my 25 gallon hex tank! I also got an accidental shrimp. The CPDs are in with 8 pygmy corydoras and a bunch of cherry shrimp and some pond snails.

They don't like to sit still, but here are some pictures of the tank.


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Be carful with using twist ties, as the metal may rust.
They get changed out after 2 weeks or so, when I check root growth. After about 6 weeks they are usually attached well enough. This batch of anubias is being particularly stubborn.
Is the shrimp with other of its kind? They need to be in groups I think...
All the ones in the shop tank were various colors of cherry shrimp. All of mine are red cherry shrimp (I have about 30). My surprise shrimp is so small it hasn't yet developed colors. I have also never had problems with keeping any of my shrimp alone or in smaller groups.
Shrimp don’t need to be in groups.

Hmmm, interesting - my fry are always tomato red.
The first 3 or so day mine are usually clear, then develop into a medium red and by 2 months get really dark, like in the picture.

Do you feed a shrimp specific food? I just feed bottom feeder pellets.

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