help advise needed

  1. Big Boy Fish

    What has made this print in the algae

    It seems to be a long wiggly pattern on the algae. All i have is a abino oscar, about 7 inches and royal pleco, about 3-4 inches. I have a relatively small tank, a 30 gallon that will be replaced any time soon (i know its too small). I also have 3 small snails, i dont know what they are and two...
  2. 1

    Need help

    Hi. I'm new here but not to the hobby. I have been keeping fish for over 10 years now. I am currently keeping 2 3 gal male betta tanks a 5 gal glow fish tank. A 30 gal community tank and a 75 gal freshwater tank . The issue I'm seeking help with is in my 30gal tank i have a very small bala I...
  3. S

    Help identify new guy in my tank!

    I bought some live plants to add to my tank (cold water) and I thought I noticed something after putting I’ve plants in. Nothing appears bothered by this guys entrance however as I’m pretty new to fish keeping I wasn’t sure whether best leave it, or remove it. Please help I was wondering if it...
  4. C

    Sick Cory

    One of my Cory's is suddenly unable to swim correctly and is sat at the bottom of the tank all day. If it does try and swim it sort of bounces about at the bottom of the tank and takes a while to right itself if it falls on its side or upside down. Iv checked water parameters and all are spot on...
  5. J

    HELP OMG!!! renting questions!!

    Hey all! My partner and I rent an apartment in a high rise building in chicago (floor 10). We are allowed to have fish tanks up to 30 gal w insurance. We have insurance of course! The thing is, we have accumulated many fish tanks due to mollies and guppies having babies and us wanting to keep...
  6. A

    HELP! Guppy has strange tumor(?) under belly

    Heyy, I'm new here. I would like you guys to share your opinion on the condition of this little guy. Just got him from LFS and just realise it got that lump-ish thing right at the centre of the belly. I know for sure it's not poop bcs I'm pretty sure that's not the anus of the fish. Any help...
  7. H

    something is wrong with my aquarium plz help

    Hi everyone! So I am pretty new to the whole aquarium thing. I was given a 10 Gallon one as a gift. When I got it, there were 5 platyfish in there. All happy and cool. Shortly after, one of them died, but the rest were doing completely fine. I let the tank sit for 2 weeks before adding 4 more...
  8. Ama

    Help!.... Need advise to cure my fish

    Today i noticed protruding scales on my platy and i immediately changed it into another tank, However, fish seems healthy for me and no swollen belly. Is that the sign of dropsy. What are the effective methods to cure the disease. And how to stop spreading the disease to other fish
  9. B

    Please help! Platy will not give birth!

    Hello, I have had this mickey mouse platy for over a month and I bought her pregnant from the pet store (unbeknownst to me at the time). My roommate and I REALLY noticed how pregnant she looked Monday of last week. We have since went out and bought another 10 gallon tank to keep her in until...
  10. Quadda

    Please help, very cloudy water with no fish yet

    Hi everyone, I have recently got a 10 gal tank for some guppies and shrimp, a basic little build. I set it up this past Saturday and have been having some troubles with cloudiness. After about a day of setup, the tank got VERY cloudy. And I mean really cloudy, barely able to see through. I did...
  11. V

    Possible Popeye male Betta

    Hey guys! I'm new here. I've had my guy for a few months now, have him in a 5 gallon. Since moving him from a 2.5 gal to his 5 gal tank he has grown significantly. When I first got him I noticed he had a few scales that were a bit brighter than the others. I thought it could be ich, but he...
  12. S

    Aggression all Around (platy)

    I have been having some trouble with platies in a 10 gallon tank. About four months ago I went out and got for platies just for fun because I was considering getting into fish keeping. At the time I did not know but I ended up discovering that two of the platies were male two of them were female...
  13. K

    Male platy bullying other male

    Hi, I have 4 platys, two male and 2 female (complete accident, just bought 4 and didn't realise the sex) the larger of the males has been nipping at the smaller younger male and causing quite a bit of damage, I know this is probably due to wanting to mate but Im just looking for a bit of advice...
  14. S

    Green Spotted Puffer sick?

