
  1. Thermal

    Detritus worm or planaria?

    I finished setting up a 5 gal yesterday, and did a small water change today. Then I noticed these white worms on the glass, I tried looking them up and the most common answers I got is detritus worm and planaria. I don't know which worms are the ones on the glass, I read that detritus worms are...
  2. Y

    What algae is this? (ID this algae with its scientific name)

    I found this algae from my fish tank. What is the the scientific name of the algae circled? Seems like microspora.
  3. V

    Identifying what this is

    (Sorry if it's bad quality, there's algae on the walls. But that's not the main point I want to discuss.) There is this brown ball floating in my fish tank. It's not sitting on the decor; it's floating in the middle of the water. I have no idea what it is. The last time I added anything new to...
  4. F

    What type of tetra is this?

    I can’t seem to Id this type of tetra. Is it a color variation of an ember tetra? It has the fin structure of an ember or a glow light yet a line in it like an emperor. Really cool fish just want to know more! It’s pretty hard to get a clear picture haha
  5. J

    Freshwater Catfish ID

    I recently bought a small catfish from Petsmart that was mistakenly put in with the otocinclus. I have no idea what it is even after searching through google. It mostly hides until the food comes out. It’s a voracious eater and has already grown a good amount. Any help would be greatly...
  6. danajs

    Can anyone identify this Pleco?

    Sold as a Tiger Pleco, but we cannot remember the L-number. Thank you in advance.
  7. B

    Beige see-through spots on plants (pics)

    Hello all! I hope you’re well! I’m currently after some answers as I can’t find them anywhere, I’ve had my planted tropical aquarium roughly 4 months, and yesterday I noticed what appeared to be these see through beige spots on two of my live plants and my seachem ammonia checker which is on the...
  8. Z

    Whos eggs are these?

    Spotted these eggs on my driftwood today. Not trying to breed any fish so I definitely don’t know which species they belong to. In my tank I’ve got: -corydoras -espii / lambchop rasboras -siamese algae eaters -a few ‘pest snails’ If anyone can id them that’d be amazing!
  9. T

    Please help me identify this fish

    I recently got these fish being told they are silver dollars I have asked around and had so many different answers (pacu, red belly piranha and silver dollar) any idea I can’t put them in my tank if they are pacu or piranha
  10. crupp29

    Fish ID

    Does anyone know the name of this fish?
  11. S

    ID BICHIR? PLS? :(:

    Anyone knows what type of Bichir this 2.5 inch baby is? Have had it for like 3-4 weeks now
  12. outofwater

    Plant ID, all long filaments

    Hi everyone, When I was setting up my tank I saw this floating plant at the LFS and liked how it looked. The guy couldn't tell me what it was. It came with a fake plastic ludwigia that works as an "anchor" for it. I'd like to know what it is, I actually haven't seen it in any of the "big...
  13. Linkandnavi

    Rock ID

    Anyone know the more common name for this type of rock? The site is Austrian so I'm not sure if something is being lost in translation. It calls them "sand drawing rock", but a Google for that doesn't come up with anything that I can...
  14. A

    Mystery snail

    Hi! So I've just noticed a snail In my tank. I think it's come in from se new plants I've just put in there. I have zebra snails but I'm just wondering if anyone can tell me which type of snail this is? Is it okay to keep in my tank?
  15. G

    Fish Injury Identification

    Hello, I have a 29g tank with cardinal tetras, two honey gourami (one red), 5 pygmy corys, a clown pleco, shrimp and assassin snails. I have a gravel bottom, driftwood, and a mix of live & fake plants and two fake logs, one floating. Something happened to one of my gourami within the last 20...
  16. sgropp311

    Please help me ID this betta

    Hi, I'm having trouble determining the tail type and coloring of this female betta, can someone help out? The first two pics are older, the other is from today.
  17. S

    Identification needed pls

    need help to identify this fish please...
  18. S

    Help identify new guy in my tank!

    I bought some live plants to add to my tank (cold water) and I thought I noticed something after putting I’ve plants in. Nothing appears bothered by this guys entrance however as I’m pretty new to fish keeping I wasn’t sure whether best leave it, or remove it. Please help I was wondering if it...
  19. R84achey

    Before I kill off my fish Is this wood safe?

    I have these pieces of wood that were used in my spider tank and I’m wondering if it’s safe to use in my aquarium. I have a feeling the one at the front isn’t as it’s very light and feels and possibly porous. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I know it will need to be thoroughly cleaned...
  20. Froggieboy

    Goby-ish fish identification

    At the petstore I work at. We accidentally got this fish with an order! Now we have searched a couple times. But it seems we cant identify it. So please help! See pictures ;)
  21. ellamay

    Things growing on wood.. identification?

