
February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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  1. Avengertank


    Hi all, I have an Ocean rock in my 105L 60% planted tank. Been in there for 2 months, my loach loves it, however i'm seeing a lot of debris in it. I have 2 sponge filters in the aquarium perfect parameters, but I really want to clean it. I get there's good bacteria in it, but my media and...
  2. V

    Maybe this isn't the best hobby for clumsy people

    As a clumsy person, I've had my fair share of struggles. I always end up spilling some water on the floor during water changes. I accidentally tipped over the bucket I was using for a substrate swap, so I had to start over. I spilled a water test on the floor when I meant to dump the liquid in...
  3. V

    How do I use a siphon?

    This is my first time using a proper siphon. I've followed all the instructions that came with it. The problem is, when it picks up waste the waste just falls out soon after instead of going in. Unless I tip it over to pour directly down into the tubes. The instructions told me to shake up and...
  4. V

    Cleaned filter with tap water

    I already cleaned out my filter with tap water, but afterwards was told not to do that because it rids beneficial bacteria. But there's other items in the tank that can have good bacteria too right? Like the decor, plants, and gravel hasn't been messed with. What effect will this have on my...
  5. V

    Help me with my unintentional negligence

    I realized that I haven't been cleaning the tank properly, but was only concerned when my corydoras started dying off. I was doing water changes with cups (but I did add water conditioner). I would set a reminder to do it every two weeks. I want to get a siphon but I'm afraid I could...
  6. AmyKieran

    Cleaning advice?

    I have a 190l trigon and I’m wondering the best method of cleaning. Usually with my past tanks the cleaning routine would go like this Every 2 weeks - - 20% water change - remove ornaments and rinse - siphon gravel with electric gravel cleaner - use glass magnet to clean glass - wipe air...
  7. D


    Hi we have just had our whole tank wiped out in a couple of days. First signs of stress were on Friday evening when they didn't eat. Then we treated with wide spectrum treatment but over the weekend they have all turned belly up! From what I can see it was columnaris bacterial infection as the...
  8. reptilenotfish

    methods of cleaning hair algae off moss?

    I've got a 6g/22L planted tank, and have run into a problem. I have peacock moss growing on driftwood, and hair algae has started to colonize the moss. Tweezers and brushes only go so far, and if there is a method you would recommend, any help would be great. My tank already has high stocking...
  9. G

    Cloudy calcification issue on tank glass

    Hello guy! My name is George and I registered in this forum because I've been dealing with this issue for a while now and I hope I can get a solution. My family owns a "perfecto" brand fish tank (100 gallons) from way back in the day that used to originally meant for saltwater life. In the early...
  10. Anonymous Fox

    Using old water for knew fish?

    Is it safe to use the same water as your old fish for new ones? As long as you clean everything inside, hides, fake plants, gravel, etc?
  11. P

    Diatoms that WONT go away

    Hey guys i’m new to fish keeping, i have 3 cory catfish in a 10 gallon. (i know i need to get more lol) but i have brown algae all over the walls of the tank. i do weekly water changes where i take 75% of the water out and then wipe down the inside of the tank with a wet cloth to get out all the...
  12. S

    What is the best and easiest way to change the betta fish tank water?

    Hey there guys, hope your you and your fish are doing great :):). I am kinda new in this industry and having a betta tank myself. I was wondering what is the best way to change your betta tank water in new and old Tank (Both)? Also, the easiest way to do so. Any information will be helpful. Thanks
  13. R

    Better way to clean sand?

    I recently switched my 29 gal long to black sand (imagitarium) and I’ve been cleaning it with a regular siphone, but it’s pretty inefficient. The siphon doesn’t pick up all of the debris and it drains water too fast to get it clean, I’ve tried to stop the flow in order to slow the draining, but...
  14. Izzy_guppy_303


    Hello I am fairly new to this forum, I am now a owner of four male guppies. They live in a 6.7 gallon tank and unfortunately I feel like it’s my fault for not noticing that when I brought my three new fish to add to the tank one of them was acting odd. I’m talking about swimming by the filter...
  15. Filip

    Cleaning Post-Disease Aquarium/Filter

    Hello! I recently had a fungus infestation in my 20-gallon tank, and it sadly killed all my fish because I was having ammonia problems at the same time, and the combination was too deadly for the little guys:( Anyway, I want to get back at it, and I want to make sure that I get rid of ALL...
  16. Ingrid

    Cleaning ornaments

    How should one clean ornaments in a fish tank ?
  17. T

    Strange brown stuff on tank glass

    Hello, I came to my tank yesterday and there was a strange brown thing on the inside of the tank glass, I had noticed it a few days ago but it was really small so I thought nothing of it but by yesterday it had grown to almost triple the size, so today I cleaned the tank out and used a sponge to...
  18. T