    I recently noticed my GSP looking a little weird, I assumed he wasn’t eating and maybe it was that. However, he eats and eats but isn't gaining any weight. His top fin also seems to look like it isn’t working anymore? Sometimes he swims sideways, or just lays at the bottom at the take. He is...
  15. J

    Pregnant or just fat?

    Hello people! I have a female guppy that seems pregnant as her gravid spot is very dark and quite large and she is not moving like she used to. Is she pregnant or just fat?
  16. S

    Cherry Shrimp

    I got 4 cherry shrimps two days ago I drip acclimated them for an hour and 20 minutes and since I've added them to the tank they've just sat in one place and hardly ever move you can see there claws or what ever they're called moving but they aren't very active I've checked my water levels and...
  17. B

    Help Fire Eel

    Hi I need help I think my fire eel is sick, it’s at the bottom of the tank bent in half and I havnt seen it eat since we got it about 2 weeks ago? What should I do?
  18. F

    Not sure to be concern or not (betta fish)

    Hey not sure if this is stupid or not but I fed my betta fish a piece of cucumber and a small piece floated somewhere and I’m scared it could somehow kill my betta fish.
  19. F

    Betta with Harlequin Rasboras and?????

    This is my fist time setting up a community tank with a male betta as the centre peice. I have 3 other successful community tanks right now! I have a 26 gallon bowfront tank that is currently cycling and im having trouble find accurate answers/find alot of mixed answers to a few questions i...
  20. T

    Male guppy tail growth

    So I have some guppy fry who are anywhere from 1-3 months old and are the babies of some of the guppies I had purchased at a Petsmart or Petco. I purchased males and females. And all of my males had long tails. I originally purchased these guppies to help my koi (lives in my koi pond) become...
  21. G

    Help! My betta fish is acting strange

    i just bought a half-moon betta a month ago and he was perfectly fine for most of that time. I started him out in water that had been cleaned with filter charcoal. After about 3 weeks he got lethargic and started to sit at the bottom of the tank more often. My tank has a waterfall filter so I...
  22. A

    HELP! African dwarf frogs

    Around 2 weeks ago I bought 3 new African dwarf frogs to live with my current frog (I’ve had him for 4 years) who seemingly all looked healthy and happy! All was well until 2 days ago, one of the new frogs suddenly died. I thought it was just because of stress or age, I found him dead floating...
  23. A

    I was tricked, now I need guidance.

    So, I'm super new to this. Some how I got roped into getting a fish tank -per my husband- for our 3 year old. (facepalm emoji) Yup. I was all set to get a Betta and a 2.5-5 gallon tank. The prices for these small tanks we're almost as much as for the tank 'we' settled on. a 13 gallon...
  24. SteakNShrimp


    I just noticed that the ram cichlid that I bought Saturday has ICH. What should I do? How do I treat the fish? How do I treat the tank? I am not able to purchase any medicine today... I have taken the Ram out of the tank and put it in some dechlorinated water with 4 tablespoons of devolved...
  25. S

    Red tail catfish HELP!!

    hey guys so I currently have a 14inch red tail catfish. Yesterday I fed him his usual amount of goldfish and soon after he became unusually lethargic. Much more than normal. And this morning I awoke to all the fish he had ate being dead across the tank most of them still whole and he is still...
  26. J

    How is my filtration?