    I’ve noticed two different things growing on the spider wood in my tank. These little black dots and the light colour stringy bits. I do have black sand which I initially assumed the black bits were but they look slightly smaller and darker than the sand. A lot of it is attached all around the...
  22. Y

    Catfish ID anyone?

    Hey all, I just set up my first tank since I was a kid, and finally added fish yesterday. The pet store clerk sold me what they said are julii cats, but I’m pretty sure that’s wrong. Can anyone help me identify these guys? Very elusive, but active, likes to hide in cracks and under stuff, swims...
  23. Geordie Paul

    Kuhli Loach identification

    Does anyone know what type of Kuhli Loach this guy is? He's always just had a blue/grey body with no stripes. I've had him for over a year now and still unsure. He's very healthy and comes out to eat every day. Any thoughts?
  24. S

    Help me identify what type of Cichlids these are!!

    Hey guys! I'm new to the forum and I could use a quick help. I recently bought a pair of Cichlids from a local aquarium for 2$. The guy there didn't know what type of fish these are. Can you help me?
  25. E

    Identify this endler?

    Hello! Just wondering if anyone has seen an endler like this before and if it has a name? It’s not a good photo, in real life it’s almost rainbow coloured with black markings. Tail fin is yellow/orange moving to pink / green on the tail itself, turquoise on the body with an orange stripe and...
  26. S

    Help identifying fish please

    Hi guys, so I picked up this tank today which came with these fish. Any help identifying them would be much appreciated. I bought this tank to rehouse my Angel fish as my other tank is 60l and too small for them when they grow so I need to know if these fish are compatible with them.
  27. Guyb93

    Geophagus identity

    I posted a photo a few months back of my geophagus hoping to get an ID , they are starting to colour a bit more now with a red dorsal and yellow belly fins with dashes of green along the face and body so I’m re posting hoping now they can be identified more easily
  28. Gemmsy

    Plant identification and care?

    Hi all, Looking to improve my plant health, thought the best way to start would be to get some help in identifying each. Water tests show co2 levels are good, light is adequate for easy-care plants, nitrates hover between 10-15 before water changes. I’ve ordered some flourish root tabs in case...
  29. Guyb93

    What kind of geophagus are these ?

    My last tank additions didn’t go so well so I’m looking at a pair of geophagus, that’s all they are labelled in the shop , I know there are many different types of geophagus but I can’t seem to figure out what type these are , any help is great
  30. L

    What species is this Cory?

    So I grabbed the last 3 of them from the LFS. And they were obviously not albinos though labeled as such the worker at the time sold them to me as albinos since he did not know what they were. This was a couple of years ago and 2 have died I want to get him a group but have not seen any like him...
  31. M

    ID please and suggestions

    Good day. I have this brown stuff- algae? Debris? on most of my plants and inside my canister filter and tubing. Help! What is it and what can I do about it? I have .... 20 gallon long tank with penn plax 500 canister filter with foam and sponge filter media. this week added fluval prefilter...
  32. O

    Fry Identification Guppy or Molly

    Hi one of my fish in my community tank recently gave birth to some fry. But currently I have two types of livebearers in the tank and I wasnt awake when the fish gave birth. Down below are the pictures. I have a few guppies and three Dalmatian Mollys and currently the fry are in a breeder box...
  33. M

    Fish identification

    Hello, can anyone help me identify these fishes?
  34. Geordie Paul

    Fish identification

    Can anyone tell me what type of rainbows and the sex (if possible)? I'm pretty sure the yellow one is female. I just added these today and everything is going very well so far.
  35. Barry Tetra

    Is this Indian Almond leaves?

    I found the tree next to my house but never notice.
  36. francisabch12

    I am unable to identify one of my fish.

    Can anyone help me to identify which is this fish?
  37. KLG1234

    What in the world is killing all my fish

    The pleco has since died and I assume the other is going to be gone very soon. I haven’t had any luck identifying this but it seems to affect every fish in the tank besides the tetra which I’m not surprised cause those guys are known to be extremely hardy. Honestly expecting this entire tank to...
  38. J

    Unsure of fish type

    So, I joined the fish keeping hobby about a year ago. I started off with just bettas than tried a rainbow shark and danios(it didn’t workout well) so I moved on to an angel fish and guppies along with my bettas. My girlfriend however became interested in starting a community tank so we set up...
  39. Meg0000

    what kind of plant?

    Hi I have 5 type of plant in my aquarium but there are two that I don't know the name so I would like some help to identify them. Here is the picture : also has anyone tried roobios tea in their tank because I would like to try it for the black water look? What are the benefit of black water?
  40. Aquarist.exe

    Fish identification help

    I caught these really pretty fish in my local freshwater canals, being in Florida, I can’t tell if they are a sort of cichlid fry or something more common in Florida. I’m currently keeping 3 in one of my aquariums. If I could get some help identifying them that would be amazing!