    Cleaning problem with water quantity

    Hello, I am reasonably new to the hobby and have a reasonably small around 30-40 litre tank and have a Syphon tube for cleaning gravel however, I get half way through cleaning and the water gets really low in the tankand I have to fill another bucket of water, dechlorinate, put it back in and...
  19. D

    Video Making water changes easier

    Hi, Some feedback from you guys would be fantastic. I'm just about to launch a new product to make water changers easier. What do you think of it ie function, price, usefulness.
  20. V

    New Tank

    Looking to buy a 5 gallon with a 'hidden' filter that doesn't get in the way when cleaning or aquascaping. It would also be a bonus if it had a built in heater so I don't have to have the ugly thing handing on the back of the tank. Anyone have any ideas?
  21. Monty2451

    Best way to clean a planted

    Hi everyone, I'm getting back into the hobby after about a 10 year hiatus, and am looking to start out again with my first truly planted tank, a 35 gal. cube with some dwarf grass, marimo moss balls, and a Xmas moss bonsai. The most I've done with plants in the past has been some hornwort...
  22. thebeccatron

    Planaria worms?

    Hey, Panicking! I cleaned my tank a few days ago, still trying to get back on track from my last issue (water pump turning the water cloudy, has since been removed). I assumed the water was still cloudy or that I'd somehow got dust in the tank, however on closer inspection...THE DUST IS...
  23. hudsona85

    Tips On This Rock?

    I apologize in advance for the somewhat long post. I went to one of my favorite LFS and as usual oohing, ahhing, and drooling over the fish. I proceeded to ask one of the guys there I've known for a good while about the slate rocks they carry. I wanted to put some in my 75gal to help create the...
  24. GriffinC18

    Cleaning Your Tank

    Hey everyone, I have kept fish for several years now and have always cleaned my tanks by hand. I would do water changes regularly and then about two times a month, i would clean the rocks and get all the nasties that were in bottom of the tank out (crap). I recently tried to convert my sub to...
  25. GuppyGirl20

    Gravel Cleaning?

    So I have a siphon that I use to go my water changes with. I stick it in the gravel to get the gross stuff out and everything but I've noticed my gravel looks a little dirty (like in coloration as in dirt is stuck to it kind of way). To clean gravel do you just scoop some out and give it a...
  26. GuppyGirl20

    Cleaning Tips

    I plan on giving my tank a light cleaning when I move back home for the summer. Can anyone give me any tips? I cant take the gravel out because of my plants but the glass looks like it could use a light scrub (I have a snail but it looks like there is little bits of algae in the glass he cant...
  27. cocoa007

    Tank Cleaning Routine ?

    Hi,   I have a 30 L cube tank with 4 guppies in it. One hang at back filter, fine gravel and one pvc pipe. No plant yet. I do a 10-15 % water change every 5  days.  Do I need to clean the tank or anything in it ? If yes then what do I need to clean and how ?
  28. G

    How To Clean A 5 Gallon Fish Tank?

    Recently I posted a topic asking what fish I should put in my one gallon fish bowl, and all the answers insisted I get at least a five gallon tank for my next betta fish. I would be totally okay with purchasing a five gallon fish tank, but I'm not sure how to clean a tank that big! I would...
  29. mrstwalker

    Tank Cleaning Questions.. Help!

    My husband and I usually siphon all of our tanks once a week, one of our female platys has been giving birth for about 2 weeks now. 11 of these babies are safe in a breeder box but we know there are more fry in the tank. Is it okay to just do water changes and not siphon the tank for a while...
  30. Y

    Slime On Aquarium Glass

    So I have this translucent slime film developing all across my aquarium glass you an really see it except for the little bubbles trapped around it, and I have orangish looking algae growing on my marine rock as well in the main tank, Is this something to be worried about? 
  31. GuppyGirl20

    Help With Cleaning Planted Area Of Tank

    So I have a 5 gallon tank with two plants in the back. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to clean around the plants. I'm scared to get my siphon too close that I might accidentally suck up their roots or something. Have any tips???
  32. K

    Terrapin Water Level?

    Hello, So recently I started to wonder about my terrapins, one red eared male and another unidentified female. Firstly: How high should the water level be? I usually use 2 buckets full, it's a big glass tank. This brings it to about two centimetres over their shells. Is this enough water...
  33. M

    Cleaning Glass With Fish In

    Hi guys, when u clean the aquarium glass on the inside,  can u do it with the fish in and do they mind? 
  34. barlow1984

    Filter Media, Sponges And Wool

    I've had my tank for 3 months and am wondering how often the sponges and the wool they sit on should be changed? I have 2 trays in my filter, in addition they have ceramic noodles underneath.   I read that the noodles should be replaced annually and that I should alternate the replacement of the...