1st Marine Tank

hi the tank is a fair size 333litres you could add something like

coral beauty angel
flame angel
flasher wrasse
you could add a small regal/yellow tang but will probally need rehoming at some point in later stages
baggai cardinals
6 line wrasse
convict blenny
neon gobys
small fox face

regards scott
hi the tank is a fair size 333litres you could add something like

coral beauty angel
flame angel
flasher wrasse
you could add a small regal/yellow tang but will probally need rehoming at some point in later stages
baggai cardinals
6 line wrasse
convict blenny
neon gobys
small fox face

regards scott

Thanks Scott

I will keep an eye out for some of these at my lfs.

Not sure what is worse, getting a tang and having to sell it at some stage or not getting one at all!
hi the tank is a fair size 333litres you could add something like

coral beauty angel
flame angel
flasher wrasse
you could add a small regal/yellow tang but will probally need rehoming at some point in later stages
baggai cardinals
6 line wrasse
convict blenny
neon gobys
small fox face

regards scott

Thanks Scott

I will keep an eye out for some of these at my lfs.

Not sure what is worse, getting a tang and having to sell it at some stage or not getting one at all!

You wanna be careful when mixing angelfish it probably won't work out. Also six line wrasse are prone to turning nasty.
Flame angels have a 50:50 chance of eating your corals, and most angels are very iffy with them. I'd suggest that if you like your corals, Angles probable aren't for you, unless your prepared to rip your tank apart a few times to catch a specimen that's eating your LPS/SPS corals... You do get some Angels that leave them alone, and many that don't, but it's down to the individual fish, and they can turn from harmless to coral munches overnight for seemingly no reason... Most other things on scot's list can be safe, though the six line wrasse can be very nasty to it's tank mates...

All the best
So the list of possibilities looks like this..

flasher wrasse
a small regal/yellow tang
baggai cardinals
convict blenny
neon gobys
small fox face

Anyone got anymore suggestions?

Also I don't want to over crowd - I know I can not add as many as a Tropical tank and not add loads of new tank members at once.

I forgot about slimer!


Started off as a bright green goby but changed colour !?!

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