    I recently started cycling a 29 gallon aquarium and I have a aqueon 50 filter running on it. I had it running stock for the first 2 days but I started researching more into filtration today and realized my filter could be better, so I went and bought a sponge insert for a aquaclear 50 and put it...
  27. E

    Sick Blue Rams

    Help! I haven’t had an aquarium for years, I set up a 20 gallon freshwater community tank for my daughter who has autism. The tank has beeen set up for several months with no problems. 3 weeks ago I bought 4 young blue rams at a reputable breeder at an aquarium club to add to the tank. I wanted...
  28. R

    Looking For Input On My First Fish Tank

    I just got a 29 gallon tank and am currently in the process of cycling it, and am trying to decide which fish i want to stock it with. I had some ideas but was hoping to get some advice from people who are a bit more experienced. My idea was to have: - Two or Three Dwarf Gourami - a school of...
  29. V

    Betta With Dropsy

    Hi, I'm new to this forum, and relatively new to keeping Bettas. This is my second Betta with dropsy, she's under 2 years, a little over 1, I'm not sure exactly how old she is. I just noticed it earlier today and immediately removed her from her tank, (Which incidentally was the same tank as...
  30. S

    Weird Pea Puffer Behavior

    I recently was given two new pea puffers. A friend of mine thought they'd be fine in a 2 gallon tank so he bought them last week thinking they were cute. He soon realized after a day or two they were too much work, and handed them over to me. I had an empty 10 gal, but it wasn't cycled upon...
  31. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    Hello everyone! Well I have a few questions as my husband messed up really bad. While I was on holiday he wanted to surprise me with an aquarium. He went to Pets At Home and bought a 30L Biorb Tube. They advised him from the pet shop to fill it up and add the Water Conditioner and the...
  32. OyeLeon

    Didn't follow tank heater instructions correctly, did I mess up bad?

    Hey guys I'll keep this brief. I'm starting an African Cichlid tank in a 29 gallon. I attached the heater to the back-side of the tank, with the suction cups on either side of the heater. A week later, I look at the heater's instructions more thoroughly and realize the first instruction says...
  33. K

    Help! Is my platy pregnant!

    I recently got an aquariam and bought some platy to go in it, we also have tetra, a fighting fish and some gouramis. We got 5 platys and when we got home we noticed that 3 of them looked bigger. This was about 2 week ago now and they have grown massively. I cannot seem to see the black mark that...
  34. T

    Is there something wrong with my blood parrot cichlid?

    Hello, I'm new to Tropicalfishforums, i am here because i am not sure if somethings wrong with my blood parrot, a few days ago i noticed black spots on him. i checked the water and the parameters were fine. so i know its not ammonia burns. he is still a juvenile so i assumed the spots were...
  35. K

    African Cichlid Sitting A The Bottom of The Tank

    Hi All, I have a relatively new tank ( about a month and a half or so old) and have had 3 casualty’s so far. 1 yellow lab ( about 1.5cm )had a patch on its stomach left side like it was bitten off. Never healed, he stopped eating and was sitting at the bottom of the tank breathing hard. I...
  36. V

    My Zebra Danio has a chunk missing? scab?

    Hi. I straight away i want to say I am not great with all the measurements like pH and all. but.. Few weeks age my danio was hiding away and rocking side to side. Then, it suddenly starred swimming around with other fish and swimming around alot. However his colour went pale. The moment he got...
  37. J

    Stocking Help

    Hi. I am new to fishkeeping and need help. I am getting the Aqueon 36 Gallon bow front ensemble. I don’t yet have it and don’t currently know my water conditions but can change them if needed. I plan to condition my water, wait a day, and then use tss and add my fish. Is this the correct way of...
  38. nixie_myth

    Burmese border loach

    deleted post
  39. B

    PLEASE HELP! My fish is sick.

    I have two betta fish males. One in my room, the other in my office room. I've had the one in the office room for about 6 months. He came in from a family that wasnt able to care for him anymore. His water was pretty dirty and looked poorly taken care of so I bought him to give him a better...
  40. A

    reed fish turning into axolotl?? HELP PLEEEEASE

    Gouda morning everyone! so i bought 2 rope/reed fish (Erpetoichthys calabaricus) a couple of months ago. one is about 4 inch and the other is about 3. I have a 60 gallon with some tetras, gudgeon gobys, dwarf neons, sword tail, rainbow shark, and catfish. I keep up on water changes every week...